Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cobs and Robbers

1) Are you a chick or a dude?:

2) What is your lucky number?:

3) Do you pray?:
eh, sorta. Nothing like, every night before bed type of thing
4) Ever wish on stars?:
shooting stars, oh yeah although last time it didn't work.

5) Do you believe in karma?
ummmm, sorta

6)What is your zodiac sign?

7) Have you ever almost died?

8) Have you ever had your heart broken?
no, actually

9) Do you cry during sad movies?:
I def get misty and if I let it happen, I would bawl.

10) Do you like to dance?:
I do. But if I'm not feeling it, then I don't want to keep trying.

11) Ever laid under the stars?
Yes, I want to do more of that. Especially at the BEACH!

12) Ever sat on a rooftop?:

13) Is there such a thing as a soul mate?:
Where did I read today that there are soul mates but they aren't the sole mate.

14)Could you live without the television?:
I mean, of course. But I'm not going to lie that I really like it.

15) Could you live without music?

16) Do you have any self inflicted scars?:
Oh no way

17) What do u dislike about life right now?:
My biggest complaint would be money.

18) Have you ever been to jail?:
just the Old Jail Musuem in Warrenton

19) Ever had a job for less than a day?:
hahahahhaahha yes! I got a job at the movie theatre and never showed up bc I got one at Old Navy that same day. I felt bad about it but knew I'd suck at it. I can't upsell.

20) Ever been fired on your off day?:
never been fired!

21) Ever been fired because of your attitude?:
I've never been fired nor have I fired anyone

22) Do you get jealous of other people?:
It's more like envy sometimes but then I remind myself of why I'm better;)

23) Would you rather love someone or be loved?
be loved. I've got the love thing down pat

24) What's under your bed right now?:
old college notebooks and a water bottle that fell

25) Have you ever done anything illegal?:
of course...lots of minor things are illegal

28) How cool are you?
cooler than cool

29) Do you support abortion?:
No. But I might support the choice.

31) Did you graduate high school?:
of course.

32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row?:
I often change a few times in the day so yeah, I'll wear something I wore the day before if I'm going somewhere different

33) Have you ever driven someone crazy?:
Yes but I'm pretty sure they are crazy already

34) Ever bullied someone?:
ooops, yeah!

35) Ever done the Macarena?
of course.

36) Do you act your age?
I think so. I'm an "adult".

37) Is it okay to disrespect your parents?:

38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done?:

39) How long do you stay in the shower?:
10-15 minutes

40) What kind of soap do you use?:
dove? or kiehls

41) Are mullets cool?:

42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?:
batman bc he does it all without super powers.

43) Do you like your middle name?:
yes, a lot. It's Virginia after a great grandmother

44) Has anyone ever cheated on you?:
I don't know but I would guess no.

45) Ever spied on someone?:
hehe, I can't answer that.

46) What's your favorite animal?:
puppies rule. also, black panthers

47) Favorite color(s):
black, red, green

48) Have you ever shaved your head?:

49) For medical use, should weed be legal?:
of course

50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive?:
no but being tired is worse, I think.

51) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first?:
besides paying off the things I own now? (car, education, bassoon, etc.) I would buy a freaking iPod because I miss mine and that's an easy, first-day thing.

52) Do you fear terrorism?:
Not usually bc fearing it won't do much.

51) What is favorite candle scent?

55) Do you use profanity?:

56) Who's the last person you talked to?:
my mom

57) What's something you're ashamed of?:

58) What woke you up this morning?:
alarm clock

59) What did you dream about last night?:
Hmm, I don't remember which is odd.

60) Ever been to the zoo?:
yes, I need to go back asap

61) How many beers did you have today?:

62) What's the last movie you watched?:
Princess Diaries 2

63) Are you usually late or on time?:
to work? late. otherwise I'm on time.

64) What's a cartoon you watch often?
Famiyl Guy

65) Do you have any imaginary friends?:

66) Are you waiting on something right now?:

67) What do you look for in a girl/guy?
an adams apple

68) Who's ugly?:
people who are bitter and pessimistic

69) Are you worried about something?:
Not now, phew.

70) Do you think anyone will read this about you?
they better.


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