Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

When Does America's Next Top Model Come On?

01. If you were given the opportunity to have bigger boobs for a day, would you go for it?
I'd have to go shopping first.

02. What was the last book you read?
Education & Experience by John Dewey.

03. What do you call your mum?
Mom and boo

04. Do you ever get rude comments on your xanga or myspace?

05. Have you ever been seriously scared you were going to die?

06. What season were you born in?

07. Do you like to be in the water?
ohhhhh yeah. I prefer chlorinated or caribbean water, though.

08. What kind of stuff do you dream about?
random things. nothing scary

09. Have you ever dreamt you were naked in public?

010. When was the last time you felt really embarrassed?
I'm much better at not getting embarassed now...or, at least, I cover it up. SO i cna't remember when.

011. What do you think about hair extensions?
I kind of want them....but I'm scared.

012. Do you think Lindsay Lohan is a bitch?

013. Do you think the Wayans brothers are hilarious?
until they did that last movie

014. Can either of your parents play an instrument?
I don't think so

015. Do you have a little brother?

017. What is your favourite boys name?
I like the following: William, Paul, Saul, Vincent

018. If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be and why?
Scotland bc I would love it

019. Did you know that a Finnish heavy metal band called Lordi won the Eurovision song contest?

020. Have you even heard of the Eurovision song contest?

021. Do you like fairytales?
Only if they're about me

022. What color is the sky right now?
um, sky blue.

023. Are your fingernails painted or natural?

024. Do you cut your toenails?
Yes, but I don't talk about it, ok?

025. Do you ever get smelly feet?
ew, girls dont' get that

026. Do you think Borders is a great bookstore?
No, BN is better.

027. If money was no object would you ever get plastic surgery?

028. What do you think about permanent make up?

029. Would you ever get a tattoo?
maybe, but probably not

030. Do you think nose piercings look hot?
hotter on girls. Guys look good with lip piercings

031. Do you think it is wrong to smoke around pregnant women and babies?
it's not a good thing

032. Would you ever like to visit Ireland?
not as much as Scotland. Ireland isn't high on my list

033. When does summer begin for you?
June 21st?

034. Are you a movie buff?
about the ones I like, yes

035. Do you think that bands like Panic! at the disco suck?
no, they can be catchy

036. Dont you just hate ignorance?

037. Would you rather be able to rap or sing opera/classically?

038. If you could be transported to 1940s England or 1790s France, what would you choose?
What happened in France then?

039. Have you ever watched Dr Who?
yeah, it was bad

040. Have you ever seen a ghost?

041. Do you find the idea of space scary?
YES, I don't know why ANYONE would want to go up there.

042. Do you honestly believe that God created the world in seven days?
If he says he did, then he did. Sure.

043. Can you believe that some sick bastards could bring themselves to eat horses?
I don't want any, thanks.

044. Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

045. What have you eaten today?
breakfast bar, brownie, cake. hahah

046. Do you watch Big Brother?

047. Is it warm outside?
it's better than yesterday.

048. Do you find puppies, although cute, a little too excitable?

049. When was the last time you saw your grandparents?
last wed

050. Could this survey have been more random?


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Mirra Fine, Graphic Designer said...

Love it! ANTM comes on TONIGHT! I cant wait.

(I know, Im pathetic...but at least i admit it!)


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