Room For Answers

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Truth Or Dare

1.Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed?

2. Have you ever seen your best friend cry?

3. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid?
I don't remember.

4. What is the last thing you ate?
oatmeal/choco chip cookie

5. Did you get any compliments today?
Yes. For my shirt. and hair.

6. Have you ever gone to court?
No, well, just when I got my license.

7. Whats the fifth text message in your inbox?
it's from ali about cleaning her fridge

8. Are you friends with your neighbors?
Not really

10. What languages do your parents speak?

11. Where have you lived throughout your life?
all over NOVA and Fauquier County. And Fred'burger and Richmond.

12. What's the last piercing you got?
My ears when I was in second grade.

13. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes?
Home from work today.

14. Do you get distracted easily?
When tired, oh yes.

15. Have you ever thrown up/passed out from drinking?
Just the once, when I turned 26.

16. Do you get jealous easily?
Yes and no. If I'm aware of it, I can sometimes not let it happen.

19. Have you ever toilet papered someones house?
No,but I TPed a car once.

20. Have you ever had a crush on your brother or sister's friends?

21. Have you ever gone to a beach?
Yes! Love the beach.

22. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yeah, at BN.

23. Do you remember your music teacher's name from elementary school?
Mrs. Monahan.

24. How many siblings do you have?

25. Have you ever gone to a party?
yes, a few;)

26. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?

27. What would you say if I told you I was in love with your brother?
I'd say, "can't blame you" and "he's taken"

28. Have you ever been out of your country?

29. Have you seen your best friend naked?
I don't think so

30. What was the best wedding you've ever been to?

31. Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?
Yeah, if it cost money to get me out.

32. Where are your siblings right now?
Jesse is probably in RVA and Ali is in FX

33. Do you have a Coach, Fendi or Louis Vuitton purse?
Yes, actually, but it's old.

34. What's the last dream you can remember?
I don't remember.

35. Who was the last person who called you?

36. What time did you wake up this morning?

37. What are you doing this weekend?
Besides work, I am not sure. Something fun and exciting, of course!

38. What does the 13th text message on your phone say?
it's from Vanessa and is about her being excited about the weekend.

39. Do you drunk dial/text?
Yeah, I used to do it A LOT, but now I'm a lot better about it.

40. When was the last time you were really sick?
Wine Week when the calimari made me want to die.

41. Who's the last celebrity you touched?
Probably some band member.

42. What's in your back pocket?

44. Do you want to be pregnant right now?

45. Do you wear colored contacts?

46. How do you get to school?
In my car. School sucks.

47. What were you doing at 4am this morning?
Turning my alarm off.

48. What do you usually do first in the morning?

49. Do you know anybody in the Army?


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