Room For Answers

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Love Me

Perfect Partner Survey
How tall should they be?Ideally taller than 6ft. Because I am
What should they weigh?Between 150 and 250? I don\'t know. Guy weight is weird. Because they look big but all seem to weigh 170ish.
What hair color should they have?I don\'t care but brunettes duet better.
What kind of personality should they have?easygoing, funny, spontaneous
Older or younger?either, but probably not under 23 or over 30
Serious or carefree?a little of both
Spontainous or hesitant?Well, I am both so I would want him to be both to balance me out
Brutally honest or tight-lipped?Yikes, tight-lipped over anything brutal
Beautiful or intelligent?intelligent
Movie or a restuarnt?why not both?
What film actor should they most be like?Brad Pitt hubada!
What singer should they most be like?Dave Grohl- hot, hilarious, fun, and talented
Should they make all the money?Sure!!!!
Do they need to cook?Not if they make all the money. But I don\'t grill.
What is their best body part?\"their mind\" (cheese!) I love arms
What body part do you not care about?asssss
Desk job or physical labour?I don\'t want a Drew Carey, but also don\'t want a dirty man.
What car should they drive?one that is paid off with an accomodating backseat
What one thing completely turns you off?BO.
What one thing completely turns you on?Passion
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