Quirky To The Max
1) lol asl? Hahha, I hate the "ASL"....27/F/VA
2) Does man have free will? Of course
3) Who's hotter, Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? XTina
4) Are you, or have you ever been, a bisexual vegetarian? Fuck no to both
5) Who are your role models? Well, I,of course, look up to my parents and grandparents because they're awesome, but I can't really think of a role model other than them.
6) Have you ever
..a) seen a solar eclipse? yes!
..b) fallen asleep in class? Hahaha, yeah.
..c) pulled two all-nighters in a row? No way.
..d) taken a friend on a family trip? Actually...no.
..e) been mauled by a bear? No
7) Is it possible to know something that's false? Um, yes?
8) What did you do this summer? I worked, but didn't have class, which was awesome. I went to The OC. Hung out a lot.
9) If you could use one word to describe your political beliefs, what would it be? correct;)
10) Do you let people cheat off you in class? I did in AP Calculus. Haha.
11) What do you want to name your kids? Isabella, William, Paul, Gwyneth
12) Do you enjoy answering questions about yourself? Sometimes! I do better with questions than with just telling stuff
12.5) Do you find meta-humour distinctly unfunny, especially when it's further exploited by calling attention to its presence? I am not sure. What?
12.8) Do you ever spell things the British way for no apparent reason? no...I spell them that way because it's correct
13) Poll: What math sequence were you in for high school? sequence? The highest one?
14) What was the highlight of your weekend? It's the middle of the weekend, but Dave and Busters was fun! I won pool and watched Reservoir Dogs.
15) If you were Prime Minister of Great Britain, what would you do? Make Tony Blair my boo.
16) How long do you spend on the Internet on any given day? Depends. If I'm home, I usually leave it on as I do other stuff. Some days I'm not on at all
17) Do you like the number 17? Wow, it's my favorite!
18) Would you rather go to a concert or a baseball game? concert.
19) If you could wish for any object, what would it be? (wishing for abstract things like "world peace," "more wishes," or "eternal happiness" is strictly forbidden; you must wish for something material.) a yacht
20) What was the most important year of your life, and why? 22 was big
21) What classes are you taking this year? Differentiation of Gifted Students, Issues and Trends in Gifted Education and Applied Research
22) Name one word you use too often in everyday conversation. "funny"
23) Have you ever been fishing? Yeah! I like it sometimes
24) Do you actually like the books you read in English class? Not many.
25) What's the most important thing people should know about you? I am sarcastic and joke a lot.
26) Do you ever feel like breaking down? my car? no emotionally? nah
27) Do you ever want to run away? not away.
28) Tell me something interesting. I can't stop watching tennis!
29) Coke or Pepsi? whatevs
30) Do you think CC is overly cliquey? What's CC?
31) Would you rather live a long and boring life or a short and glorious one? I hate this question!
32) What do you think happens after you die? I believe heaven is one big tennis court!
33) Do you enjoy NetHack, the best computer game ever made? No
34) If everyone owns his own creations, aren't children the property of their parents? Sure
34.5) Don't you love my unbiased questions? they are awesome
35) Were you disappointed when you came to high school and realized it wasn't just one endless chain of parties, hookups, and locker-room gossip? Um, I was disappointed the guys were stupid and not as hott as ones on tv/movies
35.5) Did you think there'd be more hot cheerleaders, judging from the movies? I stole this quiz from somewhere weird!
36) Have you ever been in a (serious) relationship? serious? No
37) Have you seen Borat? Yes!
38) How does your online identity differ from your personality in real life? not by much
39) Do you like cuddling? I do now
40) Where do you want to visit before you die? Scotland. The motherland.
41) Where do you see yourself in 20 years? When I'm 47? Living in New England;)
42) Do you have (a) a featured thread, or (b) a thread longer than 500 posts? huh?
43) What would you be doing right now if the Internet never existed? just watching tennis...instead of multitasking
44) Where do you want to go to college? Yale. But I already went to college
44.5) Wait -- do you want to go to college?

45) If you could add one amendment to the Bill of Rights, what would it be? If you threaten to move to Canada "if..." then you have to do it "if...".
46) What was your favorite part of elementary school? none. elementary school sucked. No, I liked library time, haha
47) What do you want for Christmas? a trip
48) Are you good at climbing trees? no
49) What are you looking forward to? trips
50) Are you close to your parents? yeah
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