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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

6 Weird THings

Dara tagged me to reveal 6 weird things about myself. This should be easy. I'm weird, right?

1. When I was in high school, I would keep track of what I wrote on each piece of paper from a spiral bound notebook. I would write on the little piece between the spirals and the perforated tabs what I had used the sheet for. Insane, I know.

2. I can't stand to use a straw that is too tall for the cup.

3. I sing along to any music that is on...even if it's classical. or a jingle. or someone's cell phone ring tone!

4. I can't throw away movie ticket stubs. Well, that's a lie. If they make it home with me to my bedroom then I stick it up on one of the mirrored (yes) tiles. I have my Clueless ticket stub from 1994(?) up there!

5. I prefer plastic utensils to real ones.

6. I really like prime numbers.


At 7:12 PM, Blogger dara said...

Strangely enough, I have two of the same issues -- movie tickets and prime numbers.


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