Room For Answers

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Read Me

Best, Worst, Last, First, Today, Tomorrow, Favorites, Currently, and True & False.

b e s t
1. Male friend: Steven
2. Female friend: Ali
3. Vacation: Puerto Rico was hott but not really a vacation so I'll say NYC with Ali

w o r s t
1. Time of day: Any time before 9am
2. Day of the week: Thursdays-I'm stressed and tired and it's computer overload day, wait-maybe Sundays bc I work at BN that day:(
3. Food: sour cream
4. Memory: week before graduation

l a s t
1. Person you saw: my mom
2. Talked to on the phone: dad
3. Hugged: my mom (omg I'm a mamma's/daddy's girl!)
4. Text: Vanessa

t o d a y
1. What are you doing now: just got home from class and ate a hamburger. I'm still hungry, and I'm watching Lost
2. Wearing: black pants, white button up shirt, black cardigan
3. Better than yesterday: Nah, today = answering phones at work and class

t o m o r r o w
1. Is: my day of going crazy
2. Got any plans: work 8-430, then class
3. Goal: to not spend any money
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: work and class, duh
5. Likes about tomorrow: almost Friday

f a v o r i t e
1. Number: 17
2. Song: at the moment its an Arab Strap one
3. Color: right now it's green
4. Season: winter

c u r r e n t l y
1. Missing someone: I miss people who aren't there as much as I am
2. Mood: relaxed
3. Wanting: to kiss someone:)


I am a cuddler- no.

I am a morning person- not at all

I am a perfectionist- sometimes

I am an only child- no

I am currently in my pajamas- no

I am currently pregnant- no but I wish I could take maternity leave

I am currently single- yes

I am currently suffering from a broken heart- no

I am left handed- no

I am addicted to myspace- no

I am online 24/7- no

I am very shy around the opposite gender- at times

I bite my nails- nah

I can be paranoid at times- unfortunately, yes

I currently have a crush on someone- unsure.

I currently regret something that I have done- no

When I get mad I curse frequently- yeah it's like, "SHIT FUCK!" a lot

I enjoy country music- the old stuff (Dolly, Johnny, etc.)

I enjoy jazz music- some of it. not the cheesy stuff and not the forever long improvised stuff

I enjoy smoothies- YES

I enjoy talking on the phone - sort long as the conversation flows. I hate to be called and then expected to lead the convo

I have a cell phone- oh yeah

I have a hard time paying attention at school- I used to have a hard time staying awake

I have a hidden talent- nothing that's hidden

I have a lot to learn- about what?

I have a secret: yeah

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" guy/girl- wrong in that nothing comes of it? yes. Well, not always but usually. Everyone should love me...but they don't.

I have all my grandparents- no, I never met my dad's mom and his dad is now passed away:( my mom's parents are great

I have at least one brother and/or sister- one of each, yes

I have been told that I am smart- yeah

I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor- yes

I have broken a bone- no

I have changed a diaper- not that many, actually

I have changed a lot over the past year- Not sure...have I?

I have done something illegal- just speeding and stuff

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color- hair this hott has to be natural;) hahaha the answer is: my hair color is quite natural

I have had major/minor surgery- just my wisdom teef out

I have killed another person- no

I have had my hair cut within the last week- no its been forever, I'm unofficially growing it ou

I have had the cops called on me- just for loud parties


At 8:41 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Cool beans... I am right with you on the sour cream. It is just wrong. Someone needs to do something about making it disappear!

have a great long weekend.



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