Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Think

1. Who was your first prom date?
I went with a group of friends. I wasn't supposed to be in town and decided to go the week of it.

2. Do you still talk to your first love?
Not really. We don't not talk.

3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Beer when I was like 10, haha.

4. What was your first job?
Technically Girl Scout Camp Counselor

5. What was your first car?
85ish Chevy Celeb!

6. Who was the first person to text you today?

7. Who is the first person you thought of this morning?
The barista

8. Who was your first grade teacher?
Don't remember. I had two.

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
a 4 seater in PA.

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
I never did that.

11. Who was your FIRST best friend and are you still friends with them?
Krissy? and no.

12. Where was your first sleep over?
I don't remember.

13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning?
The barista!

14. Whose wedding were you in the first time?
My uncle and his ex-wife's

15. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Hit snooze bc I remembered it was a holiday and traffic would be lighter.

17.first tattoo or piercing?
ears when I was in 2nd grade.

18. Who was your first kiss?

19. When was your first detention?
5th grade? for talking.

21. What was the first state you lived in?

22. Who was the first person to really break your heart?

23. Who has hurt you the most?
No one really. If there was any hurt-it was fleeting.

24. Who was your first roommate?

25. Who will be the first to repost this?
no idea


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