Room For Answers

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter Survey

Honestly, I probably don't know the books/movies well enough to do this, but oh well.

Five Things I Want to Happen in DH that probably WILL happen:

1. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will be killed once and for all!
2. Pettigrew will do something good.
3. Ron and Hermione get together! PLEASE.
4. We find out Snape IS good.
5. Fawkes comes to Harry.

Five Things I Want to Happen in DH that probably WON'T.
1. No one dies except for V.
2. The two characters who die do not include Harry, Ron, or Hermione.
3. Lots of moments with the twins somehow. They crack me up.
4. Aunt Petunia leaves her hubby and shows she can do magic.
5. Draco dies on page 1.

Five Things I Want To Happen in DH that DEFINITELTY won't:
1. Dumbledore isnt dead!
2. Cho gets knocked up because she's a slut.
3. One of the Weasley brothers becomes a teacher at Hogwarts
4. Ron and Hermione get caught making out in some random closet
5. Hagrid admits he's just big boned and not 1/2 giant.

Five Things I DON'T Want to Happen in DH that Probably WILL:
1. A major character dies.
2. Lots of stuff I don't really 'get' because I don't remember the other books well enough
3. Draco does something nice. Hate him.
4. Luna gets between Ron and Hermione.
5. It ends:(

HP Friday Five #1
1. What Hogwarts house do you think you'd be sorted into? Why?
Gryffindor if only because one of its colors is Scarlet! But based on characteristics, I would say Ravenclaw because they value intelligence, knowledge and wit.

2. Who is your favorite character? Why?
Probably Ron because he's funny and kind of unsure of himself. He's also such a loyal friend to Harry and I love that he secretly loves Hermione. (HE DOES!) I love his twin brothers, too.

3. Who is your least favorite character? Why?
Draco. He drives me insane. SOOOo annoying.

4. How long have you been a fan of Harry Potter?
I bought Book 1 when Book 6 came out 2 years ago.

5. Which book is your favorite? Why?
I'm not sure, really. Not #1. Maybe the Triwizard Cup one.

HP Friday Five #2
1. Which HP character would you least like to wake up next to, hungover, with no memory of the night before?
Hagrid. Blech!

2. Of which character did your opinion change most as you read the entire series and why?
Snape. Good Bad Good Bad.

3. If you had a time turner, what is something you'd go back and change within the HP series?
I wish Harry hadn't had a crush on Cho. Lame-o.

4. Who is the bigger traitor: Snape or Peter Pettigrew?

5. Which chapter has affected you most?
One of the last ones of book 6, probably, but I knew what was coming so it wasn't TOOOOO profound.

1. What is your favorite part of Book 1? Why?
Uhhh, I've read book 1 twice, but it all starts to blur together for me. and then I start to picture the movie and all I see is cute little Harry's smiling face:)

2. If Hogwarts really did exist, what area of the castle would you visit first? Why?
The Great Hall. Hands down. YUM!

3. What's your favorite spell or curse? Why?
ACCIO! Because then I can be lazy, haha.

4. Which Weasley is your favorite? Why?
Ron is a-dorable.

5. If you could see a character from another fandom be dropped into the world of HP, who would it be and why?
fandom? Vomit.

1. What kind of job would you like have in the magical world? Why?
I like Mr. Weasley's job. SOunds cool. Or just a job in Diagon Alley working somewhere cool.

2. Who do you think will not survive Book 7? Why?
I actually don't think Harry will die, and I see no reason for Hermione to die so I'm afrraid it'll be Ron. I'm not sure who else, though.

3. Who do you think was best cast in the films?
They all work for me, actually. OMG, especially Snape. Scary!

4. Who is your favorite periphery character? Why?
Luna is kinda funny, but also annoys me. I like the ghosts, too.

5. What would you do if you could use an invisibility cloak for one day?
I've always said I wanted to be a "fly on the wall" haha

1. Who is your favorite Hogwarts professor?
McGonagall? She's fair, but also awards points to her house all the time, haha.

2. Which character would you like to know more about?

3. You are a loyal Death Eater, but you're itching to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Acting on your own, which character do you off to prove your love to Voldemort? (EXCLUDING Harry) Why?
I wouldn't act on my own. He'd want to know what I was doing!

4. Share a moment in the books when you've just felt like reaching into the page and slapping some sense into a character.
I hated it when Harry would go into Dumbledore's pensieve.

5. What's one bit of advice you'd give to someone who has just started reading the HP series for the first time?
Don't get weird about it. They're still just books.

1. Can Muggles brew Potions?
Ummm, no?

2. If you were in the Order of the Phoenix, what would your security question be? (ie: of Mollywobbles/airplanes fame)
I'm not sure. Hmmmm

3. If Kreacher, Dobby, and Winky got in a fight, who would win?
Dobby, duh.

4. What form would your patronus take? Why?
a heart?:)

5. How many times have you read each book?
i've read the first 3 twice and the others once.

For each pairing, chose who you think would win in a fight. If you'd like, explain how you chose the victor.

1. Lucius "The Pureblood" Malfoy vs. "Batshit" Bellatrix Lestrange

2. Ginny "Firecracker" Weasley vs. Hermione "The Brain" Granger
Hermione if they ever fought, but they wouldn't.

3. Minerva "The Tartan Nightmare" McGonagall vs. Dolores "Oh My God She Looks Like a Frog" Umbridge

4. Dumbledore's Army vs. The Inquisitorial Squad

5. Morfin "The Crossbreed" Gaunt vs. Argus "Squib" Filch
MorfiN? (Who was that?)

Would you rather...

1. Spend 3 months in Azkaban or be given Veritaserum in front of your parents/significant other/boss?

2. Have a Pensieve or a Time Turner?

3. Apparate, use Floo Powder, or fly on a broomstick?

4. Be a centaur or a merperson?

5. Have dinner with Professor Slughorn or Professor Trelawney?

1. Which character evolution has been your favorite to read, and why?
Neville's gotten so much better, thank goodness.

2. When Harry was originally sorted, the Sorting Hat told him he'd make a good Slytherin. How do you think Snape would have treated Harry had he been sorted into his own house?
He would have protested.

3. Do you give any creedence to the "McGonagall is a spy" theory? Why or why not?
no way.

4. Which character do you get a sense is JK Rowling's favorite? Why?

5. We all know that the last word of Book 7 is "scar." Write what you'd love to see as the last sentence, and make sure to include "scar" as the final word!

"I hear plastic surgery can do wonders these days for a bad scar."

1. Which is your favorite Triwizard Task?

2. What's your favorite HP reference in another fandom?
fandom, vomit.

3. Which HP were/are you most like as a teenager?
a mix of Ron and Hermione.

4. Which would you rather have: a niffler or a Pygmy Puff?
what are those?

5. You have enough Polyjuice Potion to last one day: who do you choose to morph into?


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