Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Thursday, March 09, 2006

From Ali (My sister)

1) Are your parents married or divorced?

2) Vegetarian?
ew no

3) Heaven?
Belinda Carlisle

4)Come close to dying?

5) What jewelry do you wear?
anchor necklace, MWC class ring, randon other ring (changes), Tiffany bracelt, watch, Luckenbooth earrings

6) Are you eating?
not yet, soon though


8) Makeup?

9) Were you the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationship?

10) Would you ever have plastic surgery?

11) What do you wear to bed?
sweats right now because I get so cold

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?

13) Can you roll your tongue?

15) What kind of watch(es)?
Relic, silver

16) Abortion?
have I had one? no

17) Hair color?
dark brown

18) Future child's name?
Isabella and ALI, I like William, too! What are we going to do???

19) Do you snore?
yes, because I can't breathe

20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
the puppy Ali gave me for Christmas

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
buy a bassoon (yes, I know I am a DORK) but second to that I would buy a plane ticket to #20

23) Gold or silver?
white gold

24) Hamburger or hot dog?

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

26) Beach, city, or country?

27) What was the last thing you touched?

28) Where do you eat?
home usually, or out. I mean, do you want specific places?

29) When's the last time you cried?
a few nights ago

30) Have you read any blogs from the person who sent the first?

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

32) Ever been involved with the police?
that one time in Puerto Rico

33) Have you ever got into a fist fight?
no, my dad broke it up

34) Current Crush?

35) Beach or pool?
pool but I like the sound of the ocean

36) Can you cross your eyes?

37) What's your favorite song at the moment?
that Howie Day one

38) Window seat or aisle?

39) Ever met any famous bands/singers?
oh yes, ask for details

40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship?

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
cut, then twirl

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Oprah sans Dr. Phil

43) Basketball or Football?

44) How long does your shower last?
20 minutes?

45) Do you drive a stick?

46) Cake or ice cream?
ice cream

47) Self-conscious?

48) What time do you get up?

49) Have you ever given money to a bum?

50. When was your first crush?

51) Where do you wish you were?
on a yacht

52) Have you ever broken someone's heart?

53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

54) ever gone skinny dipping?

55) Last gift you received?
birthday presents!

56) Last sport you played?

57). Things you spend a lot of money on?
music...and gas...oh, and Starbucks=/

58) What do you see when you look outside your window?
darkness right now

59) High School you attend(ed)?

60) Last wedding attended?
my friend Michelle

61) Favorite fast food restaurant?

62) Where do you work?
SH Smith Construction and Barnes and Noble

63) Can you cook?

64) Most hated food:
sour cream

65) Can you sing?
I don't think so

66) when was ur last kiss?
New Years

67) what was the last piece of mail you opened?
letter saying I can defer my student loans (I'm not going to)

68) Favorite Alcoholic drink:

69) Do you talk in your sleep?


At 2:18 AM, Blogger Anthony said...

You'd buy a bassoon? Fabulous!

My friend Rob is also a bassoonist but owing to the expense, doesn't own one either. He makes do with regular fixes of going to a music shop and playing one for a bit. Last time he bought himself a reed, for old times' sake ...

Thanks for your comments on my own blog, by the way. Feel free to return!

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

I'm obsessed with the bassoon and I want one so badly!

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Good luck on getting a basoon one of these days. What is #20??

Great list... i spend too much money on music and books.


At 11:33 AM, Blogger Miss Scarlet said...


Go here:

my 'real' blog

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Leesa said...

So what did you do that was illegal?

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

Oh, probably just speed and stuff. Nothing too exciting, sorry!


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