Room For Answers

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Monday, July 02, 2007


I was tagged by Dara! YAY!

The rules:
1. Post the rules, then list eight things about yourself.
2. At the end of the post, tag and link to eight other people.
3. Leave a comment at those sites, letting them know they've been tagged, and asking them to come read the post so they know what to do.

1. I've never broken a bone, sprained an ankle, had stitches or anything else very bad. *knock on wood*

2. I lived in the dorms all four years of college: Alvey Hall, Ball Hall, Custis Hall*, Mercer Hall** (*Favorite, **Least Favorite and haunted) at Mary Washington.

3. Just to name a few of the TV shows I own on DVD: Gilmore Girls, Alias, Dawson's Creek, Friends.

4. I find it very difficult to wear makeup other than MAC.

5. I used to be so obsessed with tennis that I could name the coaches, ranks, and clothing sponsors of the Top 10 players on each side. Wowzers. I knew everything.

6. I haven't taken a history course since 1996.

7. I love insects. Except for caterpilllars, EWEWEWEWEW.

8. I hate summer and love cold weather.


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