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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Remember Me

9 lasts
1. cigarette: don't remember.
2. beverage: tropical punch
3. kiss: beau
4. hug: ditto
5. movie seen: White Fang- HAHAHA
6. cd played: Nada Surf
7. song listened to: Faith
8. bubble bath: don't remember
9. time you cried: I hit my toe yesterday

8 have you evers
1. dated one of your best friends: Sorta
2. skinny dipped: not yet
3. kissed somebody and regretted it: yes
4. fallen in love: Si
5. lost someone you loved: I guess so
6. been depressed: sorta
7. been drunk and threw up: rarely
8. ran away: No

7 states you've been to: (not counting the one you live in currently)

6 things you've done today
1. Answered a text
2. slept
3. made breakfast
4. put hair back
5. checked email
6. watched Eli Stone

5 favorite things in no order
1. boys
2. music
3. birthday plans
4. new electronics!

4 people you last talked to
1. John
2. Pamela
3. Ali
4. Brendan

3 wishes
1. To travel
2. To be super financially secure (thinking lotto here)
3. To be happily married and have a hott house

2 things you want to be when you grow up
1. hott
2. happy

1 thing you regret
1. buying that soundtrack


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