Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday Morning

1. What does your shower curtain look like?
I think its cream colored

2. What do you smell right now?
Coke Blak

3. Do you wish you had a twin?
YES! I always wanted one so badly and hated that it was the type of thing you could get after the fact;)

4. Do you like french toast or grilled cheese the best?
Hello, Sophie's Choice! Wow....maybe grilled cheese. No, french toast. omg, I don't know!

5. What is your favorite kind of soup?
french onion

6. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
I'm hesitant to be a tree bc of the tree pollen. So I'd be whatever kind of tree is hott and not much pollen.

7. What is the first book you ever remember reading?
I remember reading a short picture type book and memorizing it so I cried when my dad took it away. I thought I had been reading it but it was memorized.I was little.

8. If dogs started meowing and cats started barking, what would you do?
kick the cat.

9. Have you ever cussed out a teacher?
Not to them. I told one to shut up once.

10. What two colors really don't look good together?
I think all colors can look good together. It's usually going to depend more on the style of the clothing and fabric.

11. Do you like your hair?
I do! But it does get annoying having to blow dry it

12. Are you a pyromaniac?

13. Have you ever seen the movie Citizen Kane?

14. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
I dont remember....4?

15. Whats your favorite Capri Sun?

16. What color is your cell phone cover?
my phone doesn't have a covor...I want to bling it up,though.

18. What are you allergic to?
pollen, raw apples/pears, almonds sometimes, dust, dander, work

19. Where were you when the challenger exploded?
I dont remember

20. What is your normal body temperature?
96.8 seriously.

21. Are hoodies out of style?
They're fine for hanging out at home or when sick.

22. Do you think there will be flying cars 20 years from now?
Nah, but the cars will be super ok for the environment

23. Do you think you're hotter than your friends?
Of course;)

24. Who are you jealous of this very second?
I get twinges of jealousy for people who 1) don't have to work on the weekends and 2) people with lots of money

25. What color do you wish your eyes were?
they are green...maybe brighter sometimes.

26. Have you ever had poison ivy?
YES! I am very allergic to it. I had it on my face one:(

27. Are you better at jump roping or hoola hooping?
jump roping, I need to get one. HAHA, on the way back from New England I bought Ali a jump rope from some random gas station in PA that she really wanted. It was $1.

28. Have you ever ordered pizza for somebody else's address?

29. What animal is more evil, a cat or a dog?
CAT. I hate cats.

30. Have you ever been in a car wreck?
No *knock on wood*

31. If so, was it serious?

32. Do you give blood?
No. It would worry my mom and also, when I used to have to get blood taken they could NEVER get it easily so I don't want to do that.

33. Will you donate your organs after you've passed on?
I'm ok with it, I think.

34. Do you do any kind of community service?
No but I'd like to. I'd like to tutor kids...I wonder if I could give music workshops!

35. Do you have a job?
I do..I have two. One Full Time and one Part Time. Neither are what I'll be doing 4 eva.

36. Do you like driving in the rain or the snow better?
rain I suppose

37. When was the last time you changed the oil in your car?
like 2 weeks ago. I have to get it changed often bc I drive a lot.

38. Do you look good in the color green?
Yes I've been wearing a lot of it

39. If it was legal, would you go to school naked?
omg no. And I hope noone else does!

40. Have you ever gotten two people together in a relationship?
I've helped get two people together but not in a relationship way...nothing serious, I mean.

41. Have you ever broken two people up in a relationship?
Almost, lis.

42. When you go swimming, do you dry off with the towel or do you let the sun dry you?

43. Do you think every movie needs a sequel?
Nah but they're not always bad (Oceans 12, 13, etc:)

44. How do you get when you are drunk?
Awesome, of course. I get really flirty, I think. I mean, flirtier-haha.

45. If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
No way!

46. Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
People say I look just like my mom. I definitely have dad traits too though

47. Out of your five senses, which one would you say is your strongest?
My hearing is off the hook;)

48. Has your house ever caught on fire?
No but our neighbors burned their last house down and it used to make me nervous to live next to them.

50. Do you clip your nails or pick them when they get too long? uhh, clip.


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