Room For Answers

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

What are your favorite top ten romantic movies?

In no order:
1. An Affair To Remember
2. Casablanca
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Romeo and Juliet ( but I might stop it before they die.)
5. Cruel Intentions
6. Ghost
7. Titanic (shut up)
8. Shakespeare In Love
9. The Princess Bride
10. Anastasia

What are your top five favorite romantic books (fiction or non-fiction) ?

1. Summer Sisters
2. Time Traveler's Wife
3. I cant think...

If money were no object, where (on earth) would you like to spend your Valentine's Day and how would you spend it? In other words, what is your idea of a perfect Valentine's Day date?

First we'd go to a Mars Volta concert and then we'd get dinner somewhere that has filet minon and scallops (YUM). Then we'd go to to a super swanky hotel. Or we'd hop on a plane and go to the UK.


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