Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Friday, November 30, 2007

Hi There

1. How late did you stay up last night?
I don't remember.

2. What was the first thing you thought this morning?

3. Is the person you have a crush on older or younger than you?

4. What did you do last night?
drank beer and dr pepper and rum, watched football, talked, etc.

6. Do you own a stereo more than $100?

7. How's your heart lately?
doing well

8. What were you doing this morning at 7am?

9. What were you doing this afternoon at 12pm?

10. What was the reason you last cried?
blahness, stress, tired, etc.

11. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
Yes, I sometimes hate it.

12. How many red lights have you ran?
none on purpose

13. Have you ever cried while taking a shower?
have I? don't think so

14. What was your favorite grade?

15. What were you doing at 12am last night?
hanging out

16. Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted?

17. What are the last times you were given flowers?
I think a concert

18. Is there anything that you are wanting to do right now?
I want to take a shower and be changed...without having to do it.

19. When did your last hug take place (+ who)?
this morning

20. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling your name?
Yes, why would it be spelled Scarlette????

21. Do you drink tea?
sometimes. not often

22. When was the last time you saw a cop?
this am

23. Did you ride in someone else's car today?

24. Have you made a mistake in the past week?
Haha, yes.

25. What are you listening to right now?

26. Who was the last person to text you?

27. Do you miss someone?

28. Is there anything you regret about your past?

29. Are you happy with your life?

30. Plans for the day?
some work, chill, clean up, go out tonight.

31. Who's the last person you had a sleepover with? When?
Hahaha, what?

32. Whose the last person to disappoint you?
hypocritical gossiper.

33. Do you use lyrics to express how you feel?

34. Who makes you smile almost everyday?

35. What's for dinner?

36. Current mood?
a mixture of emotions

37. Rollercoasters?
love them

38. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
good mix. more girls now maybe?

39. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 weeks?

40. What will you do Sunday?

41. What restaurant do you think has the best French Fries?

42. Have you ever gone on a date with someone for their looks alone?
I only hang out with hott people

43. Who was the last person you texted?

44. What was the last picture you took?
One of my Dr. Pepper bottle

45. Would you ever dye your hair red?
Not anymore

46. When were you last on your phone?
10 minutes ago

47. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth?

How many windows do you have in your room?
This one? 1

What color are your walls
this one has white walls

Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom?

What color is your bed sheet?
off white

Whats on your walls?
paint, some photographs, framed posters

Has the opposite sex been in your room before?

Has the opposite sex been on your bed?

Has the opposite sex slept in your bed?

Who usually sleeps in your bed other than you?
just me 99.9999999% of the time.

1. Are you dating the last person you kissed?
Jeez, I would hope so.

2. Pretend you've had 10 beers. Describe what you would be doing?
spinning (in my head)

3. What do you want?
this to be easier.

4. Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
See #1

5. Do you talk to yourself?
in my head

6. Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
gross no

7. Who knows a secret or two about you?
Serena and Vanessa. And Johanna.

8. How long is your hair?
pretty long, but I want it longer.

9. Do you like Batman?

10. Who did you last hug?
See #1

12. Do you swear at your parents?
No way

13. Do you like anyone now?
of course

15. When was the last time you cried?
Few days ago

16. Is your birthday on a holiday?
Sometimes it's on President's Day

17. What instant messaging service do you use?

18. Last thing you cooked today?
I didn't cook anything today

20. Whose house did you go to last?

21. What are you currently listening to?
Soap operas, haha

22. Why is the sky blue?
bc it's pretty

23. Do you like green beans?

24. Do you swear a lot?

25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
old navy and target

26. Have any regrets?
haha, um, no

27. Do you use an alarm clock?
oh yes

28. Where and when was your default MySpace picture taken?
At Harper's Ferry

29. Do you ever snort when you laugh?
hardly ever

30. Whats the first thing you notice on the preferred sex?
how tall they are

31. Is cheating ever okay?

32. Do you want someone you can't have?

34. Do you wear underwear?

35. Who would you like to see?

37. Are you a social or antisocial person?

40. What's something you regret?
Regret is too negative of a word

43. What radio station(s) do you listen to?
mostly XM stations

45. Are you afraid of the dark?

47. Do you miss someone today?

49. Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
well, of course. I don't delete pics.

50. Who do you tell all your problems too?
Serena and Johanna. And Anna.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


1. Who were you with last night?

2. What woke you up this morning?

3. Where are you?
B Town

4. Is tonight going to be a good night?
yeah! Gossip Girl and ANTM.

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
No, bust.

6. When was the last time you cried?
few days ago. I was blah.

7. Ever thrown up in public?

8. Passed out because of alcohol?
Eh, no

9. What’s on your mind RIGHT now?
I'm hungry.

10. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
for Ali

11. Where would you like to live?
near my friends

12.What do you want to name your children?
Isabella, Wiliam, etc.

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
a musician

15. Who is your number 4 on myspace?

16. Have you kissed your number one? Just in a sisterly way.

17. Who was the last person that left you a comment? Some band

20. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I haven't fallen in awhile

21. Do you listen to music every day? Oh yeah. Always in the car

22. What was the last thing you ate? fries

24. About how many people have you liked? a lot.

26. What are you doing this weekend? Not sure, but tons of fun stuff, of course.

27. Whats your favorite type of soda? Ginger Ale

29. Have you ever won an award? tons in school and sports

30. What do you want to do right now? go get drinks!

31. Who are you with? myself right now

32. Do you like someone right now?
very much so

34. How long ’til your birthday?
about 2.5 months!

35. When were you the saddest in your whole life? The week before I graduated college.

36. What time is it? 744pm

38. What makes you mad? bad schedules

39. Have you ever had a song written about you? Hahah yes, last night. It was country-inspired and awesome.

40. What song makes you cry? Say Yes by Elliott Smith

41. What song makes you happy? Anything by Kyuss

42. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed? Dexter.

43. Do you have a job? Yes, a new one technically.

44. Who is your 3rd text on your inbox from? Rebecca

47. Whats the next CD you’re gonna get?
Maybe The National

Ok Ok!

SAY EXACTLY WHATS ON YOUR MIND, AND DON'T CHANGE IT. & your ex: which one?I want my game back

2. I am listening to: E! News

3. Maybe I should: Make dinner...?

4. I love: movies.

5. I don't understand: why people prefer Dancing With The Stars over So You Think YoU Can Dance?

6. I have lost my respect for: your mom

7. I last ate: fries, ha.

8. The meaning of my display name is: a Hey Mercedes song

9. God is: good on Joan of Arcadia


1. Is your hair wet? no
2. Is your cell phone right next to you? yeah
3. Do you miss someone? yes
4. Are you wearing chapstick? co bigelow
5. Are you so tired? sorta
6. Are you wearing pajamas? no
7. Are you mad? no
8. Are you upset? no
9. Why? why not?


1. Recently done anything you regret? no
2. Ever lied? of course
4. Have you ever kicked someone? yes
5. Ever tripped over your own feet? yes


1. Have you cursed? si
2. Have you gotten mad at someone? customers
3. Who? they're stupid


Q: Is there a person on your mind right now?
A: yes

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: yes-two

Q: do you want any children?
A: yes

Q: Do you smile often?
A: yeah

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: depends on the shoe

Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: yeah

Q: Are your toenails painted?
A: yes

Q: Who's bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
A: somewhere in C'ville.

Q: what color shirt are you wearing right now?
A: blue and a black sweater

Q: What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
A: eating at Red Rock

Q: I can't wait till:
A: more plans

Q: What would you rather be called?
A: on the phone

Q: When did you cry last?
A:few days ago.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: usually

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: no

Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A: not in a long time

Monday, November 26, 2007


Who has seen you in your underwear lately?:
Hahahha only one person gets to see my in my knickers.

What's the best Halloween movie?:
I still love Scream

What are you looking forward to?:
TOmorrow night

When did you last talk to your brother or sister?:
I talked to Jesse on Thanksgiving and Ali today

What did you do the last time you were home alone?:
I'm home alone right now and am watching The Hills

Do you ever wanna know who you're going to marry?:
uhhhh, sorta?

Have you ever watched the Real World?:
Yeah, but not in awhile.

How much cash do you have on you?:

What's your favorite fast food place?:

What's the third and seventh texts (in box) in your phone?:
3:i like to be alone with her...
7:white christmas with kenny rogers? not sure

What did you do two weekends ago?:
I don't remember. went out?

Are you tanned?:
not really

Are you upset with anyone?:

Do you talk to the person you have a thing for?:

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?:

Who’s your number 5 friend on your top friends?:
not sure

Did you get any compliments today?:
Yeah, for speed writing.

Have you ever gone to court?:
just to get my license.

Are you friends with your neighbors?:

What’s the last text message in your inbox say?:
also bear asked if you could bring his shoes up here. goodnight

What’s the last piercing you had?
my ears like 15 years ago

Have you ever punched a guy?:

Do you get jealous easily?:
sometimes, but not always

Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?:
no, actually

Toilet papered someone’s house?:

Have you ever had a crush on your brother’s or sister's friends?:

Have you ever gone to the beach?
of course!!!!!

Do you remember your music teacher's name from elementary school?
Mrs. Monahan

How good is your eyesight?:

Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?:
no thanks

What would you say if I told you I was in love with your brother?
he's engaged, biatch

Have you ever been out of your country?

Have you seen your best friend(s) naked?:
I guess so. I mean, I have many best friends-which one?

Would your parents be mad if you got arrested for fighting?:
Ha prob

Where are your sibling(s) right now?:
both are probably asleep

Do you have a Honda, Toyota or Nissan?:

Who was the last person to call you?:
Ali Rose

What time did you wake up this morning?:

What are you doing this weekend?:
Not sure yet

Do you drunk dial/text?:
not really anymore

When was the last time you were really sick?:
can't remember

What's in your back pocket?:

Do you want to be married right now?:
sometimes....but not really

What were you doing at 4am this morning?

What do you usually do first in the morning?:
take a shower

I Want To Call Out And Play

Body: 1. Do you wear a name tag at work?

2. What kind of car do you drive?

3. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell?

4. Have you ever had a garage sale?
not in the garage. my parents had yard sales, though, and I hated them.

5. What color is your iPod?

6. What kind of dog do you have?
I will have a Yorktese at some point, but no dog right now

7. What's for dinner tonight?
Probably peanut butter and raspberry preserves sammich.

8. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Thai beer

9. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
It dropped into a cup of water in Allie's car-wtf.

10. Last time you were sick?
I can't even remember. I had pre-sore throat yesterday, but I'm fine now.

11. How long is your hair?
pretty long, but I want it longer.

12. Are you happy right now?
Yeah, but I don't want to work tonight and I want to be done with school.

13. are you a bad mama jama?

14. Who came over last?
lots of people! Had a party last wed.

15. Do you drink beer?
of course.

16. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
No, but I told Ali tht.

17. What is your favorite keychain on your keys?
Rose Clan

18. What did you get for graduation?
lots of money

19. What is in your pocket?
nothing right now

20. Who introduced you to Dane Cook?
Jessica Simpson

21. Who was your prom date?

22. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?
No, but I made my own once. Tony Bear!

23. What DVD is in your DVD player?
Dexter Season 1

24. What's something fun you did today?
I got Starbucks (it's early)

25. Who was the principal of your high school?
Mr. Harrison?

26. Has your house ever been TP'd??

27. What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?
gross cats

28. What are you listening to right now?
Regis and Kelly...about to be music.

29. Drinking?
triple venti skim gingerbread latte.

30. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart?
pens, makeup, or wifebeaters.

31. When is your mom's birthday?
27 jan

32. When is your birthday?
17 Feb

33. What's the area code for your cell phone?

36. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now?
old navy-yuck.

37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
Beware of Female Spies

39. How many states in the US have you been to?

41. What kind of milk do you drink?

42. What are you going to do after this?
stupid school work

43. Who was the last person you went shopping with?

45. What is your favorite fruit?

46. What about your favorite dessert?
coconut cake?

47. What is something you need to go shopping for?
shirts and tights

48. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?

49. What kind of car do your siblings drive?
Jesse has an Altima, I think and Ali drives an Accord

50. What bank do you go to?
Wachovia and Navy Federal

51. Do you like pickles?
No way

52. How about olives?

53. What is your favorite kind of gum?

54. What is your favorite kind of juice?

55. Do you have any tan lines?

56. What hospital were you born in?

58. Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?
Mrs. Evans. She loved me!

Different, So Yes.


What's your name?

Do you like it? Why/why not?
I love it because I rarely meet people with it

What color are your eyes?

What color/style is your hair?
it's dark brown, bangs, long

Do you dye it?

Do you have any freckles?

Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
just 1 in each ear

Do you think you're good looking?
Of course

What do you think others think of you?
I think they think I'm fun, easygoing, funny, random.

Do you care?

Do you dress how you want?
Ummmm, sorta. I have to dress to be able to stand up all day and bend over a lot (that'swhatshesaid)

Do you care if people think you look stupid? Be honest :)
Depends on who...some opinions I wouldn't care about

The world

Do you like what the world has become?
Not going to be negative about it-what's the point?

If you could do anything to improve it, what would you do?
help Iraq crap

Are you a tree hugger?

Do you care about the ozone layer?

What are your thoughts on global warming?
I feel like we need one authority on it...there are so many incorrect things being said. Well, not one authority, but you know what I mean.

What about animal cruelty?
Dont hurt puppies.

Are you a vegetarian? Why/why not?
Fuck no.

Do you think people are too self absorbed to really care?
some people are

Do you think people could do much better things with their time?
of course

Would you rather

Put your nudes in everyones locker or lick 10 yr old waste off a sewer?
10 year old waste.

Tell your mom all your dirty secrets or piss your pants on national tv?
secrets-they aren't that bad

Die watching fishing on TV or spend $2,365 for Paris Hilton's ear wax on
wax..why would I want to die?

Be rich and selfish or poor and loving?

The last time

you brushed your teeth - this am
You painted your finger nails - yesterday
Took a picture of yourself - 2 days ago?
Slept - I got up at 8
looked in the mirror 2 seconds ago. in the car on my way back from Warrenton earlier
Went to the mall - last night
Got drunk - last wed
Told somene "I love you" - I told Ali that last night:)
Got into a fight - Don't remember
Cried? - I'm on the verge often right now. Stressed out!
Picked your nose? - That's not ladylike
Had a headache? - this am
Got in trouble? - what? I'm 27.


Why do you think friends stab you in the back?
Because they are jealous? or they suck at life

Do you forgive and forget? Or forgive and remember?
It depends....if something is resolved, then I can forget.

What's your stand on love?
Um, I love it.

Do you ever want to get married?

What do you think about internet fights?
omg, I remember doing AIM fights in college, haha.

Do you think tuna is the chicken of the sea?

Do you like Dane cook?

What's your favorite animal?

I forgot if I asked this but what's your favorite color/why?
green. it's vibrant

Do you have a lot of money?
No, school is pricey.

How many pets do you have/what are they?

Can you sing?
in the car

What do you want to be when you grow up?
an arts coordinator

Do you like the government?

What's your favorite thing to do?
hold hands or listen to music, ha

What do you look for in a guy/girl?
sincerity, hottness, humor, depth

What's your stand on gay marriage?
i'm not gay

What's your religion?
I went to a Methodist church or
Google or

What's you favorite genre of music?

Did you used to love the power rangers and pokemon back with they were good?

Do you want to get married/have kids one day?

Are you a partier or a studier?

Do you walk out of the house without makeup?
nah, but I don't wear much besides eye makeup, which is fun

Do you get along with your parents?
What is high school like for you? Or how was?
it was ok. I had lots of friends and did well, but it was monotonous

Do you like to stand out from everyone else? Or blend in?

Are you shy or do you speak your mind?
i usually stay quiet

Do you sneak out?
haha, not my own house;)

Are you allowed to have a myspace?
ha yes

Are you a clean freak?

Do you have any disorders? (bipolar, anger, etc)
fuck no

Are you ashamed of who you are?
of course not

Could you live without the computer?
I'd prefer not to.

Do you like America, do you really?
I do!

Are you selfish or greedy?
sometimes, of course

Do you believe in aliens?

Was this survey good?
different-so yes.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

While Getting Directions

1. Is there someone you wanna date right now?
Uhh, yeah sure.

2.Is there anyone in your life that you wish you had a stronger relationship with?
of course

3. Are you usually the heart breaker or the heartbroken?

5. Name a quote from the song your listening to.

6.How is life going for you now?
I love this time of year!

7. Do you miss your ex girlfriend/boyfriend?

8. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
Haha, in a way?

9. What is the last text you received?
Something from Ali, I think.

10. Name a song that tells how you feel?
No One;)

11. What is the reason you last cried?
I hit my arm on somethng

12. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?
"Are you awake?"

13. Is there a meaning behind your profile song?
I don't think I have one

15. What was the reason your last relationship failed?

16. Are you tired?
yeah, i didn't sleep much, or well

17. What do you think of people who don't have sex before marriage?
It's cool...whatever they want to do

18. Do you own a pair of green knickers?
Not sure, hmm

19. Are you more independent or dependent?

20. Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
Haha yes

21. Do you believe that what comes around goes around?
Yes, muhaha

22. What is your favorite fruit?

23. Are you happy for your last ex?

25. What is the most important thing in any relationship?

26. Whats the last song to make you cry?
probably something by Radiohead

27. Does someone love you?

28. Do you love somebody?
of course

29. Are your best friends pretty?
I only hang out with pretty people.

30. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?

31. Do you trust people easily?
In a way...but I am careful

32. Whats the one thing that always gets you through the day?

33. Who do you miss?

34. Do you give out second chances too easily?
Yes, but not thirds

35. Where was your last car ride to and from?
I took brendan to his car about an hour ago

36. Where is one place you want to visit?

38. Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you?
I love them

39. Do you ever feel like people don't understand you?

40. Had plans and broke them?
yes, but I usually try not to commit until I know I can go

41. Ever done illegal drugs?

42. Who don't you like?
people who suck at life

43. Do you still have feelings for your ex?

44. Are you a tease?

45. Who are you jealous of?
No one right now

46. Are you a lover or a hater?

48. If you had to choose someone right now to date who would it be?
someone hott

49. What can always make you laugh?
Miss Ali Rose

50. Where do you see yourself in 4 years?
being hott, engaged, working.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Are you available? No
What is your age?: 27

Do you know anyone named Brian? yes, Love him.
When is your Birthday? 17 feb
Ever been stung by a bee? Yes. not in many years, though.

Whats your favorite candy? Reeses?
What color is your computer? black/gray

Do you daydream?: constantly
Whats your favorite kind of dog? Yorktese

Have you ever been in the emergency room? once for me and once to visit someone
Ever pet an elephant? No
Ever swam with sharks? No

Do you use fly swatters?: No
Is there a fan in your room? Nno
Do you like Fall Out Boy?: No

Do you chew gum? often. Love that new kind, Five.
Do you like gory movies?: Yes
Girlfriend? I don't have one of those.

What's your height? 5'10"
What color is your hair?: dark brown
Have you ever ice skated? many times

Favorite Jelly Bean?: don't know
Do you wear jewelery? always

Who do you want to kill?: no one
Have you ever flown a kite?oh yeah
Do you think kangaroos are cute? eh

Are you laid back? usually, yeah.
Lions or tigers?: tigers
Do you like black licoricsh? gross no. I like Jeger, though.

Favorite store at the Mall? Jcrew
Favorite movie?: Garden State, Rosemary's Baby, Fight Club

Do you have a nickname?: Scarls, SVR, Home Skillet, Scarlito
Do you prefer night or day? NIght

Are you an only child? Thank gd no.
Do you like the color orange?: yeah

Do you know anyone named Penelope? No, but i know someone named Penny
Favorite flavor of popcorn? flavor?

Do you think you're always right?: No, but usually I am.
Do you watch reality TV? THE HILLS!

Do you prefer sun or rain?: Um, if it's cold, I am happy
Do you like snow?soooo much!

Time to go to sleep? Need to now. Getting up at 3am!
Tomatoes? amazing

Can you ride a unicycle? Have never trid
Do you know anyone with a unibrow? Yes

Did you ever watch Veggie Tales? yuck no

What's your worst habit?: not putting stuff awa
What do you want right now?: PARTY TIME

Have you ever had an x-ray?: on mah teef

Do you like the color yellow?:yeah, but not pastel. ew
Do you yell when you're angry?: sometimes

Do you believe in the zodiac?: sometimes

Six Lasts:

6. Last Dream: Can't remember, but they were weird.
5. Last Beverage: water
4. Last Phone Call: My mom
3. Last Person To Make You Laugh: Amira
2. Last time you cried: don't remember
1. Last Time You Hugged Someone: last night


1. Do you like cheese?
Oh yes. Cheese is awesome. My favorite is swiss or fresh mozzarella

2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
No and I NEVER will.

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Your favorite song of all time?
I love Disarm.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
I get more nervous for the dentist. I don't know why.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

7. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh Holy Night

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
water, OJ, or coffee

9. Can you do push ups?

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
Right now it's the pretty, sparkly earrings I'm wearing

12. Favorite hobby?
Music..and photography.

13. Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
eyes and expressions I make with them:)

15. What one trait do you hate about yourself?
I don't like to put things away.

16. Middle Name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...
I can't wait til tomorrow!
That pizza was GOOD.
I want a hug-I'm cold.

18. Anything else on your mind today that's troubling you?
I just need a financial backer.

19. Would you like to share it with us?
No, I just have lots of interests.

20. Last text came from?

21. Current hate?

22. Favorite place to be?
with people I <3

23. How did you bring in the New Year?
I as at Ravena's. It was quite tame. I will change that this year.

24. Where would you like to go?

25. Name two people who will complete this and return?

26. Do you own slippers?

27. What shirt are you wearing?
purple striped one and a black cardigan

28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
No, reminds me of Gordon, hha.

29. Can you whistle?
Yes but not well.

30. Favorite color?

31. Would you be a pirate?
No thank you

32. What songs do you sing in the shower?

33. Favorite girl's name?

34. Favorite boy's name?

35. What's in your pocket right now?

36. Last thing that made you laugh?

37. Best bed sheets as a child?

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
N/A..haven't had many.

39. Do you like where you live?
It's gorgeous, but too far away from friends.

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
Depends on the situation, but sometimes serena or vanessa

42. How many dogs do you have?

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
Most likely

45. What is your favorite book?
Summer Sisters

46. What is your favorite candy?
anything with peanut butter:)

47. Favorite Sports Team?
tennis doesn't have teams.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Just A Closer Walk With Thee

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
watching The Hills extras

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?

Monday, November 19, 2007


Lets101 - Free Online Dating

Sunday, November 18, 2007


1) Name the last two songs you’ve heard (in any format). I was listening to Queens of the Stone Age on my way here.

2) Name the last two books you’ve read (or other printed, non-web material if you don’t read books). Mostly magazines of late. My brain is fried (from school, not drugs).

3) Name two websites you think everyone should visit/read. Fotki and my other blog

4) Name the last two movies you’ve seen in the theater. Bourne 3 and Spiderman 3? Ugh, long time ago

5) Name the last two movies you’ve watched at home. Pride and Prejudice!!! and I part of Terminator 3 last night.

6) Name two things that always go together. Blue Moon and an Orange slice.

7) Name two things that never go together. my food and sour cream.

8) Name two people who should disappear from the face of the Earth. Osama and OJ

9) Name two things you’d really like to do before the end of the year. See snow and get a raise. Both are possible;)

10) Name two things you’ve done in the past that you never, ever want to do again. High school and a root canal


1) Will you be traveling for Thanksgiving this year? Just to Leesburg and then to Southriding.

2) Are you contributing any food to this year’s dinner, or perhaps even hosting it yourself? Nope. But I am having a party the night before!

3) Besides the normal turkey and stuffing, what’s the one Thanksgiving dish you must have? I love corn pudding.

4) Do you prefer a big gathering or quiet little meal? Either. Actually, I like it small.

5) Does your family have any Thanksgiving traditions? Not really.

6) What’s your favorite pie? apple?

7) How important is football to your Thanksgiving experience? Not very, but I like it.

8) Name three things for which you are thankful this year. Friends, Family, Health.

9) Black Friday: Stay home and eat leftovers or hit the mall running? I'll be working.

10) Complete this sentence: Thanksgiving is all about… food. Don't lie, you know it's true.

1) What’s the current weather where you are? It's chilly. The sun is down now so it's probably pretty cold out. I love cold weather.

2) Where are you? I'm in Pantera in Warrenton, VA. The best small town in the world.

3) What’s the last thing you ate? A Salad

4) The last thing you drank? Dr. Pepper. About to be a mango smoothie!

5) What’s the background image on your computer? A photograph of fall that I took.

6) What are you wearing right now? Jeans, tank top, button up shirt, sweater

7) Who was the last person you spoke with on the phone? Brendan

8) Who was the last person you spoke with in person? The girl I ordered my smoothie from.

9) What is the last book you read? Time Traveler's Wife

10) What’s the last song you heard (or the one you are hearing right now)? This crap elevator music.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

But Why?

1. Do you still talk to the first person you fell the hardest for?

2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
Yeah, I guess so.

3. Are you obsessed with someone?
Brad Pitt

4. Do you like more than one person right now?
In what way?

5. Name something that you would love to eat right now?

6. Did you get any compliments today?
I've just been at home so far today

7. Who was the last two people to call you?
Ali and Lisa

8. If you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life what would it be?

9. If you could have one super power what would it be?

10. Are you happy?
yeah! But hungry. Haha

11. What's your favorite smell?
chlorine. a freshly lit match.

12. What is your least favorite sound?
alto saxophone and annoying voices.

13. Are you moody?

14. Last person you hung out with?

15. Have you ever tried to get back with an ex?
Ummm, no?

16. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
Just a car

17. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
Oh yeah

18. Have you ever gone camping?
many times

19. Are you friends with all your exes?

20. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?

21. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yeah, at BN

22. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Not yet

23. Listening to music? What are you listening to?
TV is on

24. Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend?

25. Have you ever lied to your parents?

26. Have you ever worn your best friend's clothes?

27. Have you ever thrown up from working out?

28. Ever had a bad haircut?
Ugh, yes. I cried

29. Where are your siblings right now?
Ali's in FX and Jesse's in RVA

31. Name three things you did today.
Watched Pride & Prejudice, ate a bagel, hung up clothes

32. Last person you text messaged?

33. Future kids names?
Isabella Juliette, William Zane, etc.

34. What are you doing tomorrow?
Might go watch the game. Not sure.

35. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
oh yeah, I loved Wee Sing

36. Who was your last kiss?

37. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
raw apples, pollen

38. What is your mood?
antsy! but content

39. Is anyone jealous of you?
probably. I'm the shit.

40. When is the last time you got flowers?
a concert

41. Where were you 2 hours ago?
my room

42. Where were you 4 hours ago?
my room

43. What does your hair look like right now?
bangs are dried, the rest is wet and pulled back

44. Has anyone ever used you?

45. Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than as a friend?

46. What have you eaten today?

47. Is your hair naturally curly, straight, or nappy?

48. Who was the last friend you were in the car with?

49. What are you looking forward to?
electric guitarness tonight!

50. What do you think about marriage?
loves it

51. Any of your friends getting married?
Don't think so.

52. Is today going to be a good day?
Of course.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Two Weeks

1. Have you had any relationships this year?

2. Have you had your birthday yet?

3. Kissed two people in the same night ?
I think so

4. Been on a diet?

5. Pulled an all nighter?
I always have to get some sleep.

6. Drank Starbucks?
omg yes

7. Went Camping?

8. Bought something(s)?
no, nothing. duhhhh

9. Met someone special?
some new friends, yay

10. Been out of state?

12. What are you thinking about?
I'm hungry.

This year, have you:

1.) Hugged someone?

2.) Slept in someone else's bed?

3.) Got a job?

4.) Loaned out money?

5.) Gotten in a car accident?
rear ended, I think

6.) Gone over your mobile phone bill?
oh yes

7.) Been called a ####?
probably, by jealous bitchessss

8.) Done something you regret?


Last Person you hugged?

Last Person to call you?
Cedar Lee asking me to sub

When was the last time you felt stupid?
Forgot to reset my alarm

Who did you last yell at?
Don't remember

What did you do yesterday?
worked, then went to B's to watch the Radiohead thing. And an episode of Dexter


01. Hometown? B town
02. Natural hair color? dark brown
03. Initials? SVR
04. Hair style? long, bangs.
05. Eye color? green
06. Height: 5'10"
07. Pets: not yet
08. Mood: content
09. Where would you rather be: London
10. What was the last alcohol you drank? beer


01. Have you ever been in love:

02. Do you believe in love?

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail?
Well, he was drunk.

04. Have you ever been heartbroken?

05. Have you ever broken someone's heart:

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
In a way

07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them?

08. Are you afraid of commitment?
Not afraid, but hesitant

10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?


01. Are you missing someone right now? yeah
02. Are you happy? yes
03. Are you eating anything? nothng today yet
04. Do you like someone right now? sure

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Maybe She's Not A Model

1. How late did you stay up Saturday night?
I can't remember what I did...Oh yeah, I went to DC then by Bonefish and was asleep at about....midnight? I was a tired, tired girl.

2. What was the first thing you thought of this morning?

3. Is the person you have a crush on older than you?

5. What do you hope to do this weekend?
Fun stuff!

6. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
I hope so

7. Do you own a stereo that cost more than $100?

8. Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it?

9. How's your heart lately?

10. What were you doing this morning at 7am?
sleeping still

11. What were you doing this afternoon at 12pm?

14. What was the reason you last cried?
I was probably laughing!

19. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
Hahah yes.

20. How many red lights have you ran?
just a handful, by accident

21. Have you ever cried while taking a shower?
From pain. or allergies.

22. What was your favorite grade/year?
junior year of high school was fun

23. What were you doing at 12am last night?
I think I was asleep. I fell asleep in my clothes!

24. What's a sure way to catch your attention?
say my name

25. Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted?

26. When was the last time you gave someone roses?
Uhh, not sure

27. Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
Dairy Queen

28. Where did your last hug take place?
next to my car

29. Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
People at Pantera spell it, "Scarlette" WTF???

30. Ever been jumped?

31. Do you drink tea?

32. When was the last time you saw a cop?
way home

33. Did you ride in someone else's car today?

34. Have you made a mistake in the past week?
Minor ones

35. What are you listening to right now?

36. Who was the last person to text you?

37. Do you miss someone?
Yes, when they're not here

38. Is there anything you regret about your past?

39. Are you happy with your life?

41. Is there a feeling you're trying to avoid?
Ummmmm, no?

42. How's that going?
It'll work out

43. What was the last movie you saw at the movies?
Bourne Ultimatum

44. Are you sleeping somewhere Saturday night?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cinnamon Died

1.Egg nog or hot chocolate?
spiked hott chocolate

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Santa does both.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I don't care...tons of lights. Whatever they are!

4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, but I would like to carry some around with me.

5. When do you put your decorations up?
Around the 16th

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
I love stuffed shells.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
I have too many to pick just one

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
what truth?

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Ugh, no. Not allowed;)

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
everthing on it. tons of stuff. no theme.

11. Snow, love it or hate it?
loves it!

12. Can you ice skate?

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
usually what ALi gives me

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
coconut cake

14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?
being happy and making sure loved ones are, too.

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Home Alone 2!

17. What tops your tree?
a think we have an angel now

18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
Oh Holy Night

20. Candy canes?

21. Favorite Christmas movie?

22. What do you leave for Santa?
whatever is around

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

1. When I'm drunk, I tend to......
Get flirty, talk louder, laugh a lot

2. Shots or beers?
beer lately.

3. Do you have drinking buddies?
Yes...they're called my friends:)

4. Do you get Angry?
in general? Yes. I am good about keeping a cool head, though.

5. Do you puke?
Rarely. the limit approaches zero.

6. After 7 drinks who are you?
it can totally depend. sometimes I'll be fine and sometimes I'm laying on Serena's balcony.

7. Your favorite liquor drink is?
mojitos are gooood

8. Tequila does what to you?
reminds me of Puerto Rico

9. Who do you drink with?
friends, family, etc.

10. Vodka makes you?
feel Russian

11. Do you smoke when you drink?
yeah, sometimes. grosssss

12. Do you pass out?

13. Do you drink girly drinks?
Only if I'm going to have one, but then I'd still get beer probably

14. Do you drink alone?
Sometimes I'll have a beer at night, but not in a weird way

15. Worst drink you have ever had?
that Scottish beer. Sorry, Scotland

16. Do you play drinking games?
Yeah, but people annoy me during them.

17. Favorite Beer?
Blue Moon

18. What is your favorite shot?
Jeger bomb, but only when I drop it in myself

19. What will you NOT drink?
whole milk. hahaa, or Guinness

20. Are you a lightweight when it comes to drinking?

21.Do you drunk dial?
Not anymore

22. Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver?

23. Do you like frozen drinks?
Nah, on the rocks, please

24. Do you drink liquor straight?
not usually

25. Do you ever drink out of the bottle?
beer and/or champagne

26. Are you drunk right now?

27. Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages on daily basis?

28. Do you drink a lot of wine?

29. When's the last time you drank?
last night

30. Name someone that will repost this drinking survey?
some random person online

31. Ever been streaking while drinking?

32. Hot tub/pool naked because of alcohol?
Not yet

33. Ever woken up & said "Dude where's my car?"
Hahha in Richmond when I would walk home, lis.

34. Ever carried someone up & down the same flight of stairs due to their drunkeness?

35. Puked in a friend's car?
Just when I was little and sick.

36. Last drink you drank?
Sam Adams, actually.

Labels: , , , ,

The Letter S

Ever kissed anybody with the first name that starts with a S?
Probably....Who can remember these silly details?

Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass?

Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Not right now.

Do you like the color green?
Yes it's my favorite color

How old are you?

Who were the last 2 people to send you a text message?
Serena and Ali

Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs?
No, not for drugs

Last restaurant you went to?

Last voice mail you received?
Ali maybe

What did you do yesterday?
Worked then went to Open Mic then walked around for awhile.

What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars?
buy some clothes then go on a trip

Have you ever been on your schools track team?

Do you have any piercings?
Just my ears

If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?

Do you swear at your parents?
No way

Is your phone right beside you?

Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?

What is the color of your bedsheets?
off white

Have you ever crawled through a window?

What do you spend most of your money on?
gasoline, my car payment, and school/bassoon payment.

Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?

Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't mean it at all?

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Hahah yes....just the other day I did!

Are your parents married/divorced/separated.?

What objects are around you right now
laptop, box of CDs, scanner, etc.

Are you genuinely happy?

Are you looking forward for tomorrow?
Eh, I work.

Do you like to drive?
Yeah, but it's expensive

Where's the last place you went?
My friend's house

Last movie you watched?
Evening. I need to go to the movies soon.

Which of your friends lives closest to you?
No one lives close to me.

Do you have a job?

Monday, November 12, 2007


-Do you know what your name means, if so what? flaming red
-Star sign? aquarius
-When is your birthday? 17 feb
-Where were you born? LoCo, VA
-Are you shy? often

-What do you sleep in? a bed
-Where was the last place you went outside of your house? I was at Fridays
-Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither
-Piercings? just 1 per ear
-Tattoos? zero

-What are you listening to? Queens of the Stone Age
-Last song you heard? Into The Fade
-What is your screen name on AIM? sgt5pepper
-Thai or Italian food? oh wow....sophie's choice
-What do you collect if anything? shot glasses, postcards, cds;), musical instruments apparently

-How many bones have you broken in your life, how? 0
-Thing you never leave home without? cell phone, lipgloss, keys
-What movie are you most anticipating, or do you hope they make? I need to see OCeans 13 and Jesse James!
-What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? water
-What is the most physical pain you have ever been in? that migraine I had when I thought my head was going to explode.

-Who was the last person you spoke with on the phone? Brendan last night
-Last website you visited? gmail
-What do you want to do right now? go shopping
-Who last sent you a message on myspace? Pilot Speed?
-What was the last tv show you watched? E! News

-Religious? ok
-Do you make your own clothes or accessories? no
-Do you eat meat? yes!
-Do you know where it comes from? aminals
-Do you live with you parents? yeah

-What's the sexiest part of a partner's body? their torso.
-What's the biggest age gap been with a person you've slept with? 4 years?
-Are you a good kisser? I hope so
-How do you feel about one night stands? no thanks

-Do you play any instruments? yeah, a lot of them
-Ever been on a cruise? no
-Where have you or where will you vacation this year? Still need to go to RI
-What is your heritage? SCOTTISH, WELSH
-What sports did you play as a kid? soccer, tennis, basketball, dance

-What should you be doing instead of this? drying my hair
-Have any weird fetishes? no?
-Are you good at keeping in contact with people? I try to be
-What time is it? 1:49pm
-Do you think you're attractive or intelligent?both

-Favorite beach?: the gorgeous one in Puerto Rico!
-First thoughts waking up? UGHHHHHH
-Current mood? happy
-Who did you last talk to online? Serena on email
-What are you doing this week? many things: work, hanging out, open mic, practicing, pictures, etc

-Freshwater or saltwater aquarium?: no tengo
-How often do you film or photograph things? every day
-If you were an animal, what animal would you be? blackpanther
-What classes do you have on the next school day? huuh?
-Favorite holiday? my birthday:)

-What is the silliest thing you are afraid of? people throwing cig butts out of car windows
-What's the best gift you've ever recieved? Ali gifts always rule
-What were you doing an hour ago? eating lunch
-Do you love or have a crush on anyone? yeah
-Who is your best friend? I have many.

-Do you like to drive? yeah
-Do you trust ppl easily? in a way
-Sweet tea or unsweet tea? un
-A liar or an honest person? honest
-What's your favorite way to exercise?: tennis

-Do you make others unhappy to make yourself happy? no
-What was the last medication you took? tylenol
-Are you afraid of spiders: no
-Are you afraid of snakes? yeah
-Do you prefer british or american spelling of words? whichever

-Are you artistic? sorta
-How do you eat your Reese's Cup? carefully
-What are the last four digits of your phone? 0869
-Do you like your handwriting? yeah
-Number of languages spoken? 1 and a half

-Do you open up to people easily? NO
-Have you ever kissed anyone? Yes
-Trapped on an island, what 3 things would u bring? knife, sunblock, cell phone;)
-Most missed memory not having to do with an ex? family vacations
-Have u ever cut urself? not on purpose

-What's your favorite bar? Spirits
-What was the last photograph you took? One from the meeting last night
-Where did you last sign your name? a thing at work
-Do you like cows? ok
-When was the last time you cried? can't remember

-How far would you go to meet your favorite singer? I'd go to their show...and if I heard about where else they were going, I'd go there::)
-Ever had a song written about you? I think so
-One thing you hate more than anything? HYPOCRITES
-What animal did you last pet or hold? Jasmine
-What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask? something private

Hey, It's Still A Survey,Isn't It?

1. What is the status of you and the last person you held hands with?
We are very good friends

2. Whats bothering you right now?
I don't want to work. I want to go hang out.

4. Wallpaper on your [ ]computer [ x]laptop desktop?
a photo I took of fall

5. Background on your cell phone?
outside is my no smoking guy from San Fran and inside is someone playing pool.

6. What do you want in your life right now?
snow maybe? I want to be snowed in (not here).

7. Listening to?
An awesome Bright Eyes song.

9. What do you smell like?
my shampoo probably

10. Drinking?
pibb extra, I think

11. Whats your favorite thing to have on your bed?
a surprise!

12. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
I wish I had a better relationship with shoes.

13. What do you wear to bed?
depends on how cold I am.

14. Do you remember your dreams?

16. Have you ever gone gambling?

17. Whats something you wish you could understand better?
how to be good at guitar

19. Who/What do you miss?
people I'm not around enough

20. Who is the last girl and boy you hugged?
girl was Serena after my flat tire, I think. and boy was probably B.

21. Orange or apple juice?

22. Who was the last person you went somewhere with? Where?
to Fridays with John, Brendan, and Serena.

23. What was the last text message you got?
From Ali Rose!

26. Whose house did you go to last night?
Serena's, ha. Thanks, boo.

27. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?

28. Do you like someone right now?

29. Are you bored?

30. What is the last movie you watched?
Evening (sucks)

31. what do you think about ryan sheckler?

33. Do you want someone you can't have?

34. Who was last to slap your butt.
Hahhahaha, so not answering that.

35. Where was the last place you went?

36. Whats on your mind right now?
what to wear today.

37. Have you cried recently?

38. Have you ever been on a roller coaster?

39. Do you care what others think about you?
If I care about their opinion, then yes. or if they're wrong then that can be frustrating.

40. What do you do all the time in a car?
drive defensively

41. Do you trust people easily?
In a way.

43. Do you think you'll be married by 10 months?
I could be. But I doubt it.

45. Who was the last person you called?
my house

46. Who was the last missed call?
my mom

47. What's your ring tone?

48. Do you have any pets?

49. What were you doing at 2am wed night?
Maybe sleeping. Not sure

51. What happened at 10:00 am today?
My alarm went off

52. How many states have you lived in?
1 (the best one)

53. Have you ever kissed someone that's first name starts with a V?
Probably. There are some I didn't know their names.

54. What's your favorite animal?

55. Are you looking forward to next weekend?

Saturday, November 10, 2007



1. you & your ex?
are dunzo

2. I am listening to?
Dawson's Creek

3. Maybe I should

4. I love

5. I don’t understand
why people care

6. I have lost my respect for
drama queens

7. I last ate
my leftovers;)

8. The meaning of my display name is
a nickname

9. God is
very prevalent i the Russian Orthodox church!


1. Is your hair wet?

2. Do you miss someone?

5. Are you tired?

6. Are you wearing pajamas?
not yet

7. Are you mad?

8. Are you upset?


1. Recently done anything you regret?

2. Ever lied?

4. Have you ever kicked someone?
Yes, Nathaniel Angoco in 5th grade. Suri!

5. Ever tripped over your own feet?


1. Have you cursed?

2. Have you gotten mad at someone?


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?

Q: Do you have any siblings?
1 of each

Q: Do you have children?

Q: Do you smile often?

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

Q: Do you like your handwriting?

Q: Are your toenails painted?

Q: what color shirt are you wearing right now?
red tank, black shirt, bright blue sweater, haha

Q: What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?

Q: I can’t wait till:
T Day Party!

Q: What would you rather be called?
some nice nickname

Q: When did you cry last?
Yesterday I almost did when I dropped the crate of mags on my knee!

Q: Are you a friendly person?

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Mine, unfortunately

Q: Do you have any pets?

Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?

Q: Do you think that someone will repost this?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Save 50% With No Payments Til 2009!

Favorite element?

Define yourself in 3 words...
vivacious, random, hott

What is your favorite TV show?
Gilmore Girls

Kill the spider or let it out?
let it out or ignore it

Who was your hero as a child?
Inspector Gadget

Romance or Kinky Sex?
mix it up

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out?
Politely decline...

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be
Angelina Jolie?

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
breakfast, Style section, coffee, and then go home (HAHAHHA)

Aliens have landed and selected you to visit their home planet. Do you go with them?

Do you say "I love you" in the relationship?
Not first

What is your favorite food?

Do you read harry potter books?

What is your favorite place?
by the water

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?

Favorite body part?

How tall are you?

Why did the chicken cross the road?
it was at the crosswalk

Your favorite Disney Films?
Not sure!

Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?

What attracts you most?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Clap Clap Clap

Life Survey =]

1. What's the last mistake you made?
I didnt have my license when I went to vote and had to go home and get it!

2. Is the sun shining?
yeah it's gorgeous out!

3. Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon?

4. Do you like text messaging?
uhhhh a lot, yes.

5. Are you having a good/bad hair day?

6. What was your last purchase?

7. Are you wearing any make-up right now?
eye makeup

8. What are your plans for later?
pizza then open mic night!

9. What is your favorite DDR song?
I can't remember, but I love that game.

10. Is there any drama within your life?
Ugh, always. Can't get rid of it as much as I try to, but really, it all depends on one thing:)

11. What is a song they need to stop playing on the radio?
It's more that they need to have a better variety

12. Are you content with life right now.
Yeah, a few things are falling into place, but overall it's good

13. Does anyone like you?
Of course

14. What is your current obsession?
playing my iPod in my car again

15. Do you have a dog?

16. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Not yet

17. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
All the's because I work at a bookstore

18. Ever done a random act of kindness?

19. Do your toenails have nail polish on them?

20. When's the last time you wore eyeliner?

21. Last curse word you said was?
crap? does that count

22. Are your lips chapped?
no, just bought good stuff finally

23. Are you currently jealous?
no, people are usually jealous of me;) jk...i'm jealous it's serena's birthday! I love birthdays!!!

24. Do you own an iPod?

25. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes, that I was ready to go out.

26. Are you mad at anyone?
not really

27. Who is the most random person you know?

28. What's going on this weekend?
Not sure, actually.

29. Done any spring cleaning lately?
it's fall.

30. Anything bothering you?

31. What do you search for on YouTube?
So You Think You Can Dance clips!

32. Did you wish for anything last night on 11:11?

33. Do you drink coffee on a regular basis?

34. Do you wish you were someone else?
no way!

35. What jewelry are you wearing?
watch, bracelet, necklace, earrings, 2 rings

36. Ate any exotic food lately?
don't think so

37. How many contacts do you have on MSN?

38. Are you easily amused?
yeah, extremely so sometimes. and by random stuff

39. Can you lick your elbow?
um, no

40. Do you know this song, "we stay fly no lie you know this"?

41. What piercings do you have?
1 per ear

42. Do you have a crush right now?

43. What are your plans over the summer?
no idea just yet

44. How's life going for you?
it's fun!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Ghost Of Christmas Past

1. An Asshole? No...but I could be if I needed to be!
2. Tall? For a girl, yeah. But not overly tall
4. In your pajamas? Yes, which is odd.
5. Left handed? No
7. Sensitive? Emotionally? Sometimes. Physically? sometimes. Haha, should have just said, "sometimes"
8. Easy to be a friend? I think so. I'm not always forthcoming with stuff, though. But I'm pretty even-tempered, which is good.
9. Relationship material? Of course:)
10. Angered easily? Yes, sorta....but I am very good at counting to ten or realizing it's not going to help matters to say anything

1. friend you saw? Serena
2. Talked on the phone with? Brendan
3. Person to text you? Ali
4. Piercing you got? ear
6. Time you cried? I don't remember
7. Car ride? ride? Home from Serena's on Wed.
8. Purchase? a drink
9. Thing to make you smile? The Hills!

1. Number: 17
2. Color: green
3. Food: Thai
4. Song: Right now it's "No One"
5. Day: whatever day I don't work and hang out with boos
6.Season: whenever it's cold


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
I woke up a few times. Finally I realized I had accidentally fallen back asleep and it was sorta late.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
just crazy bitches. and logistics:)

Q: Where is the last place you went?

Q: What are you wearing?:
pj pants, tank top, Juilliard sweatshirt

Q: Are you a friendly person?

Q: Where did you sleep last night?

Q: Why did you sleep there?
Because it's nice here. My bed is comfy

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
"sleep is nice"

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?

Q: What do you hear right now?

Q: What's your favorite month?
November and February

Q: How many kids do you want?
2 3 or 4

1. Are you missing someone right now? Yeah
2. Are you happy? Yes
3. Are you sad? No
4. Are you bored? No, but I wish The Hills was still on
5. Are you nervous? No
6. Are you tired ? A little
7. Are your parents still married? Yes.

1.Where is your boyfriend right now?
that sounds weird.

2. Last place you hugged someone?
my car?

3. Name three things you did today?
worked, danced, read Glamour

4. Last person you text messaged?

5. What kind of phone do you have?

6. What are you doing right now?

8. What color are your eyes?

10. Do you have a chair in your room?
Not my bedroom

11. What are you doing tomorrow?
Shhhh! It's a secret.

12.Do you know anyone named Betsy?
yeah, an aunt. I mean second cousin.

13. What's the color of your hair?
dark brown

14. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
Wee Sing!

15. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

16. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
a hott second ago

17. do you play an instrument?
clarinet mainly. working on Bassoon

18. Do you like fire?
Not as much as Beavis and Butthead.

19. Are you allergic to anything?
pollen, yuck.

21. Best friend(s)?
are awesome

22. Do you miss anyone?
You already asked that

.....I don't know what happened to 23 and 24.....

25. Have you ever seen your school counselor?


27. What is one thing you've learned about life?
It's best to be positive


29. Is anyone jealous of you?
Most likely.

30. When was the last time you got flowers?
My last wait, maybe a more recent concert.

31. Where were you 1 hour ago?

32. Where were you 4 hours ago?

34. Has anyone ever used you?

36. What have you eaten today?
bagel, grilled cheese, cupcake, chicken noodle soup (homemade), peas, roll, oatmeal cookie

37. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

38. Who was the last person you drove with?
Brendan? I don't think Serena and I have closed together since then

39. What are you looking forward to?
Serena's birthday celebrating!

40. Do you want to kill anyone right now?
yikes! no!


01: Do you take pills of any sort?
Not usually.

02: You doing anything interesting tomorrow?
Yes. I can't say what, though:)

03: What was your elementary school called?
I went to 4: M.M. Pierce, Mary Walter, Southeastern, and Grace Miller

04: How many hours do you work a week?
40. Although lately I've been trying to take the vacation time I have saved up.

05: Have you ever seen a real giraffe?

06: Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?

07: Where will you retire to?
Greenwich, CT.

08: Last person you completely lost your temper with?
Well, completely? No one in a while. I'm good at staying pretty reserved. I don't want to say something that will come back later and make me look like an ass.

09: What name will you definitely NOT call your kid?
I probably won't reuse Virginia. (It's my middle name)

10: How many people do you know called Lucy?

11: What should you be doing instead of this?
I should be revising work for school, but my insides hurt.

12: What's your favorite planet?
Saturn is cool

13: Do you ever say "your mum"?

14: How about "that's what s/he said"?
all day every day.

15: What's getting on your nerves at the moment?
my insides hurt. and selfish people. and the necessity for oil changes.

16: Are you normally quite patient?

17: Do religious people bother you?
Only when they're weird about it

18: Tongue piercings: gross or hott?

19: What about lip piercings?
v. hott

20: Is happiness a choice?
99% of the time

21: When do/did you leave school?
I finish classes in less than a month, but will technically graduate in May 2008.

22: When it comes to the opposite sex, what is "your type"?
tall, funny, fun, musical usually, tend to have darker hair.

23: Do you brush your hair before you have breakfast?
Yes. Usually...

24: Name three places you've been that you'd go to again:
Puerto Rico, NYC, Montreal

25: What's the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex has done for you?

26: If you were marooned on a desert island, how long would you survive?
However long I needed to

27: What colour dominates your wardrobe?

28: What's your comfort food?
beer? just kidding. something salty, probably

29: Ever sing into your hairbrush pretending it's a microphone?
I think I usually use my cell phone.

30: Speaking of hairbrushes, is yours plastic or metal?
one is plastic, one is..I'm not sure.

31: Is your house key silver or gold?

32: Did you ever play Pokémon?

33: Trade cards?

34: What colour are your bed sheets?
off white right now

35: Does/did your school make you support charities?

36: What music did you listen to five years ago?
2002? Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Hey Mercedes, Strike Anywhere, etc.

37: What colour ink do you normally write in?

38: How do you usually style your hair?
I straighten it 90% of the time. and I have bangs.

39: Who did you spend last Christmas with?

40: If you were cast in a movie, would you be lead role, someone fairly important, someone fairly irrelevant or an extra?
lfor my first one, I'll probably be a supporting character.

41: Aliens are going to eliminate one country from Earth. Given the choice, which country would it be?
not sure

42: Who normally cooks your dinner?

43: George Bush: moron or just doing his job?
doing his job.

44: What TV show should've been cancelled before it was even viewed?
Ugly Betty

45: How many kids do you think you want?

46: Are you happy with life right now?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Hova Baby

1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
Dial? And Kiehls.

2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?

3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator?
Don't think so

4. Are there any dirty dishes in your sink?
Yeah, I just put one there.

5. What would you change about your living room?
A keg-a-rator

6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
Don't use that

7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry?
NO, gross.

8. White or wheat bread?
whole wheat

9. What is on top of your refrigerator?
A pen maybe

10. What color is your sofa?

11. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
mine is a map!

12. How many plants are in your home?
a lot

13. How many candles are in your home?
a handful

14. Is your bed made right now?

15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it?
I thikn it's black

16. Electric or standard can opener?

17. Theme in your living room?

18. Colors in the bedroom?
gray, dark red

19. Comet or Soft Scrub?

20. Is your closet organized?
sorta. I have too many clothes for my closet

21. What color is the flashlight that you use the most?
what? i don't often use a flashlight

22. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer?
I don't have a junk drawer.

23. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
I don't like glasses. I prefer plastic cups.

24. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?

25. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
Sorta. Not in a bad way.

26. Curtains or blinds?

27. How many pillows do you sleep with?

28. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?

29. How many ceiling fans are in your home?
3? no 4

30. How often do you vacuum?
when I have to

31. Standard toothbrush or electric?

32. What color is your toothbrush?
white and purple

33. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
THink so.

34. What is in your oven right now?

35. Is your microwave clean or dirty?

36. Is there anything under your bed?

37. Chore you hate doing the most?
putting stuff away

38. What retro items are in your home?
my Polaroid camera!

39. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
nah, just the den

40. If you have a yard, who mows it?

41. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now?
don't know

42. How many mirrors are in your home?
one in each bathroom. one in each bedroom

43. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
Not me

44. What color are your walls?
off white, mine is different, though.

45. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper?
the upstairs bathroom

46. Do you have a peephole in your front door?

47. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?

48. What does your home smell like right now?
a candle

49. Fave candle scent?

50. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?

51. Who are in the pictures you displayed?
friends, family, bands

52. What color is your favorite bible?

53. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen?

54. Do you own a stereo?

55. How many tvs do you have?
I have 2

56. How many house phones?

57. Do you have a housekeeper?
I wish

58. What style do you decorate in?

59. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?

60. Is there a smoke detector in your home?
Of course

61. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip?
laptop, box of pics, clarinet, bassoon, special box of stuff

62. Do you know how to work your electrical box?

63. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

First 10 Months Of 2007

1. Have you had your birthday yet?

2. Are you with the same person as you were at the beginning of 2007?
I get better every day;)

3. Are you still at the same job?

4. Is your favorite color the same color?

5. Have you got the same style/colour ?

6. Have you bought a new car this year?

7. Any new friends?

8. Have you been involved with the police this year?

9. Favorite all time drinking place for 2007?
Friend's apartments.

10. Is your best friend still your best friend?

11. Got any tattoos or piercings this year?

12.Had a hair cut?

13. been in a hospital this year?

14. Lost someone you cared about this year?

15. Where have you been this year, vacation/business
North Carolina, The Oc, etc.

16. Been in love this year?

17. Fallen out of love this year?

18. Been kicked out of a pub this year?

20. Read any books?
Of course

21. Worst thing to happen this year?
Too much school work

22. Best thing to happen this year?
North Carolina was awesome.

23. How many times have you gotten drunk?
a lot

24. Has this year been a good one so far?

25. If you have anything to comment about the year 2007 what would it be?
get colder, motherfucker.

This Is Better Than Writing A Paper

1. What do you wish your best friend's name was?
I have a few best friends and their names are fine.

2.When eating a taco, do you apply the sauce right-to-left or left-to-right?
I don't put sauce on it

3.When opening a ketchup package, do you tear with your right or left hand?
hold with left, tear with right. but i use honey mustard

4.Do you scrunch or fold the toilet paper?

5.What's your fourth favorite color?
Green, Black, Red, BROWN?

6.If you could only write with one color for the rest of your life (can't be black), what color would it be?

7.Who has the weirdest boobs you've ever seen?
THat girl at MWC.

8.Who has the best ass you've ever squeezed?
probably some random guy. I'm not an ass-girl

9.For a million dollars, would you dye your eyebrows pink for a year?

10.Name a type of animal with four legs you can eat.

11.Do you think deaf people would be really good at charades in a group?
No, they'd try to use sign language

12.Have you ever removed dead skin from your hand with scotch tape?

13.Would you rather relive the worst relationship you ever had or wrestle an anaconda?
worst relationship since it wasn't bad

14.If you were told you had two weeks to live, what would you try to accomplish?
have fun and leave something behind.

15.The world can only exist in three colors, what are they?
duh, the 3 primary ones

16.If you had a pet monkey, what would you name it?

17.What would you do if your mom told you that your real dad was George Bush?
ask her if I get secret service

18.A meteor is coming to destroy the earth and you can do whatever you want, what do you do?
go to the ocean

19.You have to rename a letter of the alphabet.

20.If you could breed 3 different species together, what would they be?
this question is weid

21.Aliens are attacking the earth and you're the only one who knows how to beat them. You can both defeat them all and be a world-renowned hero OR you can sell the idea to the government for a billion dollars, but no one will know it was your idea. Which do you choose?
be the hero bc it's quicker

22.If you could erase one country from the map, which would it be?

23.If you could relocate a major city, which one and where would you put it?
I would put Southport in New England. And then I would move there.

24.Who would win in a fight...Paris Hilton or a velociraptor?

25. Did OJ do it?

26.You get to choose someone to never talk again...who?

27.You get to erase one band from existence...which one?

28.What one world event has the most impact on the way we live today?
9/11 maybe

29.Crayons, colored pencils, or markers?
colored pencils

30.Would you trade the greatest moment of your life for $100,000?

31.What do you wish you'd invented that already exists?

32.Do goats have girlfriends?
um, no.

33.How many hours do you wish were in a day?

34.You can either have the power to rewind or fastforward you life, which do you choose?

35.If you could give a disease to anyone, would you?
Yikes, no.

36.Got a part in a movie, you find out your co-star is Ben Affleck, do you still do the movie?
YES he is hott.

37.You have to get a tattoo on the end of your nose, what do you get?
a brown dot. freckle!

38.The Easter Bunny now must be another animal, what is it?
The Easter Puppy!

39.Eat a plate of beetles or drink a glass of fish eyes?

40.Would you rather have your nipples gnawed off by fire ants or have your urinary tract filled with cement?
whoa. wtf!

1. Who was your first prom date?
I went with friends. I decided to go just a few days before. I was supposed to be out of town.

2. Do you still talk to your first love?

3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
beer when I was a youngin'

4. What was your first job?
first real one? grocery store. ew

5. What was your first car?
'86 Chevy Celeb

6. Who was the first person you texted today?

7. What was your first thought this morning?

8. Who was your first grade teacher?
I don't remember. I changed schools mid year

9. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
It was a little 4 seater in PA.

10. When you snuck out of the house for the first time, who was it with?

11. Who was your FIRST TRUE best friend?

12. Where was your first sleep over?:
probably Krissy's

13. Who was the first person you talked to this morning?
in person? Well, my mom on the phone

14. Whose wedding were you at the first time?
My uncle and his now ex-wife

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
decide if I can sleep more

17. First piercing?
ears when I was in 2nd grade.

18. First foreign country you went to?

19. Who was your first REAL makeout?

20. When was your first detention?
I got it for talking in 5th grade. I did it on purpose bc my friends were all in detention

21. What was the first state you lived in?

22. Who was the first person to break your heart?

23. Who was your first roommate?

24. Who will be the first to repost this?

Thursday, November 01, 2007

She Is You

1) Are your parents married or divorced?

2) Are you a vegetarian?
Hells no!

4) Have you ever come close to dying?

5) What jewelery do you wear?
watch, Tiffany bracelet and necklace, two rings

6) Favorite time of day?
when it's dark.

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
YUM, of course

8) Do you wear makeup?
eye makeup

9) Ever have plastic surgery?

10) Do you color your hair?

11) What do you wear to bed?
tank top and pj pants. or more if I'm cold.

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
of course

13) Can you roll your tongue?

14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
a lady doesn't tell

15) What kind of sneakers?

16) Do you believe in abortions?
No comment

17) What is you natural hair color?
dark brown

18) Do you have any children?

19) Do you snore?
Yes, bc I can't breathe

20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?

22) If you ever won the lottery, what would you do first?

23) Gold or silver?
whichever! haha

24) Hamburger or hot dog?

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
salads of various sorts

26) City, beach or country?

27) What was the last thing you touched?
besides my computer? diet coke can

28) Where did you eat last?
right here

29) When's the last time you cried?
I sorta did last night. I felt horrible:(

30) Do you read blogs?
yeah, but not as many as I used to when I worked at a computer all day

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
sure, guys wear jeans and shirts. easy

32) Ever been involved with the police?
only in Puerto Rico

33) What's your favorite shampoo?
expensive stuff

34) Do you talk in your sleep?
I sure hope not

35) Ocean or pool?
pool, but ocean of course

36) What's your favorite song at the moment?
No One by Alicia Keys

38) Window seat or aisle?

39) Have you ever met any one famous?

40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
I have definitely had successes, but it's not over yet!

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah?
Oprah, of course. Ricki Lake is lonely.

43) Basketball or Football?

44) How long do your showers last?
20 minutes?

45) Cake or ice cream?
Sophie's Choice. ice cream!

47) Are you self-conscious?

48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
Ugh, yes.

49) Have you ever given money to a tramp?
hahahahahaah no!

50) Have you been in love?

51) Where do you wish you were?
on a sailboat. Or in a lodge at a ski resort.

52) Are you wearing socks?
No, and my feet are cold

53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

54) Can you tango?

55) Last gift you received?
one from San Fran

56) Last sport you played?

57) Things you spend a lot of money on?

58) Where do you live?
a tiny town

59) Where were you born?

60) Last wedding attended?

61) Favourite fast food restaurant?

63) Most hated food?

64) What's your least favorite chore?
uhhh, cleaning in general

65) Can you sing?
Not really

66) Last person you instant messaged?

67) Last place you went on holiday?
Ali and I took a day trip to Philly a couple weeks ago

69) Current crush?
A crush? None. Except for my on going one on Brad Pitt

70) Do you want people to do this meme?