Room For Answers

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Green and red

1. What is one movie you know all the words to? Dirty Dancing

2. What is the last thing you bought for yourself? besides lunch, I bought some clothes at Target.

3. If you could be stranded on a desert island with someone who was really attractive or really humorous who would you choose and why? Humorous. I'm sure after awhile I won't let a lack of attraction get in the way.

4. When you look at a person what is usually the first thing you notice about them? How tall they are or what they're wearing.

5. What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? Just to be mean? Because if they deserve it, it's not mean. I still feel bad about saying something mean about someone's hair once.

6. Do you prefer to dress up or wear comfortable clothes? I love to dress up in clothes that are comfortable.

7. What's your most embarrassing moment? When I wore the wood shoes at that assemble.

8. Are there any quotes you really love that you think apply to life in general? Haven't been this happy in minutes.

9. What's one dessert you've loved since childhood that you still like now? coconut cake!

10. Is there any significant event from your childhood that you believe has effected you today? Haha when I locked Ali between 2 doors.

11. What is the last song you caught yourself singing? That Rihanna one;)

12. If you had to cast someone to play you in a movie who would you pick? Lauren Graham or Jennifer Garner

13. Do you have a list of books you haven't read yet? oh wow, tons!

14. What are some of the one's on your list? lots of classics

15. Who do you consider your role model? Im not sure

16. Is there anything you would change about yourself physically? sure

17. What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten? Be positive!

18. What's the worst piece of advice you've ever been given? You don 't need to study that.

19. Is there anyone from the past that you'd like to see again? Brian

20. What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you? Many,, many things!


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