Room For Answers

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Monday, July 16, 2007

One Word Survey Meme

1. Yourself: multi-dimensional

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): soon

3. Your hair: long

4. Your mother: positive

5. Your Father: goofy

6. Your Favorite Item: music

7. Your dream last night: bitch

8. Your Favorite drink: water

9. Your Dream Car: Lexus

10. The room you are in: Den

11. Your Ex: metal

12. Your fear: clowns

13. What you want to be in 10 years? traveling

14. Who you hung out with last night? Sunday?

15. What you’re NOT: male

16. Muffins: wegmans

17. One of Your Wish List Items: lottery

18. Time: late

19. The Last Thing You Did: phone

20. What You Are Wearing: black

21. Your Favorite Weather: chilly

22. Your Favorite Book: amazing

23. The Last Thing You Ate: cold

24. Your Life: random

25. Your Mood: sleepy

26. Your best friend: boos

27. What are you thinking about right now? tuesday

28. Your car: cute

29. What are you doing at the moment? survey

30. Your summer: speedy

31. Your relationship status: single

32. What is on your TV? city

33. What is the weather like? muggy

34. When is the last time you belly-laughed? always

35. Who do you tag? none


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