Room For Answers

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oprah Road Trip


Today Did You--

1. talk to a boy/girl you like today?

2. realize anything new?
that standing there for 10 minutes works

3. talk to an ex?

4. miss someone?

Last person who--

5. slept in your bed?
um, only me for a long time...not since Richmond;)

6. saw you cry?

7. you went to the movies with?

8. went to the mall with you?
I go to the mall alone usually

9. you said "i love you" to?
my mom

10. that made you laugh?

11. said they loved you

12. that called you in the middle of the night?

13. do you have a crush on someone?
trying to/trying not to

Just plain questions--

14. what book are you reading?
rereading Survivor for book group

15. best feeling in the world
winning, haha

16. favorite location?
I like boats

17. piercing/tattoos?
just in the ears

18. what are you most scared of right now?

19. where do you want to get married ?
Fuck, I don't care.

20. who do you really hate?
noone right now

21. does anyone hate you?
don't think so.

22 do you like being around people?
60% of the time

23. have you ever cried?
hahaha oh yeah

24. are you lonely right now?

25. song stuck in your head right now?
more Ben Gibbard

27.ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you?
oh yeah

28.ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
um, don't think so

29. how many beds did you lay in yesterday?1

30. what color shirt are you wearing?
i'm not wearing one

31. name three things that you do every day
brush my teeth, blink, drink water

34. when was the last time you saw your dad?
last night

35. who got you to join myspace?

36. what did you have for dinner last night?
pasta with alfredo sauce

39. what web site do you visit the most?

40. do you have plants in your room?

41. does anything hurt on your body right now?
my legs are tight


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