1.What is your full name?: It is 19 letters long. 2 colors, 1 state
1b. nicknames?: SVR, Scarls
2. b’day?: 17 feb
3. Age?: Twenty six
4. Sex: Female
5. social security #?: Ask Steven...he knows. (don't tell anyone, Steven!)
6. Where do you live?: on the run
7. What school to you attend?: Liberty High School then Mary Washington then Virginia Commonwealth University and now University of Mary Washington:) Oh, did you want me to go back farther?
8. Siblings and their ages? Jesse-31? Ali- 19
9. Pets?: Zoe- 0:(
10. zodiac sign?: the water sign
11. Righty or lefty?: Righty
12. Hair color: dark brown but the ends get lighter when I haven't cut it in awhile like right now
13. Eye color: green with hott yellow in them
14. Height: 5'10"
15. Do you wear contacts or glasses?: nither
16. Do you have any piercings?: 1 per ear
17. Where do you want more if you do?: I kind of want an orbital
18. Do you have a tattoo?: No.
19. If so, what and where?: N/A
20. Do you wear rings?: I usually wear my MWC ring and my sparkly one
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow?: layers
22. How are you today?: Something is definitely on my mind
23. What pants are you wearing right now?: none (I'm wearing a skirt)
24. What shirt are you wearing right now?: black/yellow striped tank top, black polo
25. What does your hair look like at the moment?: it's pulled back
26. What song are you listening to right now?: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?
27. What was the last thing you ate?: alfredo and noodles
28. How is the weather right now?: too warm
29. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mother
30. Last dream you can remember: I was going out with a friend
31. who are you talking to now?: Serena and Vanessa
32. What time is it?: 9:48pm
33. what are the last four digits of your phone number?: 0869
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: chartreuse
35. Have you ever almost died?: No
36. Do you like the person who sent you this?: I stole it!
37. how do you eat an Oreo?: I'd probably break it apart so I wouldn't have to bite it. Those things leave your grill EFFED up with chocolate cookie, ew!
39. What’s the next cd that you’re gonna buy?: Ummmm, not sure, Thom Yorke maybe.
41. What’s the best advice ever given to you?: There is ALWAYS a positive side
42. Have you ever won any special award?: I got the Geometry award 10th grade, Instrumentalist Award twice, MVP in tennis sr year, etc.
43. What are your future goals?: babies, husband(s), monies, etc.
44. Do you like to dance?: YES especially after watching this show
45. Worst sickness you have ever had?: A few summers ago I had the sore throat to end all sore throats. OW
46. What’s the stupidest thing you have ever done?: um, nothing.
47. What’s your favorite memory?: I love memories of family vacations
48. if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: I don't want to say here
49. Where do you shop most?: JCrew or Best Buy
50. How many kids do you want to have?: 3 or 4
51. Son’s names: William, Vincent, Paul
52. Daughter’s names: Isabella Juliette, Olivia Quinn, etc.
53. do you do drugs?: no
54. do you drink?: responsibly
55. what kinda shampoo and conditioner do you use?: right now it's Redkin
56. What sport do you hate the most?: softball
57. What are you most scared of?: being a disappointment
58. How many t.v’s do you have in your house?: 5?
59. Do you have your own?: Yes, 2 actually. I'm saving the one for in the future.
60. do you have your own phone line?:I have a cell phone
61. do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Vaughn
62. Have you ever broken, sprained or fractured a bone?: No (knock on wood!)
63. Who do you dream about?: Usually situations that COULD be real
64. who do you tell your dreams to?: if they're interesting I blog about them
65. Who is the loudest friend you have?: Ravena
66. Who is the quietest friend you have?: Steven
67. is cheerleading a sport?: competitive cheerleading is
68. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?: 439.2
69. Which came first… the chicken or the egg?: chicken
70. Do you believe in love?: Yes
71. Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?: No
72. do you have a crush?: No
73. who is your crush?: N/A
74. did you send this to your crush?: N/A
75. do you believe in love at first sight?: No
76. where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Greece
77. What song do you want played at your wedding?: Everlong
78. what is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Height
79. what is the first thing you notice about the same sex?: Clothes
80. are you too shy to ask someone out?: Yes
81. Do you find yourself attractive?: Usually
82. Do you find yourself ugly?: When tired
83. do others find you attractive?: I don't know, do you??
*ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only..unless your a boy who kisses other boys)
103. Skater shoes or running shoes?: running
107. cute n’ shy or crazy n’ handsome?: Cute and Shy
108. dark or blonde hair: Dark
109. long or short hair: not long. but not marine-short
110. curly or straight hair: don't care
111. dark, light, or crazy cool: what?
112. baby faced or grown up: either
113. hat or no hat?: No hat
114. good or bad boy: Good
116. bling or not?: as a gift, yes
117. tall or short: Tall
118. accent or no accent: OOOOH YES, PLEASE!
119. pants or shorts: Pants
120. tan or fair: not pale, but not super dark
121. glasses: don't care
122. pretty boy or crazy: Both
123. freckles or none?: Dont care
124. shy or outgoing?: Both
125. funny or always cool: Funny
126. talkative or shy: in between
*ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)
103. Skater shoes or running shoes?
104. painted nails or not?
107. cute n’ mysterious or wild n’ sexy?
108. dark or blonde hair:
109. long or short hair:
110. curly or straight hair:
111. dark, light, or crazy cool:
112. long or short nails:
113. hat or no hat? :
114. good or bad gurl:
115. hair up or down:
116. jewelry or none? :
117. tall or short:
118. accent or no accent:
119. pants or dress:
120. tan or fair:
121. glasses:
122. pretty indoor chick or crazy party chick?
123. freckles or none?
124. shy or outgoing?
125. funny or always cool:
126. talkative or shy:
127. lights on/off: Off.
128. sun or rain?: Rain.
129. mickey D’s (McDonalds) or BK (burger king): M
130. do you like scary movies or happy movies better?:Happy...bc lately the scary ones have disappointed me
131. backstreet boys or NSYNC?: NSYNC
132. on the phone or in person: in person!
133. paper or plastic: paper
134. sausage or pepperoni?: sausage
135. summer or winter: Winter!!!!
136. hugs or kisses: right now I'll take anything
137. chocolate or white milk: Skim whatever
138. root beer or dr. pepper: Dr.
139. glass half full or half empty: Half Full
140. tape or DVD: DVD.
142. mud or jello wrestling?: mud
143. vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla
144. skiing or boarding?: SKIING
145. day or night?: Night.
146. cake or pie?: Cake
147. diamond or pearls: Diamonds.
148. sunset or sunrise: Sun Set
149. color: green
150. food: tomatoes
151. Fast food: Chic Fil A
152. candy: reese cups
153. Beverage: water
154. Ice-cream flavor: coffee
155. sport: tennis
156. animal: puppies:)
157. number: 17
158. radio station: 20 on XM
159. Song: Disarm
161. Fave actor or actress: Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow
162. favorite day of the year: 17 Feb
163. Favorite month: Nov/Feb
164. tv show: Gilmore Girls
165. music/bands: <3 Muse right now
166. scent: Chlorine
167. Teacher: Senora Whisenant
168. Board game: Friends Trivia!
169. Saying: uhhhh
178. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Not sure
180. Ever gotten dumped?: No
181. broken the law?: Yes
182. ran from the cops?: No
183. stole something?: hearts
184. tried to kill yourself?: No!
185. made yourself throw up?: No
186. been in love?: Yes
186b. still in love?: Not sure
187. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I cry for everything
188. Do you like filling these out: Yes
189. How many people are you sending this to?: 0
190. do you want your friends to write back?: Sure
191. who is most likely to respond: Noone
192. Who is least likely to respond: ?
193. What is the first thing that comes to mind: water
194. any other comments: No