Room For Answers

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Pass These Around

Who is the next person you'll hold hands with? Probably Ali, haha. Or Steven. Maybe Brendan. Those are the last 3 people.

Do you sleep with the TV on? No

Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? Not milk.

What did you do today? Worked then went to the movies with Steven!

Do you think you're old? Not in a bad way.

How fast can you type? Faster than most

Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes

Eye color? green

Do you like your life right now? Of course.

When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower? Years ago

Do you knock on wood? Yes

Are you drinking anything right now? water

Do you have good vision? 20/20 at least

Can you hula hoop? not for long

Could you ever forgive a cheater? Depends on the situation

How many kids do you plan on having? 3 or 4.

Do you want to get married? Yes

How often do you talk on the phone? I talk to my mom and sister daily and then other friends, too.

What are you thinking right now? Harry Potter, Russia, hotels, and water.

Do you own a night light? no

A movie you watched when you were little? Pretty Woman

Have you ever been to no

What song's in your head right now? "Miss You Love"

What are you doing next weekend? Going to Richmond for the 48 Hour Film Festival!

Plans for tomorrow? I work 7-330 and then I'm hanging with The Al;) She just needs to email her exam first;)

What's your middle name and why? Virginia. It was a great grandmother or something

Name some places you've gone on vacation? Puerto Rico, Montreal, The OC, Southport, NC

Last time you told someone you loved them? earlier today

Nose ring or tongue ring? nose

How are you feeling today? weary. That's how Serena described me, haha.

Are you black? I'm dressed in black.

Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? No


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