Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Clap Clap Clap

Life Survey =]

1. What's the last mistake you made?
I didnt have my license when I went to vote and had to go home and get it!

2. Is the sun shining?
yeah it's gorgeous out!

3. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?

4. Do you like text messaging?
uhhhh a lot, yes.

5. Are you having a good/bad hair day?

6. What was your last purchase?

7. Are you wearing any make-up right now?
eye makeup

8. What are your plans for later?
pizza then open mic night!

9. What is your favorite DDR song?
I can't remember, but I love that game.

10. Is there any drama within your life?
Ugh, always. Can't get rid of it as much as I try to, but really, it all depends on one thing:)

11. What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio?
It's more that they need to have a better variety

12. Are you content with life right now.
Yeah, a few things are falling into place, but overall it's good

13. Does anyone like you?
Of course

14. What is your current obsession?
playing my iPod in my car again

15. Do you have a dog?

16. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Not yet

17. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
All the's because I work at a bookstore

18. Ever done a random act of kindness?

19. Do your toenails have nail polish on them?

20. When's the last time you wore eyeliner?

21. Last curse word you said was?
crap? does that count

22. Are your lips chapped?
no, just bought good stuff finally

23. Are you currently jealous?
no, people are usually jealous of me;) jk...i'm jealous it's serena's birthday! I love birthdays!!!

24. Do you own an iPod?

25. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes, that I was ready to go out.

26. Are you mad at anyone?
not really

27. Who is the most random person you know?

28. What's going on this weekend?
Not sure, actually.

29. Done any spring cleaning lately?
it's fall.

30. Anything bothering you?

31. What do you search for on YouTube?
So You Think You Can Dance clips!

32. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?

33. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?

34. Do you wish you were someone else?
no way!

35. What jewelry are you wearing?
watch, bracelet, necklace, earrings, 2 rings

36. Ate any exotic food lately?
don't think so

37. How many contacts do you have on MSN?

38. Are you easily amused?
yeah, extremely so sometimes. and by random stuff

39. Can you lick your elbow?
um, no

40. Do you know this song, "we stay fly no lie you know this"?

41. What piercings do you have?
1 per ear

42. Do you have a crush right now?

43. What are your plans over the summer?
no idea just yet

44. How's life going for you?
it's fun!!!


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