The Afters

This should be interesting but I'm going to try:
Pick a band and answer the following questions only with titles of their songs.
The band is, THE AFTERS (review of CD to follow) and I'm sure I'll have to repeat songs:
1. Are you male or female? All That I Am
2. Describe yourself: Beautiful Love
3. How do some people feel about you? You
4. How do you feel about yourself? Love Will Make You Beautiful
5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Love Lead Me On
6. Describe your current significant other: Someday
7. Describe where you want to be: Until The World
8. Describe how you live: All That I Am
9. Describe how you love: Beautiful Love
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish? You
11. Share a few words of wisdom: Thank God I'm Not The One
12. Now say goodbye: Wait
Okay so while I don't have anything against singing about Jeebus and stuff, I LOATHE the category "Christian Rock". What makes a song SOUND Christian? Does it have to be lame a la Jars of Clay to be in that category? Because plenty of people sing about God and stuff and aren't placed in the Christian Rock category (although I hate them and want them to die, Creed is a good example).
So with that said, I was surprised to read that The Afters make sure to say they are Christians. It worried me at first that I was going to waste my time listening to some lame Christian Rock band and even though I love the song, "Beautiful Love", I wasn't sure that one song was enough for me. But I was pleasantly surprised by their album, "I Wish We All Could Win" which, first of all, has a really great cover. I love the album title along with the pictures of the tortoise and hare.
Now, on to the songs. "Beautiful Love" is easily going on my Summer 2006 mix CD I'm working on. It's catchy and awesome and reminds me of 8th & Ocean (I'm slightly obsessed with that show.)
Going from favorite to least favorite, I would have to say that "All That I Am" is my least favorite but only because I can't relate to it at all. Usually I like the music first and then listen more closely to the words but this song just stuck out and I'm going to have to give it a few more tries before I can say I like it.
Overall this is a good album and I would recommend it to anyone who likes Howie Day, Switchfoot, and really just anyone looking for some solid songs with great hooks. They're from Texas which is always a good sign as I like a ton of bands out of there and combined with their connection to 8th & Ocean, I've got to give this band my thumbs up and best wishes.
My immediate reaction to the cover is "Awesome."
I did my own review of the Afters cd:
Strange Culture: The Afters: "I Wish We All Could Win"
What do you think?
--RC of
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