Room For Answers

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Monday, November 05, 2007


01: Do you take pills of any sort?
Not usually.

02: You doing anything interesting tomorrow?
Yes. I can't say what, though:)

03: What was your elementary school called?
I went to 4: M.M. Pierce, Mary Walter, Southeastern, and Grace Miller

04: How many hours do you work a week?
40. Although lately I've been trying to take the vacation time I have saved up.

05: Have you ever seen a real giraffe?

06: Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?

07: Where will you retire to?
Greenwich, CT.

08: Last person you completely lost your temper with?
Well, completely? No one in a while. I'm good at staying pretty reserved. I don't want to say something that will come back later and make me look like an ass.

09: What name will you definitely NOT call your kid?
I probably won't reuse Virginia. (It's my middle name)

10: How many people do you know called Lucy?

11: What should you be doing instead of this?
I should be revising work for school, but my insides hurt.

12: What's your favorite planet?
Saturn is cool

13: Do you ever say "your mum"?

14: How about "that's what s/he said"?
all day every day.

15: What's getting on your nerves at the moment?
my insides hurt. and selfish people. and the necessity for oil changes.

16: Are you normally quite patient?

17: Do religious people bother you?
Only when they're weird about it

18: Tongue piercings: gross or hott?

19: What about lip piercings?
v. hott

20: Is happiness a choice?
99% of the time

21: When do/did you leave school?
I finish classes in less than a month, but will technically graduate in May 2008.

22: When it comes to the opposite sex, what is "your type"?
tall, funny, fun, musical usually, tend to have darker hair.

23: Do you brush your hair before you have breakfast?
Yes. Usually...

24: Name three places you've been that you'd go to again:
Puerto Rico, NYC, Montreal

25: What's the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex has done for you?

26: If you were marooned on a desert island, how long would you survive?
However long I needed to

27: What colour dominates your wardrobe?

28: What's your comfort food?
beer? just kidding. something salty, probably

29: Ever sing into your hairbrush pretending it's a microphone?
I think I usually use my cell phone.

30: Speaking of hairbrushes, is yours plastic or metal?
one is plastic, one is..I'm not sure.

31: Is your house key silver or gold?

32: Did you ever play Pokémon?

33: Trade cards?

34: What colour are your bed sheets?
off white right now

35: Does/did your school make you support charities?

36: What music did you listen to five years ago?
2002? Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Hey Mercedes, Strike Anywhere, etc.

37: What colour ink do you normally write in?

38: How do you usually style your hair?
I straighten it 90% of the time. and I have bangs.

39: Who did you spend last Christmas with?

40: If you were cast in a movie, would you be lead role, someone fairly important, someone fairly irrelevant or an extra?
lfor my first one, I'll probably be a supporting character.

41: Aliens are going to eliminate one country from Earth. Given the choice, which country would it be?
not sure

42: Who normally cooks your dinner?

43: George Bush: moron or just doing his job?
doing his job.

44: What TV show should've been cancelled before it was even viewed?
Ugly Betty

45: How many kids do you think you want?

46: Are you happy with life right now?


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