Room For Answers

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Which Would You Rather Eat?

1. Which do you prefer: slamming a vestigial finger in the door, or drinking hot Coke? I'd rather drink hot coke

2. Which is worse: getting punched in the nose, or being violently ill? I've never been punched in the nose so I don't know how to compare the two.

3. Which would you least enjoy: being maimed by a shark, losing at the $1,000,000 level on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, or realizing you have no future? Being maimed would suck

4. Which would you rather excel at: mimery, ventriliquism, or growing a mustache? Mimery. the others scare me.

5. Which would you rather eat: uncooked bacon, or cooked hand? uncooke bacon

6. How awesome are you? VERY

7. Who would you rather look like (and we're talking the spitting image here): Santa Clause, the Jolly Green Giant, Osama bin Ladin, or Ursula the Sea Witch? SANTA! Everyone would love me.

8. Who would you prefer to have as a roommate: Carrot Top, Tom Cruise, Elizabeth Taylor, or Gallagher (the guy who smashes watermelons with a mallet)? Elizabeth Taylor (the dog)

9. If you were a pet, what kind of pet would you be, and who would you prefer to have as an owner: Paris Hilton or Michael Jackson? puppy and Paris.

10. Which movie would you rather live in: Office Space, Snakes on a Plane, Pride and Prejudice, or Field of Dreams? Pride & Prejudice


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