Room For Answers

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In The Year Two Thousand (And Siz)

Since the beginning of 2006...

1. Have you had a gf/bf?:


2. Have you had your birthday?:
Yes 17 Feb!

3. Been to church?
no, I open every Sunday

4. Cried yet?:
Of course. It's what I do

5. Had someone close to you pass away?

My grandpap

6. Pulled an all nighter?:

Never have I not slept at all and gone until the next night. I've gone on like, an hour or so sleep but it was a serious struggle. I like sleep.

Drank starbucks?:
hahah YES!

[[In the past month...]]

1. Kissed someone?:
Not yet

2. Slept in a friend's bed:
No, I like my bed

3. Snuck someone over?:
No, ahahah

4. Snuck out of your own house?:
just to not wake people up

5. Been in a bar?:

6. Lied?:

7. Gotten a car?:
No, I love my car.

8. Gone over your cell phone bill?:

I hate Verizon right now

9. Been called a whore?:


10. Drove somewhere?:

ahhhh yes, too much.

11. Done something you regret?:



Things you bought lately?:

Person you hugged?:


Last time you took a bubble bath?
I hate bubble baths, it's been 4 eva

When was the last time you felt stupid?
I don't often feel stupid.

When was the last time you walked/ran over a mile?:

Who was the last person who made you cry?:


Who was the last person you watched a movie with?:

in the theatre? Steven
Who was the last person you danced with?:
Ummm, I don't know

Who did you last yell at?:

Who last told you they loved you?
My mom

Who makes you smile most?:

What are you listening to right now?:
Almost time for Alias!

What did you do yesterday?:
Work 8-4 with the crazy meeting, home, then orchestra 7-930, then pizza, then TV, then sleep

Hugs or kisses?
I'll take both, sure.


At 7:27 AM, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Your birthday is the same day as my fathers and a week after mine.


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