Room For Answers

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Finally Some Down Time

Do you tend to speed when you drive?

Does your temper flare a lot?
around family, yes. not always out in public...unless I'm tired.

Do you get emotional easily?
yeah, but I can also hide it.

Which shoe goes on first?
not sure

Are you lazy?
when it comes to laundry, yes.

Name one thing you do that people always tell you about:
roll my eyes

Are you superstitious?
about yellow lights and shooting stars

Do you get bored with relationships quickly?
No, maybe the opposite

Can you sleep without blankets covering you?

What do you sleep in?
tank top and pants.

[Your ABC's]

A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY:
Allie probably. Haha. No, but really, that stupid cunt at DQ actually.

B - is for BEER you prefer:
I'm all abotu Blue Moon lately!

C - is for do you have a CAT?
Gross, no.

D - is for can you DANCE?

E - is for do you have your EARS pierced?

F - is for your best FRIEND?
I dont do the whole bestie thing. I have many best friends.

G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon?
I can't remember

H - is for the last person who HUGGED you?
Ali maybe?

I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see?
I saw a shirt for some reason

J - is for have you ever been to JAIL?
Old Jail Musuem

K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE?
at the beach a bunch of years ago maybe

L - is for your first LOVE:
Brian Flory

M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got?

N - is for do you remember NERF guns?
yeah, i do

O - is for do you OWN a car?
Yes and only 1 more year of payments, whoa!

P - is for your favorite PASTIME?
I love tennis, going to the pool, and anything music related. I would love to be in an orchestra that did nothing but sight read pieces.

Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET?
yes. loudness can be super annoying

R - is for do you like the color RED?
of course! It's my name

S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function?:
I've gotten 3-4 the past few nights and functions, but right now I'm about to go crazy so I'm going to try to get a lot more tonight.

T - is for what TIME is it?

U - is for what is UNDER your bed?
a rug

V - is for what you did last VALENTINE'S day:
I can't remember, I think I may have worked.?

W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER?

X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY?
on my teef

Y - is for the last person you YELLED at?
The people who called me Ginny

Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO?


Who do you wish you could hang out with right now?
Brendan bc I need to ask him something and it's too tough to talk at work.

Name one thing you absolutely can not stand:

Where do you spend most of your time?
work and my car

Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving?
Probably. squirrels are disgusting and stupid

Did your car ever break down?
not this one! but older ones def did

What is the longest amount of time you've been awake?
30 or something.

What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week?
Hang with my boos and do fun things.

Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone?
Yes, I'm a wuss in my old age.

Name one thing you've lied about recently.
Just that something was okay. It sorta bothers me, actually.

What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
Annie Hall

Who was the first person to ever give you flowers?
First? That's a tough one. My mom or something, probably.


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