Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Sunday, November 18, 2007


1) Name the last two songs you’ve heard (in any format). I was listening to Queens of the Stone Age on my way here.

2) Name the last two books you’ve read (or other printed, non-web material if you don’t read books). Mostly magazines of late. My brain is fried (from school, not drugs).

3) Name two websites you think everyone should visit/read. Fotki and my other blog

4) Name the last two movies you’ve seen in the theater. Bourne 3 and Spiderman 3? Ugh, long time ago

5) Name the last two movies you’ve watched at home. Pride and Prejudice!!! and I part of Terminator 3 last night.

6) Name two things that always go together. Blue Moon and an Orange slice.

7) Name two things that never go together. my food and sour cream.

8) Name two people who should disappear from the face of the Earth. Osama and OJ

9) Name two things you’d really like to do before the end of the year. See snow and get a raise. Both are possible;)

10) Name two things you’ve done in the past that you never, ever want to do again. High school and a root canal


1) Will you be traveling for Thanksgiving this year? Just to Leesburg and then to Southriding.

2) Are you contributing any food to this year’s dinner, or perhaps even hosting it yourself? Nope. But I am having a party the night before!

3) Besides the normal turkey and stuffing, what’s the one Thanksgiving dish you must have? I love corn pudding.

4) Do you prefer a big gathering or quiet little meal? Either. Actually, I like it small.

5) Does your family have any Thanksgiving traditions? Not really.

6) What’s your favorite pie? apple?

7) How important is football to your Thanksgiving experience? Not very, but I like it.

8) Name three things for which you are thankful this year. Friends, Family, Health.

9) Black Friday: Stay home and eat leftovers or hit the mall running? I'll be working.

10) Complete this sentence: Thanksgiving is all about… food. Don't lie, you know it's true.


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