Room For Answers

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sleep Memer

Do you snore while you're sleeping? Sometimes, but not always. I breathe heavily, I think. I can't breathe through my nose and that's a problem.

How many pillows do you use? 1

How do you sleep? Side? Back? Stomach? All ways.

How comfortable is your mattress? It's amazing. I LOVE it.

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep? Depends. It used to take me forever, but now I can fall asleep a lot more quickly it seems.

Do you fall asleep in front of the TV? I do sometimes, but usually turn it off to sleep.

How many times do you wake up in the middle of the night? Always at 4am bc I set my alarm for then. I go back to sleep of course.

What kind of bed do you have? not, double. It's from IKEA and was the one on Real World a few years ago, haha.

Have you ever fallen off the bed while you were sleeping? I did at my cousin's once and didn't remember doing so! she was like, "How did you think you hurt your lip?"

How close is the alarm clock to your bed? I usually use my phone which I'll keep on my bed. Otherwise, my alarm clock is next to my bed on the floor right now.

How many times you hit the snooze button on your alarm? I set 3 alarms. I don't trust snooze.

What's the first thing you think of when you open your eyes? "Do I have to get up??"

Have you ever had the infamous 'falling' dream? Yes, and I love it.

Ever had a nightmare so bad it woke you up? I don'tthink so.

Do you need any medication to help you get to sleep? No way.

Do you count sheep? I've tried it, but it doesn't work. Crossword puzzles work.

Do you like your mattress soft or hard? soft, I think.

Do you roll around a lot in bed or do you normally sleep in one spot the whole time? Haha, I flop around. Seriously.

What's the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep? I think I fell asleep at a stoplight once.

What's the longest amount of time you've gone without sleep? Only about 24 hours. I need to sleep.

Have you ever fallen asleep in school or at work? Y es to both.

How about in the car? often, yes.

Is this survey putting you to sleep? n ah

Do you still take naps?only on accident, like if I fall asleep while watching tv.

At what times? When super tired.

Do you wish you could go back to having naps at work/school like you did in preschool? yeah, but I don't like for people to see me sleeping.

Are you going to sleep now that this survey's over? nope


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