Room For Answers

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Would You Survey

Would You Survey
Would you eat a bug?Yes. But not if it\'s a caterpillar
Would you bungee jump?Probably not. I\'m scared of the ankle thing. Oh, and getting a rope that\'s too long
Would you hang glide?Probably not, but I\'d be tempted
Would you kill someone?NO.
Would you kiss someone of the same sex?Yes, for money.
Would you parachute from a plane?Maybe. I\'m kind of scared.
Would you walk on hot coals?I used to think I\'d be able to do this, but I\'m a tender little morsal
Would you be a vegitarian?Hells no.
Would you instant message a stranger?Yes and I have
Would you sing karaoke?Yes, already have. I sucked.
Would you run a red light?Not on purpose
Would you shoplift?No way
Would you dye your hair blue?Probably not, ew.
Would you be on survivorSure!
Would you wear make-up in public?Every day
Would you not wear make-up in public?sure but I\'d rather wear it. just eye stuff.
Would you cheat on a test?I\'d check my answers if I busted my ass studying and went blank
Would you make someone cry?If they were mean to me, yes.
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?36? MAYBE.
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