Room For Answers

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rogue Wave Lyrics Are Good

1. A month before it happens you're told you're going to lose your memory. How do you prepare for it and do you attempt to regain what you've lost?

Well, I have all of my photos, so that's good. Am I also going to lose memory of like, how to do things like play the clarinet? That would suck. I would take a week and write down everything I do and the people I talk so I could get back into those habits.

2. How do you describe your outlook on life?

I think I'm pretty optimistic and positive. At least for the big picture. Sometimes I am not so much on the details, though.

3. You fall in love with your soulmate, decide to get married, and then find out that person is going to die soon. Do you marry them anyway?

Well, yeah, because their death is going to be tough no matter what-married or not.

4. What are three of your favorite ice cream toppings?

whipped cream, walnuts, hot fudge?

5. Is there one article of clothing you love to wear no matter how out of style it is?

um, bootcut jeans? haha.

6. Is there one color you wish would go away in fashion?

anything pastel.

7. What's the first department you head to when you go shopping in a department store?

Maybe sunglasses. Then bags. Then shoes. Then clothes...but only bc it's harder to resist the clothes.

8.How far away do you live from your parents?

Pretty close.

9. Growing up, who was your favorite cartoon character?


10. You plan a romantic evening and everything goes wrong, including the fancy dinner you burned. What do you do?

Laugh. Definitely laugh...and then stop trying so hard and just hang out. Oh and can we mo?

11. What's the last thing you bought at the store?

Snow Patrol- Songs For Polar Bears

12. Have you ever walked out in the middle of a movie?

Never. once I pay for it, I'm there til the end.

13. What celebrity do most people say you look like?

None really. Do any of my friends have suggestions?

14. Is there any piece of jewelry you always wear?

my Tiffany braclet never comes off.

15. Have you ever tried to pick someone up?

Sorta. I usually do it for fun, but will stop before it leads anywhere too far or uncomfortable.

16. What's the one thing you always manage to forget on your way out the door?


17. Out of these creatures which one are you most afraid of:
A.) Snakes
B.) Spiders
C.) Rodents


18. What's the last gift you bought for a friend?

It will be whatever Steven decides he wants.

19. Do you ever buy people things for no reason?

Not right now. I'd like to, but have no money.

20.What's your favorite way to spend a lazy summer afternoon?

OMG at the pool or beach.


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