Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Security Team

1) What would you absolutely *love* to do, if only you weren't terribly afraid of doing it?
just pick up and move...but I don't really want to and not because of fear

2) What's the sexiest piece of clothing that you own? [Let's exclude lingerie.] How do you feel when you put it on? Where do you usually wear this clothing?
I really love my black cashmere sweater.

3) What is your opinion of reality TV shows? Do you watch any of them? If you could create your own reality TV show, what would it be and why? Would you ever want to be a contestant on a reality TV show?
Some are ok, like The Hills or some seasons of the Amazing Race. Others should die in the firestorm.

4) What words in the English language do you think are completely overused? Do you find yourself saying any of them? If you could ban particular words from the English language, would you? Why? What words would you choose?

5) It's cold and flu season, unfortunately. What things have always helped you feel better when you're under the weather? What remedies do you remember being given when you were a child?
I don't usually get sick, but if I am, I drink a lot of OJ.


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