Room For Answers

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Time Out

If the last person you kissed moved away, would you be sad?
very much so

Are you happy right now?

Will you be in a relationship next month?
you never know!

Are you looking forward to anything?
the beach this weekend! and all the wedding stuff coming up

Is there someone you will never forget?

If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?

Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit?
umm, when Matt barfed in bad Allie's hair-hahah. love that story.

Do you prefer morning or night?

What time did you go to sleep last night?

Are you waiting on anything?
for the Lakers to win

Would you ever tattoo your significant others name on yourself?

When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
the other night

Who did you last share a bed with?
none of your beeswax

Think of the last person who said I love you to you, do you think they meant it?
of course

What are you doing for your next birthday?
celebrating like nothing before...30!

How many more days until your birthday?
i dunno. a lot

What do you want your next car to be?

Dark hair or light on the opposite sex?

How many texts are in your inbox?

What's wrong with you right now?
wrong? nothing?

Would you get married if you could right now?
ummmm, sure

How did you feel when you woke up today?

Believe in second chances?
yes, but thirds are hard to come by

What are you listening to?

Do you prefer someone taller or shorter than you?

Are you excited for summer?
no...but i am for the beach

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
my mom

Will tomorrow be better than today?
tomorrow is my friday

How many piercings do you have?

What woke you up this morning?
fucking alarm

Do you prefer the ocean or pool?

Do you drink water daily?
oooh yeah

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
not as much as the same sex. girls are weird.

Do you miss anyone?

What do the majority of people in your life call you?

What if your parents didn't like the person you were dating?
i don't think that would happen

What's your favorite number?


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