Room For Answers

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sat Night Late


How many states have you lived in? 1

How many states have you traveled through/vacationed in? Um, 17 or so?

Which state was/is your favorite? besides VA....CT and PA

You have two weeks alone (ALONE!) any place in the world. Where would you go? Greece

What would you do? just lay there, in the sun, swim, go on boats
Where would you least like to live? India.

Why? I'm in love with it via pictures!


How old were you when you first moved out of your parents’ home? 18

Did you ever have to move back in? I'm here now, but it's ok because it's smarter for me not to committ to one place before I'm done with grad school

How old were you when you thought you were "in love" for the first time? I've never been IN love, I loved someone when I was 20 or so though

How old were you when you realized you hadn’t really been?
No, I know I did.

How old were you when you really did fall in love? um 20

What year did you get your first real job? besides babysitting stuff, I was 17 bc the only place I was allowed to get a job was nasty Food Lion so I put that shit off forever!

How much was minimum wage? $5.15?

What year did you graduate from high school? 1998

What was the theme song to your Senior Prom? no idea

JFK’s assassination: not alive

MLK’s assassination:not born yet

Ronald Reagan’s shooting: don't remember

The Space Shuttle explosion: just remember there was a teacher on it

O.J. Simpson’s Low Speed Chase: I think I was at the beach

Princess Diana’s Death: I remember being up that late and thinking it must be false

The Oklahoma City Bombing: don't remember where I was

Do you remember watching the first "Live Aid"?: no


How many letters are in your name? 7

How many keys are on your keychain? 5?

How many windows are in your home? 10?

How many exterior doors are in your home? 3

How many cars have you owned? One

How many states have you had driver’s licenses in? 1

How many e-mail addresses in your ‘primary’ e-mail account address book? no idea, tons

How many email accounts do you have? hahahahhaha, that I use? 4? but I have more than that


What is the last book you read? HP6

What are you currently reading? Citizen Girl

What do you plan to read next? music theory

What was the last movie you watched alone? Walk The Line

What was the last movie you watched with someone else? Nanny McPhee

What (if any) one television do you watch religiously every day/week? Gilmore Girls

What (if any) is your favorite sport? tennis

Soaps: The O.C.

What is your favorite musical? Cabaret

Have you ever seen a live opera production? Np

If so, which ones?

What is your favorite opera? not sure..La Boheme?

Who is your favorite playwright? dunno, I only know Shakespeare

What is your favorite play by him/her? R+J

Who is your favorite poet? Sylvia Plath

What is your favorite poem by him/her? dunno, I don't really have a favorite poet I can think of. I just named Plath to have an answer

Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? Bob Saget, although I've never seen him do standup

Which ‘Friend’ would you say you are most like? Rachel?

Who in ‘Mayberry’ do you have the most in common with? omg, no idea

Which of the two questions above was easiest to answer? I don't feel like looking.


How old are your parents? 54 and 51?

Are you missing any digits? no

Do you wear glasses or contacts? no

Dressing up for an evening out - pants or skirt? skirt

What do you use more of: Tape, Staples or Paper Clips? staples

Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator? FIREFOX!

PC or Mac? PC

If PC: Windows, Linux, or Unix? Windows

Do you use paper towels or re-useable rags? Paper towels

Ladies: Are your toenails painted? yes

Do you prefer showers or baths? Showers


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