Room For Answers

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

People Annoy Me

58 Odd Questions...

[1] What is your middlename:

[2] what color is your mailbox:

[3] what kind of car do you drive:
05 hyundai elantra, it's hott

[4] Have you ever hit a deer:
Well, a deer hit me;) At like 4am 2 winters ago. Stupid thing knocked my headlight off (flip up lights on a Firebird)

[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
not over water...just overpass bridges maybe

[6] Do you get the paper delivered to your house in the morning:

[7] Who checks the mail in your house?

[8] Do you have a small driveway:
I don't think so

[9] Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you:
My mom

[10] What do you do first in the morning?

[11] What brand is your printer?

[12] Do you enjoy fighting with people:
No because I feel bad. But as long as they're cunts and I'll win, then sure.

[13] Is your hair naturally straight or curly:

[14] Who was your kindergarten teacher:
Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Timmons

[15] Are your teeth crooked:
No but I have vampire teeth:)

[16] Are you taller than your mother:
Yes by a few inches

[17] Do you have a favorite word:

[18] What color is the interior of your car:
light gray

[19] What do you do to get over a broken heart?
break knees

[20] Do you have a deep dark secret:
probably not

[21] Do you know anyone who never rode a bike:?
I don't know, that topic doesn't come up much.

[22] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
Yes but I hate to change colors, I like it to be consistent

[23] Does anything hurt on your body right now:
my feet. I hate BN.

[24] Do you often cry during movies:
In my old age I've become a sap. It sucks!

[25] Do you hate your life?
Not at all!

[26] Do you get mad easily:?, probably. but not always outwardly

[27] Do you drink to get drunk:
No. I may drink to get tipsy but it's not often I drink to get drunk. It would take a lot and then I say embarassing things.

[28] What is your biggest pet peeve:
Ashley Parker Angel haters.

[29] What is your away message:
"Under The Tuscan Sun=Love"

[30] Do any of your friends have kids:
yes! so cute!

[32] Who should pay on the first date:
I'm so not in the camp who thinks the guy should pay (unless he's super rich and then it would be nice because I am NOT super rich)...I think each person should pay their half. Or, if there will be another date they can alternate.

[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date?
Any older than 34 would probably intimidate me.

[34] Do you have any friends:
Yes...taking applications for more, though, too.

[35] Do you have any mean friends:
I have mean acquaintances

[36] What is the ugliest color in your opinion:
I can't think of an ugly color but I hate pastels. They suck!

[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldnt stand:
like a boy? Don't think so. A friend? I don't think so, either.

[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously:
HAHA, no

[39] Have you ever been fired from a job:

[40] What year was your house built:
Oh wow, um...1990?

[41] When was the last time you slept in someone elses bed:
few weeks ago when my parents were in St Lucia

[43] How tall are you:

[44] What is the closest green object?
a beach towel

[45] What is on your feet:
a blanker right now

[46] Do you always wear underwear?
Yes except for the obvious times of bathing or swimming

[48] Do you want to have kids:

49] How many years apart are you and your next sibling:
7 years between me and Ali and 6 years between me and Jesse

[50] Who is the last friend you have, that you would ever expect to be gay?:
this question is AWESOME-I imagine anyone I don't pick to be like, "WHY DIDN"T SHE PICK ME!?" Ummmmm- Ali.

[51] When was the last time you had a girls night or guys night:
Ew, like just girls? Maybe for Vanessa's engagement party?

[52] Whats your mothers middle name:

[53] Stupidest movie you ever saw:
It's hard to think of a STUPID movie and not just one I hated. I haven't seen Gigli yet, I guess.

[54] Do you collect comic books:

[55] Do you look like your dad:
yes! He's hilarious.

[56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD:
This is sick: Friends 1-10, Gilmore Girls 1-5, Dawson's Creek 1-5, West Wing 1, Nip/Tuck 1, Sex and the City 1-4, My So-Called Life, Family Guy 1-4, Alias 1-4, Lost 1, Newlyweds 1-3, American Dreams 1, Da Ali G Show 1, The O.C. 1-2, Significant Others, The Simple Life 1-2, Viva La Bam 1

[57] Are you wearing makeup:

[58] Do you have a tattoo:


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

In reference to No. 56 - do you ever get to leave the house?!?!

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Miss Scarlet said...

I own them but I don't sit around watching them all the time;)


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