Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Friday, September 29, 2006


1. A Cuddler?
not at all

2. A morning person?
I'm more likely to be a cuddler

3. Are you a perfectionist?
about some things. apparently in music, haha.

4. An only child?

5. Religious?
not outwardly

6. In your pajamas?

7. Left handed?

1. Wore: jeans, black polo, red jacket

2. Was today better than yesterday? yeah, actually!




1. Number: 17

2. Color: green

3. Season: (cold) fall


1. Missing: being able to take days off, haha

2. Needing: food

3. Wanting: to know what I'm doing later

Q's AND A's

Q: what was the 1st thing you did this morning:
A: once I finally got up, I took a shower

Q: Last thing you ate:
A: cookie

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: my back is hurting a bit

Q: What's annoying you right now?:
A: The person who filled this quiz out before me can't spell

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: in the theatre? Talladega Nights

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: upstairs

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: yah

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: yeah!

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: 90% of the time

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: my bed

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: black

Q: Do you have more guy or girl friends?
A: girls right now, weird.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: last week? i dunno

Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night
A: wonder what time it is

Q: What are you about to do?
A: find food

1) Rate life as of right now 1-10?


2) What posters do you have in your room?

one framed Smashing Pumpkins one.

3) What do you hear right now?

4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be?

5) Anything hurt on your body right now?
my upper back

7) What's your job position called?
band teacher

8) What kind of phone service do you have?

9) Do you own a camera phone?

10) Whens your birthday?
17 feb

11) What was your high schools mascot?

12) What's your favorite bottled water?
Volvic is good.

14) What are you doing at 9 pm tonight?

15) What's your favorite Starbucks drink?

16) Did you attend your High School prom?
junior year I did

17) Did you go to someone else's prom?

18) Do you prefer coffee or tea?

19) Something red within 5 feet of you.
my bassoon case

20) Do you smoke?

21) The weirdest thing that has happened this week?
I got a 15/15 on something I did the night before for class:)

22) Ever done the Electric Slide?
ugh, yes. I HATE it.

23) How much French do you know?
not much

25) Favorite sparkly things?

26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents?

27) Do you look good in yellow?
ew, noone really does.

28) Do you sing?
yeah, but I'm bad.

29) do you ever sing in public?
not really.

32) Least favorite color?
anything pastel

33) Favorite kind of pizza?
onions, sausage, pepperoni

34) Ever had Dip-pin Dots?

35) Ever make fun of a homeless person?
don't think so

36) How old were you when you got a cell phone?
16, but it was a real car phone.

37) How many driving tickets have you had?
maybe two.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


What is your favorite herb or spice?

I don't even know how to answer this. Pepper? Is that boring?

Name a song you like but haven't heard in a long time.

Paint It Black

If you were to take just one minute to write down as many things as you can think of that you need (not want) to do, approximately how many things would there be?

It would actually be kinda long.

Main Course
Tell something interesting about one of your family members (nothing scandalous, please, just something unique).

Ali got a 100 on her history paper.

What's the latest you've ever stayed awake?

7am? Then I went to sleep.


What is your favorite herb or spice?

I don't even know how to answer this. Pepper? Is that boring?

Name a song you like but haven't heard in a long time.

Paint It Black

If you were to take just one minute to write down as many things as you can think of that you need (not want) to do, approximately how many things would there be?

It would actually be kinda long.

Main Course
Tell something interesting about one of your family members (nothing scandalous, please, just something unique).

Ali got a 100 on her history paper.

What's the latest you've ever stayed awake?

7am? Then I went to sleep.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Which Would You Rather Eat?

1. Which do you prefer: slamming a vestigial finger in the door, or drinking hot Coke? I'd rather drink hot coke

2. Which is worse: getting punched in the nose, or being violently ill? I've never been punched in the nose so I don't know how to compare the two.

3. Which would you least enjoy: being maimed by a shark, losing at the $1,000,000 level on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, or realizing you have no future? Being maimed would suck

4. Which would you rather excel at: mimery, ventriliquism, or growing a mustache? Mimery. the others scare me.

5. Which would you rather eat: uncooked bacon, or cooked hand? uncooke bacon

6. How awesome are you? VERY

7. Who would you rather look like (and we're talking the spitting image here): Santa Clause, the Jolly Green Giant, Osama bin Ladin, or Ursula the Sea Witch? SANTA! Everyone would love me.

8. Who would you prefer to have as a roommate: Carrot Top, Tom Cruise, Elizabeth Taylor, or Gallagher (the guy who smashes watermelons with a mallet)? Elizabeth Taylor (the dog)

9. If you were a pet, what kind of pet would you be, and who would you prefer to have as an owner: Paris Hilton or Michael Jackson? puppy and Paris.

10. Which movie would you rather live in: Office Space, Snakes on a Plane, Pride and Prejudice, or Field of Dreams? Pride & Prejudice

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gilmore Girls Season Premiere!

Do you wear shoes that are actually too small?
No, if anything, they are too big

Do you get up at least an hour early to get ready each day?
hahahha, no. I should, but I end up sleeping "just 5 more minutes" a lot.

Can you put on mascara with your mouth closed?

Does your heart break easily?
No, but it'll hurt. helllooo, "that makes my heart hurt!"

Do you think you pee more than men?
I don't discuss these types of things

When buying underwear, what type of cashier do you look for?
The one who won't be obnoxious (Victoria's Secret)

How many purses do you own?
omg, tons

Are you addicted to sex?

How many tubes of lipstick do you own?
I don't own any lipstick

Do you expect the man to pay for dates?
no way, but if I pay they better put out!

Do you prefer curling up on the couch watching tv or going out together?
like, with a beau? the couch would be cheaper;)

Do you want a diamond ring?

Would you rather get flowers or a stuffed animal for Valentines Day?
flowers? although I loved stuff puppies. (that sounds weird)

Do you enjoy cleaning the house?
hell no

Do you like to cook?
yeah, but the cleaning up sucks

Can you sew?

Are you really feminine or a tom boy?
Well, both, I think. I'm all about the sports, but I'm also into things like fashion and romantic comedies

Do you like football?
Yeah, I do, but I don't get all crazy about it like some people

Do you read steamy romance novels?
I have

Do you watch chick flicks?
yes, but I don't call them that.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Is your hair up?:

Is your phone right beside you?:

Do you wish you were somewhere else?:
yes well...sorta

Do you have plans for tonight?:

Are you wearing makeup?:

Are you wearing chapstick?:

Are you cold?:

Are you tired?:

Are you excited?:

Are you watching t.v.?

Are you wearing pajamas?:

Who was the last person you IM'd?

Who's the last person that called you?
the insurance company??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __


Anything you regret?

Ever lied?:

Ever stuck gum under a desk?:

Ever spit at someone?
don't think so

Ever kick something living?:

Ever had your nails done?:

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Have you cussed?

Have you yelled at someone?:
hahahhaha, tons of people!

Have you gotten mad at someone?

Have you cried?

Have you called more than 3 people?:
no, exactly 3

Have you IMed more than 3 people?:

Have you eaten anything gross?

Have you filled out a stupid survey?

Monday, September 25, 2006

I Live In California

1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Jeez...let's not answer. It would probably be like, my uncle at dinner saying grace or something. Sheesh.

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
of course. I'd volunteer to be a nurse

3: Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes I fall asleep while watching it:(

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
just OJ.

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
the classroom one, yeah. I ame in second or third in the school ones.

6. Do you like somebody right now?

7. How fast can you type?
VERY fast.

8. Are you afraid of the dark?

9. Eye color?

10. Whens the last time you got wasted?
months ago

11. Whats something you can't live without?

12. What are you doing tonight?
class tonight:( Then writing a lesson plan

13. Are you drinking anything right now?
Dr. pepper

14. What's something that's made your day today?
nothing has MADE it yet, but certaib people weren't insane so that's always a plus.

15. Can you Hoola-Hoop?
not for long

16. Are you good at keeping secrets?
Yeah, if I know it's a secret.

17. What do you want for Christmas?
maybe an iPod. Or CLOTHES. <3 clothes.

18. Do you know the Muffin Man?
the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man

19. Do you talk in your sleep?

20. Who wrote the book of love?
Marvin Gaye.

21. Have you ever flown a kite?

22. When was the last time that you went swimming & where?
the beach in August

23. Do you consider yourself successful?
in some ways-definitely.

24. Do you enjoy pancakes?

25. Have you ever wished for a horse?
only for Ali.

26. Plans for tomorrow?
work, then class, then GILMORE GIRLS!!!!!!

27. What's your middle name and why?
it's a state and it's a family name

28. What's your favorite color?

29. When was the last time you told someone 'I love you'?
earlier today

30. What was the last sport you played?
tennis probably

31. How are you feeling today?
better than I thought I would

32. Are you black? <---

33. Do you like piercings?
not usually. lip ones are hot for awhile, but must get old.

34. What are you looking forward to?
November!!!!! and the Scottish Festival.

35. Sex? marriage?

36.What's the last thing you said?

37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
ew, no

38. Can you handle the truth?

39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
no thanks

40. Favorite commercial?
Auf Weidersehen!

41. Any cool scars?
they aren't really "cool"

42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone? Do they know?
I don't know.

43. How many kids do you plan on having?

44. What do you do when no one is watching?
go blank

45. How often do you talk on the phone?
not too often

46. Do you talk to yourself?

47. Is there something you want that you can't have?
what "can't" I have?

48. FOUR things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
height, hair, eyes, humor

....49 needed a break....

50. Who did you last hug?
my mom?

51. Who's the best person in the world?
besides me?

52. Where is your phone?
next to me.

53. What was the last thing you ate?
grilled cheese!!!

54. Favorite colors
green, red, black

55. Last movie watched?
Talladega Nights

56. What song do you currently hear?
some commerical one

57. What do you want?

a paid-for vacation. and for PRO to email me back!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Freaks and Geeks

1. Your name plus "y".

2. Two feelings at the moment.:
anxious, tired

3. What are you listening to right now?
Freaks & Geeks

4. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
none, I'm watching TV.

5. Describe where you are right now?
I'm in the den. On a couch.

6. The highlight of your week?
shopping yesterday

7. What are you craving to have right now?
a vacation

8. Who were the last people you went out to dinner with?
My family-grandparents, aunts, mom

9. What are you scared of?

10. Last Movie you watched?
Talladega Nights

11. The best way you've ever gotten out of a ticket?

12. What is your heritage?
Scottish and Welsh...and Greek.

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?

14. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree.

15.What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
probably just an attachment from an email

16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
It's been a long, looooong time. Maybe my grandpap? I remember riding in the wheelchairs. Aw!

17. Say something about the person who posted this before you.
She let me sit in her car once to escape the heat.

18. Name a friend whose name starts with "J"?

19. Do you have to work tomorrow?

20. State 3 inside jokes that happened today:
None yet. It's only 10am.

21. How many houses have you lived in?
a lot.

22. Same sex marriage is gross. agree/disagree:
I don't care

23. Last friend you talked to online?

24. Who was the last person to text message you?

25. What did it say?
"Electric 6" or something

26. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

27. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
generally, yes. noone specific really

28. Do you speak German?

29. If you were working on a pirate ship, you would:
I don't know the positions

30. Last thing you watched on TV?
Top 20

31. Do you dress for style or comfort?
if I get dressed early it ends up being for comfort. haha

32. Do blondes really have more fun?

33. Brunettes or Blondes?

34. If the person you copied this from could sing you one song?

35. Name someone with the same b-day as you?
Paris Hilton

36. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

37. Who would win a fight: Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?

38. Faced with a death, which way would you rather go out?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

When Does America's Next Top Model Come On?

01. If you were given the opportunity to have bigger boobs for a day, would you go for it?
I'd have to go shopping first.

02. What was the last book you read?
Education & Experience by John Dewey.

03. What do you call your mum?
Mom and boo

04. Do you ever get rude comments on your xanga or myspace?

05. Have you ever been seriously scared you were going to die?

06. What season were you born in?

07. Do you like to be in the water?
ohhhhh yeah. I prefer chlorinated or caribbean water, though.

08. What kind of stuff do you dream about?
random things. nothing scary

09. Have you ever dreamt you were naked in public?

010. When was the last time you felt really embarrassed?
I'm much better at not getting embarassed now...or, at least, I cover it up. SO i cna't remember when.

011. What do you think about hair extensions?
I kind of want them....but I'm scared.

012. Do you think Lindsay Lohan is a bitch?

013. Do you think the Wayans brothers are hilarious?
until they did that last movie

014. Can either of your parents play an instrument?
I don't think so

015. Do you have a little brother?

017. What is your favourite boys name?
I like the following: William, Paul, Saul, Vincent

018. If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be and why?
Scotland bc I would love it

019. Did you know that a Finnish heavy metal band called Lordi won the Eurovision song contest?

020. Have you even heard of the Eurovision song contest?

021. Do you like fairytales?
Only if they're about me

022. What color is the sky right now?
um, sky blue.

023. Are your fingernails painted or natural?

024. Do you cut your toenails?
Yes, but I don't talk about it, ok?

025. Do you ever get smelly feet?
ew, girls dont' get that

026. Do you think Borders is a great bookstore?
No, BN is better.

027. If money was no object would you ever get plastic surgery?

028. What do you think about permanent make up?

029. Would you ever get a tattoo?
maybe, but probably not

030. Do you think nose piercings look hot?
hotter on girls. Guys look good with lip piercings

031. Do you think it is wrong to smoke around pregnant women and babies?
it's not a good thing

032. Would you ever like to visit Ireland?
not as much as Scotland. Ireland isn't high on my list

033. When does summer begin for you?
June 21st?

034. Are you a movie buff?
about the ones I like, yes

035. Do you think that bands like Panic! at the disco suck?
no, they can be catchy

036. Dont you just hate ignorance?

037. Would you rather be able to rap or sing opera/classically?

038. If you could be transported to 1940s England or 1790s France, what would you choose?
What happened in France then?

039. Have you ever watched Dr Who?
yeah, it was bad

040. Have you ever seen a ghost?

041. Do you find the idea of space scary?
YES, I don't know why ANYONE would want to go up there.

042. Do you honestly believe that God created the world in seven days?
If he says he did, then he did. Sure.

043. Can you believe that some sick bastards could bring themselves to eat horses?
I don't want any, thanks.

044. Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

045. What have you eaten today?
breakfast bar, brownie, cake. hahah

046. Do you watch Big Brother?

047. Is it warm outside?
it's better than yesterday.

048. Do you find puppies, although cute, a little too excitable?

049. When was the last time you saw your grandparents?
last wed

050. Could this survey have been more random?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

"And a princess."

1. How tall are you?

2. Do you own a gun?

3. Rehab? Counseling?

4. Have you ever killed an animal?
just while driving.

5. Are you Irish?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
They're good and I don't care what's in them

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
O' Holy Night!

8. What is your favorite smell?
chlorine, yum!

9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
coffee and/or OJ

10. Do you do pushups?

11. Have you ever done ecstacy?

12. Have you been shot?

13. Have you ever been hospitalized?
nope *knock on wood*

14. Do you like painkillers?
Yes, if I'm in pain, I guess.

15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
eyes? as in EYES! haha!

16. Do you own a knife?
Swiss Army one

17. Do you have A.D.D?

18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
I don't know what that's like

19.Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
water, diet coke, OJ, coffee, milkshakes?

20. What's In Your CD Player?
Foreign Born

21. What's Under Your Bed?
college books/notebooks

22. Current Hair?
in a ponytail

23. What are you wearing?
Jean skirt, Juilliard shirt

24. Current Worry?
7th graders

25. Current Love?
Shut up!

26. Current Hate?
the morning

27. Favorite Place To Be?
on a road trip?

28. Least Favorite Place To Be?

29. if You Could Play an Instrument?
I already play a lot

30. Favorite Colors?
green, black, red

31. Person(s) From The Past You Wish You Could be with?
be with how?

32. Where Would You Like To Go?

33. Where do you want to live?
in a paid for house

34. What is your favorite food?
i love quesadillas

35. Color of most clothes you own?

36. Number of pillows you sleep with?

37. What do you wear when you go to sleep?
tank top and PJ pants

38. What were you doing 12AM last night?

39. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?
at age 36? Raising kick-ass kids maybe.

40 Are you paranoid?

41. Any piercings/tattoos in the past?
my ears are pierced

42. Last person you yelled at?

44. Last thing you ate?

45. If you could be a pirate, would you?

46. Do you have an iPod?
Yes, but it's BROKEN!

47. When and why did you last vomit?
I almost have a lot recently, but the last time would be my birthday, I guess, blah.

48. What's in your pockets right now?

49. what color are your bedroom walls?
gray/dark red

50. last thing that made you laugh?

51. any pets now?

52. inny or an outty?

53. do you have any piercings?

54. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

55. Have youu ever won any awards?
lots...MVP, Most Improved, etc.

56.How many TV's do you have in your house?

57. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches?

59. If you could pick one person to make out with who would it be?
Brad Pitt?

60. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?
I stole this from someone.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Rogue Wave Lyrics Are Good

1. A month before it happens you're told you're going to lose your memory. How do you prepare for it and do you attempt to regain what you've lost?

Well, I have all of my photos, so that's good. Am I also going to lose memory of like, how to do things like play the clarinet? That would suck. I would take a week and write down everything I do and the people I talk so I could get back into those habits.

2. How do you describe your outlook on life?

I think I'm pretty optimistic and positive. At least for the big picture. Sometimes I am not so much on the details, though.

3. You fall in love with your soulmate, decide to get married, and then find out that person is going to die soon. Do you marry them anyway?

Well, yeah, because their death is going to be tough no matter what-married or not.

4. What are three of your favorite ice cream toppings?

whipped cream, walnuts, hot fudge?

5. Is there one article of clothing you love to wear no matter how out of style it is?

um, bootcut jeans? haha.

6. Is there one color you wish would go away in fashion?

anything pastel.

7. What's the first department you head to when you go shopping in a department store?

Maybe sunglasses. Then bags. Then shoes. Then clothes...but only bc it's harder to resist the clothes.

8.How far away do you live from your parents?

Pretty close.

9. Growing up, who was your favorite cartoon character?


10. You plan a romantic evening and everything goes wrong, including the fancy dinner you burned. What do you do?

Laugh. Definitely laugh...and then stop trying so hard and just hang out. Oh and can we mo?

11. What's the last thing you bought at the store?

Snow Patrol- Songs For Polar Bears

12. Have you ever walked out in the middle of a movie?

Never. once I pay for it, I'm there til the end.

13. What celebrity do most people say you look like?

None really. Do any of my friends have suggestions?

14. Is there any piece of jewelry you always wear?

my Tiffany braclet never comes off.

15. Have you ever tried to pick someone up?

Sorta. I usually do it for fun, but will stop before it leads anywhere too far or uncomfortable.

16. What's the one thing you always manage to forget on your way out the door?


17. Out of these creatures which one are you most afraid of:
A.) Snakes
B.) Spiders
C.) Rodents


18. What's the last gift you bought for a friend?

It will be whatever Steven decides he wants.

19. Do you ever buy people things for no reason?

Not right now. I'd like to, but have no money.

20.What's your favorite way to spend a lazy summer afternoon?

OMG at the pool or beach.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Feast

What was the very last song you listened to?
Something by Snow Patrol on the way to work.

What is one company/store/corporation you would recommend that people stay away from?

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy having your picture made?
Like, sitting for a painting? haha. Or a photograph? Bc I don't mind really....7?

Main Course
Besides a bookmark, what is something you've used to keep your place in a book?
a Magazine

Name a food that you like that most people don't.
permalink ยท
pineapple/sausage/onion pizza.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Survivor Stereotypes

1. First thing you did this morning?

2. Last thing you ate?

3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
No, it's awesome.

4. What's something you look forward to in the next 7 days?
No 7th graders Sat/Sun;)

5. What's annoying you right now?
that I won't get to sleep in this weekend

6. What's the last movie you saw in theatre?
Talladega Nights! SHAKE AND BAKE!

7. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
Do I believe in them? That's a dumb question.

8. Is there someone on your mind right now?
yes, sure.

9. Where is the last place you went?

10. Who is the last person you called?
Steven, he didn't answer.

11. Do you look more like your mom or dad?

12. Do you have any siblings?
bro and sis

13. Do you smile often?
oh yeah

14. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now?

15. Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity)?

16. Do you wish on stars?

17. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

18. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
sour cream

19. Would you kill someone?

20. When did you last cry?
When I was super tired the other night

21. Do you like your handwriting?

22. Are you a friendly person?
yes, unless I'm tired or annoyed

23.Who's house did you sleep in last night?

25. What color shirt are you wearing?
black tank top and gray sweatshirt

26. Do you have any pets?

27. What is the color of your bed sheets?
white right now

29. When is the last time you saw your mom?
earlier tonight

30. Is Tom on your friends list?

31. Have you ever been in love?

32. Ever cried yourself to sleep?

34. Is there a song that makes you cry?
not like, bawling or anything.

35. Are you normally happy?

36. Is your self-esteem extremely low?
no way, if anything it's too high

37. What color are your eyes?

38. Is your hair cut short or long?

39. Are you looking for a relationship?
hahah, like they're out there hidden

40. Are you ticklish?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

You Know You're From Virginia When:

You Know You're From Virginia When...

Speed limits are just suggestions This really isn't just VA, though.

You have at least two friends who have no idea what their relatives do...because its "top secret" government work Haha, yeah. I said that for awhile, "I can't tell you what I do..."

Most of your senior class wend to Mason, JMU, Tech, VCU or UVA Ew, yes.

When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain Haha, I did that my first day at college, said I was from DC and someone asked where exactly, hahaha. Oh man!

You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern," "central," or "southern" in front of it (See above.) I always say "northern"

It's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.
Oh no! I have good following distances.

You know yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through. (Yeah, least. Probably also happens everywhere else.) A red light means 2 more can. Nah!

You actually know what the black boxes at stoplights are for. Yes, but not from experience.

You are amused by visiting relatives who are actually excited to see Washington, DC. This does crack me up, but in an adorable way.

You took a field trip to Williamsburg as a kid
No, actually. I went once with my family and loved Colonial Will'burg and wanted to go to William and Mary up until I took my tour there and didn't like it.

You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag. Not me.

An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school
. Are you kidding? We get out for rain.

All the potholes just add a little excitement to your driving experience
. Hate those.

Crown Victoria = undercover cop. haha yes! I so want a CV.

Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as Metro, and only Metro. Love this. Love when we get to NYC and still say metro:) Not me, though.

They just tore down the old farm house across the street and put 12 new McMansions in its place *sigh*, not yet.

For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa
. Ugh.

If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have three new names.
Very true!

You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor
I'm a 540.

"Vacation" means spending a day at King's Dominion or Busch Gardens.
It does?

"Going to the River" means any stream with water. RAPPPAHANNOCK, thank you very much.

You have never been served tea without the waitress asking "sweet or unsweetened?"

Your favorite past time is telling West Virginia jokes.
oh yeah, my favorite pasttime ever. Ha, no.

Anyone who can't trace his or her ancestry back to at least four generations in Virginia is an outsider. Ummmmmm, then I'm an outsider? Well, 1/2.

"Going to the beach" means anywhere from Ocean City to Virginia Beach to Myrtle Beach. OC for me.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Virginia.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?


2. What's your favorite article of clothing?

right now it's my jeans I just got recently.

3. What's your favorite physical feature on the opposite sex?

I love tall guys.

4. What is the last CD you bought?


5. Where is your favorite place to be?

I love to be on boats, or floating on a pool, or in my bed, or on a road trip.

6. Where is your least favorite place to be?

anywhere when I'm tired.

7. What is your favorite place to be massaged?

I don't often get massaged, but the UPPER back/neck would be nice. Just don't tickle me.

8. Strong in mind, or strong in body?

me? I'm weak muscle wise, I think.

9. What time do you wake up in the morning?

I wake up at 4...then sleep til 6 and then cry a little and get up at 615.

10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?

sandwich makers.

11. What makes you really angry?

when I mess up

12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

I already play my favorites: clarinet and bassoon. French horn would be nice. OH, or harp. I'd get hired a lot.

13. Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV?

sports? I dunno.

14. Do you believe in an afterlife?

I believe heaven for me will be a tennis court. I'm being so serious.

15. Favorite childrens book?

Anything Judy Blume

16. What is your favorite season?

whenever it's cold. mmmm!

17. What is your least favorite chore?

anything that doesn't have instant results or involves touching wet, gross things.

18. If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I think I'm getting the neverending money one

19. If you have a tattoo what is it?


20. Can you juggle?


21. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to...


22. What's your favorite day?


23. What's in the trunk of your car?

calculus book, hardhat, blonde wig, lots of shoes, CDs, sheet music.

24. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger.


Friday Feast, Boo

Name 3 things that you are wearing today.

black skirt, watch, sparkly ring (that's not ALL I'm wearing)

Who was the last person you hugged?

Haha, a student hugged me. She's in 6th grade.

What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?

chicken stuff, fries. MILKSHAKES!

Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?

9pm? sorta. RIght now I'm beat all the effing time.

Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)
Sometimes cunts are really little, evil twats.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Double Fisted 40s

40 things rarely asked. Copy and paste with your own answers!!!

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?: No!

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?: Not usually. I like to know where I'm headed.

3. When's the last time you've been sledding?: Ummm, a few years ago...more than that maybe.

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? I want someone in my bed...depends who it is. Usually alone.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?: No

6. Do you consider yourself creative?: Yes

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?: yes, but how did he get off?

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?: AJ

9. Do you stay friends with your exs?: Sure

10. Do you know how to play poker?: yeah

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?: Hells no

12. What's your favorite commercial? AUF WEIDERSEHEN!

13. What are you allergic to?: raw apples, pollen

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights? No way

15. Have you ever had a Choco Taco?: yeah they're so good

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?: BoSox

17. Have you ever been Ice Skating?: yeah, a lot. I almost took lessons.

18. How often do you remember your dreams?: I usually do

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? um, almost everytime

20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?: Let It Be, Across The Universe, Eleanor Rigby, Something, The Long And WInding Road (BLECH!)

21. What's the one thing on your mind now?: I have to leave for class soon. :(

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?: No

23. Do you put salt on a turkey dinner?: not usually

24. Do you always wear your seat belt?: YES!

25. what cell service do you use?: Verizon

26. Do you like sushi?: Love it

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? no

28. What do u wear to bed? tank top, pantalones

29. Been caught stealing?: no

30. Have you ever been on the funny website no

31. Do you truly hate anyone?: maybe herpes-girl

32. Classic rock or rap?: classic rock

33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? no comment

34. Have you ever been punched in the face? no

35. What food do you find disgusting?: sour cream

36. Do you sing in the shower?: No

37. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"? someone tried to get me to do that once, ew. I said no.

38. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?: yeah

39. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?: yeah

40. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?: No

Monday, September 04, 2006

Name 13 People

Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!

1. Ali
2. Steven
3. Anna
4. Serena
5. Allie
6. Vanessa
7. Ravena
8. Rebecca
9. Jenn
10. Andrew
11. Cara
12. Jesse
13. Cindy

How did you meet 10?
My very first day at MWC. He was friends with my roommate.

What would you do if 6 and 4 dated?
So weirded out I would never talk to them again.

Have you ever seen 11 cry?
Yes, actually. Well, we were roommates for 2.5 years!

Do you think 1 is cute?
Of course! She's adorable.

Tell me something about number 5?
She hates VA which I think is wack. Crazy!

How do you know 8?
She's my manager at BN

Would you go on a date with number 12?
No. He's my brother.

What's number 7's favorite color?
Pink? No, does she hate pink? I can't remember.

What would you do if 3 confessed they liked you?
Know she was teasing.

Fact about 9?
She has a puppy who is so cute!

Who is 4 going out with?

Would you ever live with 13?
yes, she's one of the few people I could be roommates with

Is 2 single?
As far as I know;)

Where does 6 live?

What do you think about 3?
She's one of the funniest people I've ever known.

What's the best thing about number 8?
She finds loopholes in rules.

What's the best thing about number 10?
He really likes Wild Turkey

Favorite Memory with 2?
Hmm, just one? duets are always fun:)

Would you ever date number 13?

Andy Roddick Is Hott


What do you think makes you unique?:I think my humor can be unique
Do you believe you are a generally a good person?:Yes
Do you enjoy helping others with their problems?:Um, sometimes. I don't like people who bring me down with their problems, though. Or who won't return the favor.
List 3 of your highest beliefs (ex. karma) ::Uhhhhh, gravity, evolution, and dinosaurs.
Do you feel that you interact well with others?:Sometimes. Definitely not all of the time. Sometimes I feel incredibly awkward and just don't want to do the whole small talk thing. If it's a friend, though, then I think I'm fine.
Are you a sensitive person?:YES. If I let it, everything will bother me. I have to ignore a lot.
Have you ever been in love?:Debatable. (Let's not.)
What are usually peoples first impressions of you?:They either think I'm shy or a snob.
Do you wish to have children when you get older?:Oh yes! I just saw pics of a friend's newborn and he's SO CUTE.
Would you like to get married?:Yes...I wonder who the lucky man will be, hehe.
What do you look for in a guy/girl?:humor, common sense, fun personality, serious when needed, responsible.
What do you think is your best physical feature?:my eyes
What do you think people admire about you the most?:Oh wow, I don't know. A lot of people say I'm nice. I don't think I'm as nice as I used to be, though;)
Have you ever been in love?:Didnt you ask that already?
Are you close to your family? If so, which family member do you believe you are closest to?:I am close to them all, but with Ali the most.
What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?:If I could only have one for the rest of my life, I'd choose classical.
Are you intelligent?:Yes.
What is your favorite drink?:water! YUM!
What is your comfort food?:french fries maybe?
Where is the most peaceful place for you to hangout by yourself?:my car? Does that count? I wish I had a pier.
Would you rather be in a room full of people or a place on your own?:probably on my own
Do you often think about the universe and about how we humans, came to be?:no, never.
If you could ask three questions about anything in life that haven't been answered or things that you do not understand, what would they be?:1. Why are lambs and sheep the same animal? And how did it take me 26 years to realize this?
2. Why do people like hot weather?
3. Why do liberals think they're correct? (ha)
If you had three wishes ( without asking for more wishes ) what would they be?:1. Never ending money.
2. Accomodating metabolism (like, I could eat as much or as little as I wanted.)
3. A good singing voice.
If you could change one thing in the world what would you change?:Everything would be biodegradable when we needed it to be.
What do you hate most about people?:When they're pretentious
Are you afraid to die?:No
What do you usually do on the weekends?:work, and hang out with boos
Do you intoxicate yourself because you feel overwhelmed by your emotions or troubled by your issues?:HAHAHHHHAHHAHAH! No.
If you had the power to murder anyone on the planet without getting into any kind of trouble who would you kill?:Osama? ha
What are some of your favorite things to do?:play/watch tennis, play orchestral music, makeout, sleep, shop
What calms you down when your upset or stressed out?:deep breathing or a beer;)
Who cheers you up the most when you are down?:a good song, a good friend, ice cream?
Would you rather watch a romance, comedy, thriller or horror movie?:romance, I'm cheesy.
If you had to chose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, without getting sick of it, what would it be?:pasta primavera or pizza
Are you a good cook?:I've never really tried to do anything big. I'm okay enough, though.
What is your dream job?:soundtrack producer or actress
Do you think you will achieve your dream?:I could, if I wanted to, sure.
REALISTICALLY... What profession would you like to take up after you graduate? ( if you haven't already ):high school band teacher (will travel during summer and/or take film/photography classes, etc.)
What is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you?:kissing in the rain was pretty cool, got honked at
What is the most romantic thing, anyone could ever do for you?:Knowing what I'd like and setting it up for me.
What is your main focus at this point in time of your life?:Just to stay on top of things
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:no
Whats the oldest a person has thought you were when you first met them?:When I was a freshman in high school people thought I was a junior.
Do you have a pet(s)?:No:(
What would be your ideal pet if you could chose any animal in the world?:PUPPPPPY! One that was always tiny.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you chose to live?:London, maybe? NYC? Warrenton? hehe. Scotland? Greece?
Do you prefer: winter, summer, spring, or fall?:late fall/winter
Have you ever questionned your sexuality?:no

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Two Colors And A State

99 Personal Questions

What is your full name?:It's 2 colors and a state
Your birth date::17 Feb
What color is your hair? Is it short, medium or long?:dark brown, medium long now!
What color are your eyes?:green
How tall are you?:5'10"
Single or Taken?:single, boo
Do you have pets? If so, how many and what kind?:no pets:( not yet
Who do you live with?:2 roommates;)
What do you do for school and work?:Band teacher and BN, and in school for Music Ed.
Any kids? If not, do you want any?:no kids, but I want a few
What music do you listen to the most?:The most? cheesy pop lately bc it's easy
Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)?:yes, when I'm in school though I tend to read short things or magazines, though
Virgin or not?:I usually prefer alcohol
Name your 3 closest friends.:S, A, V
Which one is your very best friend?:are we in high school?
Your it fair, medium or dark?:medium
How often do you really "go out"?:not often? I don't know what this means
Have you ever lost anyone you loved?:well, yeah
Ever been in love?:quizas
On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you?:3
Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often?:No, but I want to play tennis more
Zodiac sign?:Aquarius
Have any nick names? If so, what?:SVR
Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot.:Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy
Movie(s) you can watch over and over::Cruel Intentions, Garden State, Romeo and Juliet
Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they?:none
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?:just my ears
Wear glasses?:nope
Have braces?:nope
Do you have siblings? If so, how many?:1 bro and 1 sis
Are your parents still together?:yeah
What is/was your worst subject in school?:English or Chem in college;)
Your best subject?:Math, Music stuff, Physics
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?:tennis when I can
Do you like to dance?:yeah, but if I'm not feeling it, I can't do it
Sing?:Do I like to? yes. Can I? no.
Favorite color?:green right now!
Favorite Holiday?:Flag Day
Where, outside of the U.S. would you like to visit?:Russian, Scotland, Greece, Italy, London, etc.
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?:I think I act my age
Ever have an imaginary friend as a child?:no
Ever been skinny dipping?:no
Did/Do you enjoy highschool for the most part?:I hated the monotony, but I enjoyed excelling:)
Do any drugs? If yes, what?:no
Drink? If yes, how often?:occasionally, not a lot
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?:just with Ali, maybe;)
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?:maybe just mentally
What's your definition of cheating?:um, if you feel guilty, then you cheated
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?:ew, no
Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone?:I have an old friends Les Miz CD, oops
Ever cheated on a test?:I've checked answers
Ever been in any legal trouble?:no
Do you regret anything?:nah
Name 5 of the most important things in your life.:music, family, friends, vegetables, travelling
How many languages can you speak and what are they?:english and some spanish, used to be almost fluent
Are you a touchy feely person?:NO
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?:morning
Do you trust easily?:not really
Any phobias?:clowns?
Are you a heavy or light sleeper?:light
When did you make your myspace profile?:like, 1999 or something insane
Any disorders you've actually been diagnosed with (O.C.D., A.D.D...)?:ha, no
Are you a morning person?:nope!
Sunrise or sunset?:sunset. I can't make myself get up for the sunrise
Ever had surgery?:just for my wisdom teeth
Ever come close to death?:no
Ever broken any bones?:no *knock on wood*
When you die, would you rather be burried or cremated?:ew, I don't know
Play any instruments? If so, what?:clarinet, flute, bassoon, baritone, some piano, trumpet, violin, etc.
Have you been told you can sing well more than once?:just from my mom, but she has to say that
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot::eyes, hair, Olsen face;)
Your least favorite feature::hands
Clothing store you shop at the most::JCrew
What is/are your heritage(s)?:SCOTTISH and WELSH
What is your religion or do you not really have one?:Methodist technically, but I don't agree with the spreading of the religion part
Ever been cheated on?:I don't know
Ever had a one night stand? If so, how many and do you regret any of them?:no
Current friend that you have known the longest::Cindy, I think.
Name someone you can tell just about anything to.:Anna
Sweet or Sour?:sweet
Where were you born?:LoCo, VA
Do any of your close friends have children?:sorta....I say sorta bc we aren't close anymore
Are any of them married?:Yeah
Have you ever taken any antidepresants or anxiety medication?:no
Ever seen a therapist?:no
Did/do you transfer schools a lot?:I only changed once in the middle of the year, but I've been to a lot bc of moving and zone changes
Favorite animal to have as a pet::PUPPY
How many floors does your home have? How many bedrooms and bathrooms?:2 floors, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?:um, both
Favorite food::tomatoes
Do you like to shop?:Yeahhhhhhhh
How often do you go online?:daily
How sexual are you on a scale of 1-10?:is10 high or low?
Something or someone you miss the most from childhood::summers off
Have you ever slept with somone 10 years or more older than you?:no
Over 10 years younger?:no
Are you usually late, early or right on time?:right on time, verging on late
Are you happy with your life for the most part right now?:I will be once I get paid!

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Zoolander Is On TV

1. YOU HAVE 10 BUCKS AND NEED TO BUY SNACKS AT A GAS STATION. WHAT DO YOU GET? water, diet soda, and a sub from wawa



04. WHAT DO YOU ORDER WHEN YOU'RE AT AN IHOP? I've only been once and got a grilled cheese

05. LAST BOOK YOU READ? Straight Up & Dirty


07. DESCRIBE YOUR FAVOURITE PAIR OF UNDERWEAR. black boy shorts with pink boys, hehe.

08. DESCRIBE THE LAST TIME YOU WERE INJURED. I was rear-ended last Sunday and it hurt my neck

09. OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS, WITH WHOM WOULD YOU WANT TO BE STUCK IN A WELL? someone who wouldn't annoy me or freak out.

10. ROCK CONCERT, OR SYMPHONY? whoa, totally depends on who and what pieces/orchestra

11. WHAT IS THE WALLPAPER ON YOUR CELLPHONE? hahahahhahaa, I can't tell you.

12. SODA? diet cherry coke is good


14. WHAT TYPE OF SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? WRIR one (brother's radio station in RVA)



17. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST? on Myspace? around 170 bc I erased all the bands



20. MOST RECENT MOVIE YOU'VE WATCHED IN A THEATERS? I can't remember which is the most recent

21. IF YOU COULD INVENT ONE THING, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Can't tell, I have an idea that will make me millions






27. WHO GOT YOU TO JOIN MYSPACE? Friendster, haha


29. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RESIDING IN THE CURRENT CITY YOU LIVE IN? a long time, with a big break for college and Richmond


31. WHAT'S THE LAST THING YOU SAID OUTLOUD? I think I laughed out loud


33. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON THAT SPENT $100 ON YOU? Maybe my dad bc he loaned me money for tuition

34. WHO'S YOUR FAVOURITE TENNIS PLAYER? dshfdjskds, just one????? Can't pick just one: Agassi (*sigh*), Mary Pierce, Maria Sharapova, Andy Roddick, Andy Murray, Nicole Vaidisova, etc.

35. WHEN WAS YOUR LAST KISS? too long ago, boo

36. WHAT'S THE LAST PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU BOUGHT? shirt at Target bc I was upset

A Lot Of Surveys Bc Tennis Is On A Break

Random MySpace Survey
What's your sign?:Aquarius
Are you single or taken? Why/why not?:single. Why? BC I am.
Describe your personality in 4 words:vivacious, random, witty, deliberate
Describe yourself physically in 3 words:tall, hott, brunette
What do you wish you looked like?:Giselle?
What's your best personality trait?:optimism?
What physical feature do you get the most compliments on?:eyes
[This or That]
Friends or Family?:Family
Long-term relationships or random hookups?:long-term
Tattoos or piercings?:I don't like color tattoos or gauges
Beer or liquor?:depends
Hip-hop or Emo?:both!
Day or Night?:night
Movies or videogames?:movies
Fair or big theme park?:theme park
[Would You Rather Be...]
Too fat or too skinny?:too skinny
Cute or sexy?:sexy
Tall or short?:tall
High or drunk?:drunk
Too bitchy, or a big pushover?:bitchy
Alone or with other people?:depends....alone.
Stranded alone or with someone (who couldn't help you escape anyway)?:with someone
Loved for who you are or loved for who people THINK you are?:who I am
How did you meet your best friend(s)?:work
Why are they your best friend(s)?:common personalities/interests
Do you have more best friends or more aquaintances?:bffs
What do you and all your friends have in common?:we're all funny
What do you guys usually do together?:try to decide what to do
How are you and your best friend(s) totally alike?:which bf?
How are you and your best friend(s) totally different?:again, which?
What does:huh?
Are you in love or have you ever been?:maybe
Do you have a crush on anybody?:MAYBE!
Do you think anyone has a crush on you?:MAYBE!
Do you beleive there's someone out there for everyone?:no
What about living:i am living, yes.
Do you miss someone right now?:yes
Are you adventurous?:I don't know
Are you up for one night stands?:no
Have you ever been used for sex or let someone use you for sex?:no
Have you ever used somebody for sex!?:no
What is your most embarassing sex moment?:Maybe the rumor at Spirits, haha
How many people have you kissed?:a lot
How many people have you made out with?:see above
How many people have you slept with?:not answering
Who was the best kisser?:Me;)
Who was the best in bed?:not answering
Time of day?:9pm
Person (non-family member)?:Brad Pitt
Pastime?:orchestra unless I'm tired
TV show?:Gilmore Girls
Thing for dinner?:Pizza
Thing for breakfast?:everything!
Non-alcoholic drink?:water
Beer?:yuengling or Hefeweisen
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

Thank Goodness Summer Is OVER!


Looking back on this summer, have you...

1. Drank alcohol? yeah, but not much
2. Cried? oh yeah, at movies, music, friends, tiredness, frustration, etc.
3. Kissed anyone? no! dammit.
4. Been on a vacation to a different state? Muryland
5. Been on a vacation to a different country? nope
6. Been to the beach? yes, but only once which wasn't enough
7. Been to an island? Ummm, no
8. Done drugs? no!
9. Smoked? no!
10. Snuck out? nope
11. Had a sleepover? Yeah!
12. Stayed up all night? no way, I'm incapable of doing that
13. Slept in someone elses bed? don't think so
14. Went pee in a pool? no
15. Went skinny dipping? no
16. Been on the computer a lot? Oh yeah, especially since it used to be my job
17. Played video games? Probably not this summer
18. Listened to an ipod/mp3 player? no:( Mine died in January
19. Been on over 30 car rides? not driving? Actually, probably not. I usually drive.
20. Been grounded? hahaha no
21. Been to a party? yeah
22. Regret something? no
23. Been dumped? no
24. Lied? yes
25. Done anything against the law? speeding is all, I think.
26. Been camping? no!
27. Got in a fight? no
29. Stayed at a hotel? yeah, Seahawk Motel! in The OC
30. Talked on the phone all night? no
31. Went shopping? yes
34. Asked someone out? no, I don't think so
35. Got in a car with a stranger? haha no
36. Lost someone close? no
37. Had someone sleep in your bed? no
38. Been to a movie: Yes
39. Been to a club? no
40. Slept in? yes
41. Got tanner? yes
42. Watched TV for more than 5 hours? yeah, today alone I have bc tennis is on all day/night
43. Tried something new? yeah
44. Did homework? yeah, stupid summer class
45. Learned something new? I'm about to learn the oboe!
46. Went surfing? no, but I did watch Blue Crush
47. Went dancing? no
48. Been to a concert? don't think I went to any this summer, yikes!
49. Quoted a movie? often
50. Played with fire? no
51. Made new friends? school ones

Who is the person/people you were with the most?
Ali, Steven, Serena

Where have you been the most?
besides home and work, NOVA

What is your favorite ice cream this summer?
omg, Dairy Queen Blizzards

What is the best day?
The day I don't work, usually Sats

What is your biggest regret so far this summer?
Not enough tennis played

What is your favorite song this summer?

What is your favorite movie this summer?
I don't remember;)

Is this the best summer so far?
no, bc I worked it.

Are you looking forward to school starting?
Not really and it already did for me, ok?

I'm Russian

Your Inner European is Russian!

Mysterious and exotic.
You've got a great balance of danger and allure.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's Raining In NYC

1. I've come to realize that my ex... MIA.

2. I am listening to... TENNIS all day long!

3. I talk...either a lot or not much at all...and quite quickly.

4. I love...pop tarts.

5. My best friends... know who they are.

6. I don't understand... why Dairy Queen isn't on the more convenient side of the road for me.

7. I lost... a bag full of clothes when I moved home form college and it still bugs me.

8. People... usually make me smile:)

9. The meaning of my display name is... well, it's my name.

10. Love is... a many splendid thing.

11. Somewhere, someone is... lost in Annapolis. (hehe)

12. I will always... love cold weather.

13. Angels are... Irish.

14. I never want to... shave my head.

15. My mobile phone is... in my pocket awaiting another call just in case. See #11.

16. When I wake up in the morning... I curse the morning.

17. I get annoyed... when people think they're the authority on something.

18. I am thinking about... how I still have two more days off!

19. Kids are... smaller than adults.

20. I get on myspace... once a day maybe.

21. Today I... slept in a little, watched Felicty bc the TV was out and now I'm watching tennis.

22. Tonight I will... go to sleep at some time.

23. Tomorrow I will... watch more tennis.

24. I really want... ICE CREAM!

25. The person most likely to do this is... no idea!

iTunes Meme

Stole this idea from A rubber door.

The first 10 songs that iTunes plays on random.

1. "Is She Weird"- Pixies (Bossanova)
2. "Too Tough To Die"- Black Label Society (Mafia)
3. "Here She Comes Now"- Nirvana (With The Lights Out)
4. "The Chemicals Between Us"- Bush (The Science Of Things)
5. "The Woods So Wild"- David Russell (Renaissance For Guitar)
6. "E-Mail My Heart"- Britney Spears (...Baby One More Time)
7. "Hello Kitty Kat"- Smashing Pumpkins (Pisces Iscariot)
8. "Undiscovered"- Ashlee Simpson (Autobiography)
9. "55"- Echoby (Volume One)
10. "The Velorium Camper III: Al The Killer"- Coheed and Cambria (In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3)

Favorite Song - Undiscovered;)

Least Favorite Song - The Woods So Wild

Favorite Album - Pisces Iscariot

Least Favorite Album- Renaissance For Guitar