Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Monday, April 24, 2006


A - Available: Yes but not just to anyone
A - Age: 26
A - Annoyance: unnecessary talking. being a cunt. pollen.

B - Best Friend: Ali because she's the most fun.
B - Bad Habit: spending money?
B - Birthday: 17 feb

C - Crush: taking applications.
C - Car: 05 Elantra
C - Cats: don't like cats.

D - Dead Pets Name: Petunia, Rachel
D - Desk Top Picture: Ali's puppy
D - Dogs: I wish!!!!

E - Easiest person to talk to: noone, it's never easy!
E - Eggs: fried hard, YUM!
E - Email: sendmemail

F - Favorite color: green right now, also red.
F - Food: tomatoes, YUM!
F - Foreign Slang: cunty? or stroyed

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: neither, no thanks.
G - God: I can't stand non-traditional church services
G - Good Times: college was fun

H - Hair Color: dark brown
H - Height: 5'10"
H - Happy: not right now, allergies and bills suck

I - Ice Cream: coffee is my favorite
I - In school?: Yeah, Wish I wasn't though. Hate school
I - Introverted or Extroverted?: mix of both

J - Jewelry: anything from Tiffany, please!
J - Job: in an office
J - Jokes: I never joke;)

K - Kids: kids = maternity leave! yay!
K - Karate: Daniel-san!
K - Kung fu: I don't know it

L - Longest Car Ride: um, from here (south of DC) to Vermont.
L - Longest relationship: N/A
L - Last phone call: some guy named Salvador (answering phones at work)

M - Milk Flavor: um, skim. and steamed with espresso
M - Mothers Name: Pamela
M - Movie Last Watched: Safety Of Objects

N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Northern or Southern: nothern
N - Name: Scarlet

O - One Phobia: clowns? small spaces? maybe
O - Open or Closed?: closed if it's a circuit
O - Orgasm: TMI

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Married.
P - Part of your jerking: huh?
P - Part of your personality you like best: I cna be silly and fun but not in the annoying way;)

Q - Quote: Today is the greatest day.
Q - Question for the next person?: Will you buy me a present?
Q - Quick or Slow?: usually quick

R - Reality TV Show: I'm gonna be on Amazing Race
R - Right or Left: Right
R - Right now: time is moving toooo slowly!

S - Song Last Heard: I Turn My Camera On- Spoon
S - Season: Winter rules!
S - Sport: tennis 4 eva

T - Time you woke up: 6:30
T - Time Now: 11:29
T - Time for bed: 11pm ish

U - Unknown Fact about me: I own saddle shoes
U - Unicorns: NO NO NO!
U - You are: reading my blog. go comment on the other one, too. SVR!

V - Vegetable you hate: green peppers?
V - Vegetable you love: broccoli
V - Voice: of an angel!

W- Worst Habits: not putting things away
W- Where are you going to travel next?: NC to see Ali's bear
W - Where were you born?: Loudoun Co., VA

X - X-Rays: only teef so far
X - XXX: the movie? no thanks
X - Xylophone: I'd get nervous to play one in a concert

Y - Year you were born: 1980
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: used to be my favorite color

Z - Zoo Animal: panthers!
Z- ZodiaC: Aquarius
Z - Zoolander: FUNNNY!.


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