Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Monday, May 29, 2006

Fill In The Blank

Fill in the blanks...

1. If I could change ONE thing from this past weekend, it would be that it involved more people.
2. One of my favoriet recipes includes cake cookies!.
3. If things don't go as originally planned, I tend to be ok unless it's disappointing.
4. My daily routine is very boring right now.
5. The one television show I will probably miss, since the season is coming to an end, is The O.C. although I will definitely miss the others, too.
6. I have a calendar hanging/sitting on my my wall and it's of The O.C..
7. I'm really excited about changing the calendar when the day/month changes.

1. List three words that describe YOU. contemplative, funny, thirsty
2. List three words that describe YOUR HOME. open, cool, 2-stories
3. List three words that describe YOUR TOWN. small, boring, far-away
4. List three words that describe YOUR STATE. awesome, conservative, well-placed

1. Sleeping in for me means sleeping until at least 930.
2. Staying up late means I don't go to bed until 4am or so.
3. I probably spend more time driving than I would like.
4. And I don't spend nearly enough time with some people.
5. I have zero tolerance for the morning.
6. I have a lot of patience when it comes to random attitudes.

Name 5 Things that:

1. Make you smile:sushi, snow, presents, champagne, comments
2. You can see on your desk right now: I can't see my desk right now
3. Kept you busy this weekend: Laguna Beach marathon, party Sat night, visiting my grandmother, Red Robin, a nap
4. You'll be doing this coming week: orchestra, Snow Patrol concert, class, orchestra concert, work
5. You've said to make someone else smile: "I'm coming over", "I'm leaving", "Tot", "Boo", "I'll pay"

What is Angelina Jolie's Baby's Name?

You wake up hungover, what do you do?
I don't get hangovers 99.9% of the time (damn Grand Marnier!) but I would drink water and then eat greasy breakfast food.

You go to taco bell, what do you order?
Chalupas! Nacho Cheese! Or the caesar burrito thing.

You spontaneously decide to take a road trip where do you go?
I need to go visit my cousin in Wilmington, NC. I need to go when it's hot so I don't want to move there.

You are put in a jawbreaker CD what song is on?
I don't know!

You are reading on the toilet, what book/magazine is it?
You know what's gross? People who takes books into the Barnes and Noble bathroom

You dress up for halloween, what superhero are you?
Paris Hilton!

You sign on to myspace, what do you do first?
See if anyone left me comments

You look in the mirror, how are you lookin these days?
hott, of course. my hair needs to hurry up and grow. This in between stage makes me want to cut it asap and get bangs again. I don't know if I want it long but I always get jealous when I see nice long hair so I want it right now. Besides, I'm trying to postpone the expensive hair cut as long as possible. I need a trim though, crap.

You're making out and put on a record, whats your go to record?
It would depend who it is and if I have time to "put on a record". I think "Eye" by Smashing Pumpkins is hott though

You're watching star wars, do you ever root for the empire?
I've never seen Star Wars

You meet Evan Dando of the lemonheads, what do you say?
"Let's go get coffee and makeout to 'Eye'."

You're in the middle of a circle pit and you drop your cell phone next to the burliest dude with his shirt off doing the fat guy mosh, what do you do?
Depends what kind of circle pit (any why would I ever be in one?)...if it's the type where people aren't trying to hurt others I'd try to tap him on the shoulder but if it's like, some crazy scene where I'm going to get hit, I'd just hope my phone makes it through.

You are grillin in the backyard, what kind of sauce do you use?
Sweet and not too spicey BBQ sauce

You go to atlantic city for the weekend, wheres the first spot you hit?
the bar

You're at the bar, and they are out of your regular beverage, what do you drink next?
I have many "regular beverages"

You meet John Leguizamo, and he's wearing the fat clown costume from spawn, do you fight him?
what character? If it's a clown then I'd be SCARED!

You show up to court for a misdemeanor and it turns out to be night-court(the TV show), what crazy circumstance will set you free?
I will speak only in haiku

You are raising money for an orphanage and somebody steals it, do you call the A-team, or Macguyver?
MACGYVER, of course.

Your back is totally sunburned and you have no aloe, how do you sleep?
I don't often burn but the few times I have (on a boat in Puerto Rico), I just made sure to use a lot of moisturizing aloe.

You are in a convertable at a red light, and all the sudden a Saab full of German bikini models rolls up next to you and is blasting Du-Hast, what do you say to them?
Are they wearing bikinis? (I'm assuming male models, right?) I'd ask where they were going.

You go to an asian resturant, what do you order?

You are going to eat a cheese steak, where do you go?
Philly, duh. Whiz with!

You wake up and you are living in the video game Mike Tysons punch out, whitch boxer are you facing?
Evander Holyfield

The Smiths are playing Cure songs, and the Cure are Playing Smiths songs at opposite venues the same night, which band do you go to see? wow, good question! I think I'd go see The Cure playing The Smiths' songs. It's all about Robert Smith.

Your mom gives you a hundred dollar grocery store card, what do you spend it on?
champagne, ice cream, cheese, blue chips, shrimp.

Michael Jackson shows up at your next birthday party, do you welcome him in?
Ummmmmm sure bc then I'd be in US Weekly.

You are drinking a rolling rock beer, cause it's the only beer left, and somebody that you were going to make out with makes fun of you for it, what do you do?
Why would they make fun of that?

Your girlfriend gets kidnapped by the shadows, and you are going to save her double dragon style, who's your other dragon?
my girlfriend?

You wake up to find Bret Michaels from poison in bed with you wearing a leather thong, how do you get him outta the house, and more importantly how do you cover that shit up?
I'd make him wear a tutu and tell him my husband is home.

You are on an old fashioned boat, would you rather have captain hook, captain ahab, or captain ron?
Johnny Depp, please.

The rolling stones are eating french fries at fudruckers and you are getting them condiments, what condiments do you get them?
honey mustard and liquor.

............................last question.........................

Godzilla and Mothra are hanging out at a bar, when Chuck Norris and Clint Eastwood walk in and call them out, who's side do you take?
I'm sorry, what?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Proust Questionnaire

* What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
knowing you hurt a loved one
* Where would you like to live?
* What is your idea of earthly happiness?
to not be afraid or polluted and to have all the ice water you want
* To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
This question hurts my head right now
* Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
I don't really have any favorite books that have someone I would call a "hero" in them
* Who are your favorite characters in history?
Cleopatra, Hitler but not in a "Oh, go you!" way but more in a "wow, he's a mad lunatic" way, Pharoahs, etc.
* Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
Paris Hilton, Angelina Ballerina, LC
* Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
see above
* Your favorite painter?
Van Gogh (is that cliche?)
* Your favorite musician?
Billy Corgan
* The quality you most admire in a man?
Intelligence, hummor
* The quality you most admire in a woman?
patience, level-headed
* Your favorite virtue?
* Your favorite occupation?
That I've had? lifeguarding-haha, especially on rainy days
* Who would you have liked to be?
Noone but me.
* Your most marked characteristic?
maybe that I'm funny?
* What do you most value in your friends?
humor, they're considerate, they include me, they know what will make me laugh/cry/scream/etc., etc.
* What is your principle defect?
my arms are short, hahahaha
* What is your dream of happiness?
not having to worry about anything
* What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
I prefer not to think about this!
* What would you like to be?
someone involved with something EXCITING!
* In what country would you like to live?
* What is your favorite color?
I am all about greens right now
* What is your favorite flower?
* What is your favorite bird?
I hate birds.
* Who are your favorite prose writers?
Sylvia Plath, Proust;)
* Who are your favoite poets?
Shelley, Plath
* Who are your favorite composers?
Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Mozart
* Who are your heroes in real life?
seriously, Angelina Ballerina
* Who are your favorite heroines of history?
* What are your favorite names?
Isabella, Juliette, Eleanore, Estelle, Olivia, Quinn, Vincent, William, Paul, Saul
* What is it you most dislike?
being tired
* What historical figures do you most despise?
Gloria Steinheim, certain other people I'll keep to myself
* What event in military history do you most admire?
* What reform do you most admire?
* What natural gift would you most like to possess?
I would love to be able to sing
* How would you like to die?
* What is your present state of mind?
tired but once it's tomorrow the next day is WORK

Friday, May 26, 2006

Three Day Weekend

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?

3. When's the last time you've been sledding?
----Years ago

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
---If someone is there I don't sleep as well

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
---No except for Peeves and the rest

6. Do you consider yourself creative?

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
---I do!

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
---Tough one, seriously but I guess JA was on Friends so she wins

9. Do you stay friends with your ex's?

10. Do you know how to play poker?
---Yes but I forget what beats what

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
---no! I can't do that

12. What's your favorite commercial?
---The one with Wolf Parade for Jaguar

13. What are you allergic to?
---pollen, raw apples/pears, dust, mold maybe, dander, etc. work.

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights?

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?
---I think so

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?

17. Have you ever been Ice Skating?

18. How often do you remember your dreams?
---Often but when I try to focus in, I forget them.

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
---most days, I always cry when I laugh

20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?
---Across the Universe, Michelle, Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday, Hey Jude

21. What's the one thing on your mind now?

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?

23. Do you know who Ghetto-ass barbie is?
---hahah no

24. Do you always wear your seat belt?

25 what cell service do you use?
----Verizon and right now they can SUCK IT

26. Do you like Sushi?

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident?
---I don't know, weird question

28. What do you wear to bed?
--tank top, PJ Pants

29. Been caught stealing?
----No, I don't steal. just hearts.

30. what shoe size do you have?

31. Do you truly hate anyone?
---I used to but she died

32. Classic Rock or Rap?
----classic rock

33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be?
----Brad Pitt.

34. Are you a psyhic?
---not really

35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?
----If music is on, I sing.

36. What food do you find disgusting?
----SOUR CREAM and anything too mushy

37. Do you sing in the shower?

38. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"?

39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?

40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
---I think so

41. Have you ever been punched in the face?
---I've never been punched but Ali kicked my in the face when she was 2.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Three _____s on a Desert Island

The Three _____s on a Desert Island.

If you were stranded on a desert island (without Ginger and the Professor and all those folks to keep you amused), which three _____s would you bring?


1. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare- Not only would it be a ton of reading material but we could act out the plays if we got bored. Plus, not all of it is easy reading.

2. Summer Sisters by Judy Blume- Seriously makes me cry every time I read it.

3. There is this book I have my dad about living off the land, that would not only be interesting but also very useful.


1. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness by Smashing Pumpkins

2. Complete works of Tchaikovsky

3. I feel like I shouldn't cheat with another "complete works of...", Dolly Parton's Greatest hits.


1. Ali because we wouldn't kill each other

2. Tony Blair- hottttt and hott accent

3. Nathaniel- because we need 2 males and Ali can't have Tony.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

American Idol, Paula Is Drunk

Finish the following sentences...

1. The last person I kissed was...

2. Never in my life have I..
watched Lord of the Rings!

3. The one person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is...
Ali, Steven, Seth Cohen

4. High School...
was fun because I won.

5. When I'm nervous...
I get butterflies

6. The last time I cried was...
probably for some TV show!

7. My hair...
is hott

8. When I was 5...
I lived in a hott brick house with my brother's and my rooms upstairs.

9. Last Christmas...
I gave you my heart

10. I should be...
finishing this water and getting another

11. When I Look Down I See...
my skirt

12. The most recent event was...
Event? like a gala?

13. If I were a character on Friends I'd be...

14. By this time next year...
I'll be married...hahaha jk

15. Current Relationship Status...

16. I have a hard time understanding...
how certain people have boyfriends;)

17. You know I like you if...
I spend money on you, ha. or time. both are important to me.

18. If I won an award, the first person (people) I would tell...
Ali bc I could text her

19. Take my advice...
stop acting like you're cool, you aren't

20. My ideal breakfast is...
everything. seriously: bacon, eggs, sausage, tots, french toast, etc.

21. If you visit the place I grew up...
you'll probably drive through before you realize it

22. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon...
The O.C.!

23. If you spend the night at my house...
bring your own pillow

24. The world could do without...
sour cream

25. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than...
eat it

26. Most recent thing you've bought yourself...

27. Most recent thing someone else bought for you...
Pizza and Ali bought me a Dr. Pepper!

28. My favorite band is...
Smashing Pumpkins

29. My favorite color(s) is/are...
Red, green, black

30. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are...
pigs because then so much shit will go down!

31. I shouldn't have been...
so open

32. Last night I...
had orchestra rehearsal

33. There's this girl I know who...
makes me laugh

34: I don't know...
Tony Blair but I want to!

35. A better name for me would be...
Scarlet Rose Shostakovich

36. If I ever go back to school I'll...
get a PhD

37. How many days left until my birthday...
holy crap a lot

39. I'm wearing...
Calvin Klein Obsession

40. Tomorrow I am...

41. I really want to...
go to Scotland!

42. The one thing I want out of life is...
to be happy

43. By the time I'm 30...
I will own a Lexus

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Music Survey

*Do you like...*
Green Day: Yeah but I don't listen to them much anymore
Hawthorne Heights: I think they're all right in a "Oh they're on but I'm not gonna change the station" way
Kanye West: Yes
50 Cent: Yes!
Simple Plan: NO!!!! But I do know a girl who banged the lead singer
Blink-182: Yes, Tom Delonge is hott
Dem Franchize Boyz: ?
Fat Joe: No
Weezer: Rivers is annoying but I used to love them
Yellowcard: No
My Chemical Romance: No but I saw them open for Piebald, haaah
Dresden Dolls: ?
Foo Fighters: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul Wall: ?
Korn: Yeah
Ying Yang Twins: no
Relient K: I don't do "christian rock"
Click 5: ?
Bowling for Soup: No but Ralph likes them
The Used: No
Thrice: No
Atreyu: ?
As I lay Dying: ?
Aiden: ?
Black Eyed Peas: Just a couple of songs-HATE Fergie
Avril Lavigne: Yeah;)
Vanessa Carlton: Eh
The Strokes: Yes and they were so good live
Led Zeppelin: I don't listen to them but they're all right
Misfits: haha they're funny
Rancid: No
Guns N' Roses: Old skool-yes
Motley Crue: eh
Jimi Hendrix: eh
Tupac: Haven't heard much
Lil Jon: hahahaha no but Ali does a good impression
Lil Romeo: no
Hilary Duff: YES!
Panic! At The Disco: they're catchy
Fall Out Boy: dammit they're catchy, too
The All-American Rejects: no but I saw them live once

*Would You*
Ever be in a band: Yes but at this point in my life, I need health insurance
Would you rap: I've always wanted to freestyle rap
What would you name the band: Your Mom

*Random Crap*
Do you have an ipod?: Yes but it died:(
An mp3 player: see above
A hella awesome cd player: I like it.
A boombox: yes, I carry it on my shoulder no i don't have one!
How many songs do you own?: Almost 10,000
Instruments you own?: 2 clarinets, flute, bassoon, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric bass, recorder, coronet and Ali has 2 violins.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Music Meme 1998!

1. Go to
2. Enter the year you graduated from high school (1998!) in the search function and get the list of 100 most popular songs of that year
3. Bold the songs you like, strike through the ones you hate and italicize your favorite. Do nothing to the ones you don't remember (or don't care about).

1. Too Close, Next
2. The Boy Is Mine, Brandy and Monica
3. You're Still The One, Shania Twain
4. Truly Madly Deeply, Savage Garden

5. How Do I Live, LeAnn Rimes
6. Together Again, Janet
7. All My Life, K-Ci and JoJo
8. Candle In The Wind 1997, Elton John
9. Nice and Slow, Usher
10. I Don't Want To Wait, Paula Cole
11. How's It Going To Be, Third Eye Blind

12. No, No, No, Destiny's Child
13. My Heart Will Go On, Celine Dion

14. Gettin' Jiggy Wit, Will Smith
15. You Make Me Wanna..., Usher
16. My Way, Usher

17. My All, Mariah Carey
18. The First Night, Monica
19. Been Around The World, Puff Daddy and The Family
20. Adia, Sarah McLachlan

21. Crush, Jennifer Paige
22. Everybody (Backstreet's Back), Backstreet Boys
23. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing, Aerosmith
24. Body Bumpin Yippie-Yi-Yo, Public Announcement
25. This Kiss, Faith Hill
26. I Don't Ever Want To See You Again, Uncle Sam
27. Let's Ride, Montell Jordan
28. Sex And Candy, Marcy Playground
29. Show Me Love, Robyn
30. A Song For Mama, Boyz II Men
31. What You Want, Mase
32. Frozen, Madonna
33. Gone Till November, Wyclef Jean

34. My Body, Lsg
35. Tubthumping, Chumbawamba
36. Deja Vu (Uptown Baby), Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz
37. I Want You Back, 'N Sync
38. When The Lights Go Out, Five
39. They Don't Know, Jon B.
40. Make Em' Say Uhh!, Master P
41. Make It Hot, Nicole Featuring Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott and Mocha
42. Never Eve, All Saints
43. I Get Lonely, Janet

44. Feel So Good, Mase
45. Say It, Voices Of Theory
46. Kiss The Rain, Billie Myers
47. Come With Me, Puff Daddy
48. Romeo And Juliet, Sylk-E Fyne
49. It's All About Me, Mya and Sisqo
50. I Will Come To You, Hanson
51. One Week, Barenaked Ladies
52. Swing My Way, K.P. and Envyi
53. The Arms Of The One Who Loves You, Xscape
54. My Love Is The Shhh!, Somethin' For The People
55. Daydreamin', Tatyana Ali
56. We're Not Making Love No More, Dru Hill
57. Semi-Charmed Life, Third Eye Blind
58. I Do, Lisa Loeb
59. Lookin' At Me, Mase
60. Looking Through Your Eyes, LeAnn Rimes
61. Lately, Divine
62. Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), Backstreet Boys
63. I Still Love You, Next
64. Time After Time, Inoj
65. Are You Jimmy Ray?, Jimmy Ray
66. Cruel Summer, Ace Of Base
67. I Got The Hook Up!, Master P
68. Victory, Puff Daddy and The Family
69. Too Much, Spice Girls
70. Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are), Pras Feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard and Mya
71. How Deep Is Your Love, Dru Hill Featuring Redman
72. Friend Of Mine, Kelly Price
73. Turn It Up [Remix] / Fire It Up, Busta Rhymes
74. I'll Be, Edwin McCain
75. Ray Of Light, Madonna
76. All For You, Sister Hazel
77. Touch It, Monifah
78. Money, Power and Respect, Lox
79. Bitter Sweet Symphony, The Verve
80. Dangerous, Busta Rhymes
81. Spice Up Your Life, Spice Girls
82. Because Of You, 98 Degrees
83. The Mummers' Dance, Loreena McKennitt
84. All Cried Out, Allure Featuring 112
85. Still Not A Player, Big Punisher Featuring Joe
86. The One I Gave My Heart To, Aaliyah
87. Foolish Games / You Were Meant For Me, Jewel
88. Love You Down, Inoj
89. Do For Love, 2Pac
90. Raise The Roof, Luke
91. Heaven, Nu Flavor
92. The Party Continues, Jd
93. Sock It 2 Me, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott Featuring Da Brat
94. Butta Love, Next
95. A Rose Is Still A Rose, Aretha Franklin
96. 4 Seasons Of Loneliness, Boyz II Men
97. Father, LL Cool J
98. Thinkin' Bout It, Gerald Levert
99. Nobody's Supposed To Be Here, Deborah Cox
100. Westside, TQ

Sunday, May 21, 2006

People Annoy Me

58 Odd Questions...

[1] What is your middlename:

[2] what color is your mailbox:

[3] what kind of car do you drive:
05 hyundai elantra, it's hott

[4] Have you ever hit a deer:
Well, a deer hit me;) At like 4am 2 winters ago. Stupid thing knocked my headlight off (flip up lights on a Firebird)

[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home?
not over water...just overpass bridges maybe

[6] Do you get the paper delivered to your house in the morning:

[7] Who checks the mail in your house?

[8] Do you have a small driveway:
I don't think so

[9] Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you:
My mom

[10] What do you do first in the morning?

[11] What brand is your printer?

[12] Do you enjoy fighting with people:
No because I feel bad. But as long as they're cunts and I'll win, then sure.

[13] Is your hair naturally straight or curly:

[14] Who was your kindergarten teacher:
Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Timmons

[15] Are your teeth crooked:
No but I have vampire teeth:)

[16] Are you taller than your mother:
Yes by a few inches

[17] Do you have a favorite word:

[18] What color is the interior of your car:
light gray

[19] What do you do to get over a broken heart?
break knees

[20] Do you have a deep dark secret:
probably not

[21] Do you know anyone who never rode a bike:?
I don't know, that topic doesn't come up much.

[22] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens?
Yes but I hate to change colors, I like it to be consistent

[23] Does anything hurt on your body right now:
my feet. I hate BN.

[24] Do you often cry during movies:
In my old age I've become a sap. It sucks!

[25] Do you hate your life?
Not at all!

[26] Do you get mad easily:?, probably. but not always outwardly

[27] Do you drink to get drunk:
No. I may drink to get tipsy but it's not often I drink to get drunk. It would take a lot and then I say embarassing things.

[28] What is your biggest pet peeve:
Ashley Parker Angel haters.

[29] What is your away message:
"Under The Tuscan Sun=Love"

[30] Do any of your friends have kids:
yes! so cute!

[32] Who should pay on the first date:
I'm so not in the camp who thinks the guy should pay (unless he's super rich and then it would be nice because I am NOT super rich)...I think each person should pay their half. Or, if there will be another date they can alternate.

[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date?
Any older than 34 would probably intimidate me.

[34] Do you have any friends:
Yes...taking applications for more, though, too.

[35] Do you have any mean friends:
I have mean acquaintances

[36] What is the ugliest color in your opinion:
I can't think of an ugly color but I hate pastels. They suck!

[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldnt stand:
like a boy? Don't think so. A friend? I don't think so, either.

[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff, seriously:
HAHA, no

[39] Have you ever been fired from a job:

[40] What year was your house built:
Oh wow, um...1990?

[41] When was the last time you slept in someone elses bed:
few weeks ago when my parents were in St Lucia

[43] How tall are you:

[44] What is the closest green object?
a beach towel

[45] What is on your feet:
a blanker right now

[46] Do you always wear underwear?
Yes except for the obvious times of bathing or swimming

[48] Do you want to have kids:

49] How many years apart are you and your next sibling:
7 years between me and Ali and 6 years between me and Jesse

[50] Who is the last friend you have, that you would ever expect to be gay?:
this question is AWESOME-I imagine anyone I don't pick to be like, "WHY DIDN"T SHE PICK ME!?" Ummmmm- Ali.

[51] When was the last time you had a girls night or guys night:
Ew, like just girls? Maybe for Vanessa's engagement party?

[52] Whats your mothers middle name:

[53] Stupidest movie you ever saw:
It's hard to think of a STUPID movie and not just one I hated. I haven't seen Gigli yet, I guess.

[54] Do you collect comic books:

[55] Do you look like your dad:
yes! He's hilarious.

[56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD:
This is sick: Friends 1-10, Gilmore Girls 1-5, Dawson's Creek 1-5, West Wing 1, Nip/Tuck 1, Sex and the City 1-4, My So-Called Life, Family Guy 1-4, Alias 1-4, Lost 1, Newlyweds 1-3, American Dreams 1, Da Ali G Show 1, The O.C. 1-2, Significant Others, The Simple Life 1-2, Viva La Bam 1

[57] Are you wearing makeup:

[58] Do you have a tattoo:

Under The Tuscan Sun

2 things
Body: Body: two questions

Two Names You Go By:
1. Scarlet
2. SVR

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Scottish
2. Welsh

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Yale shirt
2. colorful skirt

Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. Comfort
2. Moments

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Photography
2. Movies

Two Things You Want Really Badly At The Moment:
1. Dinner
2. $$

Two pets you had/have:
1. puppy named Huey ("had")
2. duck named Jude ("had")

Two people who will fill this out:
1. noone
2. everyone

Two things you did last night:
1. went to PF Changs
2. hung out with Ali

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Sweetwater
2. Shamrock

Two People that live in your house:
1. Pamela
2. John

Two things you ate today:
1. leftover pizza
2. grapes

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Serena
2. Pamela

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. going to work
2. practicing my bassoon

Two longest car rides:
1. from VA to Vermont
2. from VA to Orlando

Two Favorite Holidays:
1. my birthday
2. Flag Day

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Marissa Died!

1. In one sentence, explain your last relationship:
Beer and cigarettes are bad.

2. What made you smile today?
The O.C...and then it made me sad!

3. What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
witing for my coffee

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Yelling at the TV and talking to Anna at the same time while we watched The O.C. finale.

5. Something that happened to you in 1985?
I turned 5. I lived in Remington.

6. Your prom night?
Was all right...Proms are funny.

7. Last thing you said aloud?

8. Last thing someone else said aloud?
"Talk to you tomorrow"

9. Worst thing currently on television:
King of Queens

10. What was in the mail today?
credit card bill=/

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
mocha, water, dr. pepper, coke zero=4

12. What is your favorite part of the day?

13. Your current To-do list?
laundry, mix CDs, buy Ashley Parker Angel and Snow Patrol CDs

14. Where is your best friend right now?
not here

15. What color is your toothbrush?
I dont know, red? purple?

16. What is out the back door of your house?
a yard and then a field and then cows and then a road.

17. Any plans for Friday night?
Not sure yet. Going to Best Buy right after work!

18. Least favorite place to shop?

19. Last thing you bought?

20. Last gift you received?
my parents brought me perfume from St. Lucia

21. Funniest thing you heard all day?
Anna was cracking me up about The O.C.

22. Favorite mug?
The Pantera one I had that disappeared

23. What color is your front door?

24. Beauty is...
a weapon

25. Describe your keychain:
Texas, Scotland, RSC

26. Where do you keep your change?
bottom of my purse or my piggy bank!

27. Say something to the number 1 person in your Top 8:

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
It's a hooded pea coat

29. What was the weather like on your graduation day?
HOT for high school and quite pleasant for college

30. Last ice cream flavor?
coffee fudge chunk

31. Last rainbow you saw?
the ones in Steven's pictures form his house

32. Something you are excited about?
Going to The O.C. with Ali

33. Who are you thinking about right now?
annoying guy

34. How many licks are in a tootsie pop?

35. Current mood?

Did Denise Richards Break Up?




Their feet.

NIGHT OR DAY? Night!!!

HAVE YOU EVER...........

LOVED SOMEBODY SO MUCH IT MADE YOU CRY? Nah, I'd cry because they don't love me back

speeding, jaywalking, etc.

BROKEN A BONE? nope, I used to try to though when I was little

No but with the right person I would.



I think so, I didn't like it.

SWAM IN THE OCEAN? Oh yes, I hate the bottom of the ocean though-YUCK!


SCARS? I'm not the biggest fan. They're weird.

COUNTRY MUSIC? I hate the new stuff, Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash rule though


RAP: I like it a lot. Most of it.

R'n'B: No usually, except for Mariah Carey

POP: loves it! so much fun!

ROCK:I like most of it. Some of it tries too hard.

I like a lot of it but not all and I get tired of it.

SOAP OPERAS? Guiding Light!






Optimism rules


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Yes or No or WMD

Yes or No
Body: 0nly two rules...and you MUST follow them!

1.) You can only say YES or NO!
2. ) You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!

Taken a picture naked?

Made out with a member of the same sex?

Told a lie?

Had a one night stand?

Been in a fist fight?

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?

Been arrested?

Ditched school to have sex?

Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?

Slept in until 3?

Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?

Played dress up?

Touched a snake?

Ran a red light?

Had detention?

Been in a car accident?

Pole danced?

Been lost?

Sang Karaoke?

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?

Laughed until you spit your drink out?

Kissed in the rain?

Sang in the shower?

Gave your private parts a nickname?

Ever gone to school without underwear?

Sat on a roof top?

Played chicken?

Broken a bone?

Mooned/flashed someone?

Slept naked?

Played a prank on someone?

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?

Cried over someone?

Had sex more than 10 times in one day?

Had/Have a dog?

Been in a band or played an instrument?

Taken more than 10 shots of alcohol in one night?

Immigration Policies

80 Things You Might Not Know About Me
Whats your middle name?Virginia
How big is your bed?I think it's a double. (Enough room for TWO!)
What are you listening to right now?Buttons- PCD (yeah! Ali!)
What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?0869
What was the last thing you ate?eggs
Last person you hugged?my mom?
How is the weather right now?60s which is okay spring weather
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?my mom
What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex?height
Favorite type of Food.healthy, salmon, veggies, whole grain bread, etc.
Do you want children?yes, when?
Do you drink?Yes
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?the entire night? maybe
Hair color?dark brown
Eye colour?GREEEEN
Do you wear contacts/glasses?nope
Favorite holiday?my birthday
Favorite Season?COLD fall
Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?sure
Last Movie you Watched?I don\'t remember, ummmmm?
What books are you reading?Swann\'s Way, Summer Sisters
Piercings?1 in each ear
Favorite Movie?Fight Club, Garden State, Cruel Intentions
Favorite college football Team?YUCK I HATE COLLEGE SPORTS!!!!!
What were you doing before filling this out?looking up leads for work
Any pets?not yet:(
Dogs or cats?DOGS!
Favorite Flower?tulip
Have you ever loved someone?yes
Who would you like to see right now?Ed McMahon
Have you ever fired a gun?BB
Do you like to travel by plane?yes
Right-handed or Left-handed?right but I\'m working on being ambidexterous
If you could go to any place right now where would you go?Scotland
Are you missing someone?Yeah
Do you have a tattoo?no
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?no, they aren\'t the same anymore
Are you hiding something from someone?maybe?
ARE YOU 18?older
WHAT IS THE WALLPAPER ON YOUR CELLPHONE?moonlight sonata and a puppy
WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE?my sense of humor? my love of anything and everything?
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?sometimes, if killers hide in it
FAVORITE HANGOUT?I like Jaime\'s. I wish I had an apt.
3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT?besides the obvious (water, etc.) I\'d say music, chapstick and laughter
WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?trucks running me off the road
FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL?any commercial for a hott show
FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE?besides people, my laptop (has tons of pics) or clarinet
Whats your favorite color?red
WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS TAKE WITH YOU?cell phone, license, check card, chapstick, camera
WHAT DID YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID?actress, translator, sports physician
WHAT DO YOU USUALLY DO WHEN THE CLOCK TURNS 11:11?touch something green and make a wish
THE COLOR OF YOUR BEDSHEEt?white with stars
Take this survey | Find more surveys

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My Soundtrack!


open your music player (Limewire, Ares, Kazaa, iTunes, whatever) and put it on shuffle. For each category, hit next .. and put the first song that starts playing! Don't cheat, it's actually kind of weird!

Waking up: "Soul Bossa Nova" Quincy Jones

Average day: "Tell Her Tonight" Franz Ferdinand

First date: "Six Shooter" Queens of the Stone Age (HAHAHAHH!)

Falling in love: "Let The Cool Goddess Rust Away" Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah

Fight Scene: "We Have To Figure It Out Tonight" The Beatsticks

Breaking up: "Comfortable Liar" Chevelle (hhmmmm!)

Getting back together: "Tomorrow Tomorrow" Elliott Smith

Secret love: "Easily" Red Hot Chili Peppers (hmm?)

Life's okay: "Radio" Alkaline Trio

Mental breakdown: "M'bife" Amadou & Miriam (HAHAH)

Driving: "My Sweet Annette" Drive-By Truckers (hehe)

Learning a lesson: "Violet" Hole

Deep thought: "Disco" Howie Day

Flashback: "If Not For You" George Harrison (aw)

Partying: "Earthquake Weather" Beck

Happy dance: "The Boy With The Thorn In His Sides" The Smiths

Regretting: "Speed On The M9" Malcolm Middleton

Long night alone: "You Give Love A Bad Name" Bon Jovi

Death Scene: "Incetardis" At The Drive-In

Monday, May 15, 2006


Flower: tulips
Drink: champagne
Song: Disarm-Smashing Pumpkins
Color: red
Sport: tennis!
Mall: ummm, Tysons?
Food: americanized anything
Season: fall and winter
Day: saturdays

Hometown: Bealeton
Height: 5'10"
Hair color: dark brown
Hair length: medium
Eye color: green
Shoe size: 10
Mood: content/happy/sad/tired/etc.
Sex: Not right now
Education level: Grizad Schizool
Sign: Aquarius

Have you ever been in love?: I love the wrong people
Do you believe in love?: yeah
Have you ever been heart broken?: No
Have you ever broken someone's heart? Probably
Have you ever told someone I love you?: yes
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: Yes, sort of. But I don't really have a "best friend"
Are you afraid of commitment?: no
Are you crushing?: Not at this exact moment but give me a minute
Does anyone love you?: yes!
Are you currently in love?: no

Love or lust: Love
Hard liquor or beer?: liquor
Hook-ups or relationships?: Relationships
T.V. or internet?: TV
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
Wild night out or romantic night in?: in, it's cheaper-hahah!
Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday! Sunday=BN
Colored Or Black & White?: B+W
Phone or in person?: anything but the phone
Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla

Have you ever been caught sneaking out? just of my apartment
Have you ever skinny dipped?: no
Have you ever done something you regret?: no
Have you ever bungee jumped?: no
Have you ever been on a house boat?: no but I want to own one
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?: Yes
Have you ever stayed up all night 'til the sun came up?: Yes and then I crash
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: No way! Hate hickies...As my saying goes, the only thing worse than a hickey, is a turtleneck!
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out?: oh Lord, no

Are you missing someone right now?: Yes
Are you in love with anyone?: debatable
Are you happy?: Yeah
Are you talking to anyone right now?: no
Are you German?: no
Are you Indian?: no
Are you Irish?: no
Are you Italian?: no
Are you Filipino? no
Are you of any direct African decent?: no
Are your parents still married?: Yes almost 27 years.

Carl Rove and George Bush

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!
What is your favorite..
season:cold fall
type of weather:COLDER THE BETTER
thing to do on a half day:sleep in!
late-night activity:watching movies with boyz, I mean sex.
store:Best Buy
When was the last time you..
cried:I keep tearing up at the season finales!
played a sport:I played pingpong with my mom the other day
laughed:like A second ago
hugged someone:yesterday
kissed someone:ugh, January! wtf!?
felt depressed:yesterday
felt elated:chocolate cake from Jaime's was GOOD
felt overworked:probably 3 weeks ago
faked sick:Oh wow I don't know
lied:probably on this survey
What was the last..
word you said:Boo
thing you ate:pizza
song you listened to:Technicolor Girls- DCFC
thing you drank:water
place you went to:the plan room
movie you saw:Hmmm, I don't remember.
movie you rented:Sahara
concert you attended:Arab Strap!
Who was the last person you..
hugged:my mom
cried over:myself? haha....stupid boys?
danced with:Did we make Steven dance at Spirits?
shared a secret with:Ali
had a sleepover with:Steven and Serena (not like that)
called:my mom
went to a movie with:Steven
were angry with:no comment
couldn't take your eyes off of:Aidan Moffitt?
obsessed over:uhhh Aidan Moffitt?
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:I guess so
kissed someone:yes
done drugs:what kind?
drank alcohol:yes
slept around:no
partied 'til the sun came up:maybe but I probably crashed SOON after
had a movie marathon:yes, I want to have a Gilmore Girls marathon
gone too far on a dare:hahahahha probably
spun until you were immensely dizzy:yeah
taken a survey quite like this before:yes!
Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In The Year Two Thousand (And Siz)

Since the beginning of 2006...

1. Have you had a gf/bf?:


2. Have you had your birthday?:
Yes 17 Feb!

3. Been to church?
no, I open every Sunday

4. Cried yet?:
Of course. It's what I do

5. Had someone close to you pass away?

My grandpap

6. Pulled an all nighter?:

Never have I not slept at all and gone until the next night. I've gone on like, an hour or so sleep but it was a serious struggle. I like sleep.

Drank starbucks?:
hahah YES!

[[In the past month...]]

1. Kissed someone?:
Not yet

2. Slept in a friend's bed:
No, I like my bed

3. Snuck someone over?:
No, ahahah

4. Snuck out of your own house?:
just to not wake people up

5. Been in a bar?:

6. Lied?:

7. Gotten a car?:
No, I love my car.

8. Gone over your cell phone bill?:

I hate Verizon right now

9. Been called a whore?:


10. Drove somewhere?:

ahhhh yes, too much.

11. Done something you regret?:



Things you bought lately?:

Person you hugged?:


Last time you took a bubble bath?
I hate bubble baths, it's been 4 eva

When was the last time you felt stupid?
I don't often feel stupid.

When was the last time you walked/ran over a mile?:

Who was the last person who made you cry?:


Who was the last person you watched a movie with?:

in the theatre? Steven
Who was the last person you danced with?:
Ummm, I don't know

Who did you last yell at?:

Who last told you they loved you?
My mom

Who makes you smile most?:

What are you listening to right now?:
Almost time for Alias!

What did you do yesterday?:
Work 8-4 with the crazy meeting, home, then orchestra 7-930, then pizza, then TV, then sleep

Hugs or kisses?
I'll take both, sure.

The Afters

This should be interesting but I'm going to try:

Pick a band and answer the following questions only with titles of their songs.

The band is, THE AFTERS (review of CD to follow) and I'm sure I'll have to repeat songs:

1. Are you male or female? All That I Am
2. Describe yourself: Beautiful Love
3. How do some people feel about you? You
4. How do you feel about yourself? Love Will Make You Beautiful
5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Love Lead Me On
6. Describe your current significant other: Someday
7. Describe where you want to be: Until The World
8. Describe how you live: All That I Am
9. Describe how you love: Beautiful Love
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish? You
11. Share a few words of wisdom: Thank God I'm Not The One
12. Now say goodbye: Wait

Okay so while I don't have anything against singing about Jeebus and stuff, I LOATHE the category "Christian Rock". What makes a song SOUND Christian? Does it have to be lame a la Jars of Clay to be in that category? Because plenty of people sing about God and stuff and aren't placed in the Christian Rock category (although I hate them and want them to die, Creed is a good example).

So with that said, I was surprised to read that The Afters make sure to say they are Christians. It worried me at first that I was going to waste my time listening to some lame Christian Rock band and even though I love the song, "Beautiful Love", I wasn't sure that one song was enough for me. But I was pleasantly surprised by their album, "I Wish We All Could Win" which, first of all, has a really great cover. I love the album title along with the pictures of the tortoise and hare.

Now, on to the songs. "Beautiful Love" is easily going on my Summer 2006 mix CD I'm working on. It's catchy and awesome and reminds me of 8th & Ocean (I'm slightly obsessed with that show.)

Going from favorite to least favorite, I would have to say that "All That I Am" is my least favorite but only because I can't relate to it at all. Usually I like the music first and then listen more closely to the words but this song just stuck out and I'm going to have to give it a few more tries before I can say I like it.

Overall this is a good album and I would recommend it to anyone who likes Howie Day, Switchfoot, and really just anyone looking for some solid songs with great hooks. They're from Texas which is always a good sign as I like a ton of bands out of there and combined with their connection to 8th & Ocean, I've got to give this band my thumbs up and best wishes.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Live Here!

Rowhouse 'Hood
You scored 27 out of 40 on urban-rural and 25 out of 40 land intensity.
People know you as: The Bohemian Gentrifier

Quote: "That crack house just needed a little paint."

Your score indicates that you are a city-dweller of the old-school. You
like a dense, finely grained neighborhood with restaurants, churches
and brothels all on the same block. Although you've never spoken to him
personally, you know that guy Eddie down the street is a pimp and
you're sure to tell your lame suburban friends about him at every
opportunity, just to freak them out.

The bad news is that as more and more people like you move
into your neighborhood it gradually becomes less cool and more
expensive. Enjoy things while you can, because in 5 years you're going
to have to move to the next 'hood uptown.

Examples of places you should live: Baltimore, Philadelphia

All Categories

Secluded Hideaway / Farm or Ranch / Small Town / Little City / Suburb / Streetcar Suburb / Rowhouse 'Hood / Downtown Loft

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 99% on urban-rural
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 99% on land intensity
Link: The Where Should You Live Test written by TwelveFloorsUp on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


Name 10 bands/artists you're really
into at this particular moment.

1. Arab Strap
2. Ashley Parker Angel
3. Nick Lachey
4. Howie Day
5. Idlewild
6. Mountain Goats
7. Wolf Parade
8. Spoon
9. Malcolm Middleton
10. The Faint

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?:
Oceanographer's Choice sticks out although I know it wasn't the first

What is your favourite album of 8?:
"Gimme Fiction"

What is your favourite lyric that 5 has sung?:
"Cos you have the world in your arms tonight
And what if you held the world in your arms? "

How many times have you seen 4 live?:
0:( He came to MWC but I hated him then

What is your favourite song of 7?:
"You are a runner and I am my father's son"

What is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?:
OMG seeing them live was so awesome!!!!

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?:
eh, not really

What is your favourite lyric that 2 has sung?:
"I remember when you came with me that night..."

What is your favourite song by 9?:

How did you get in to 3?:

What was the first song you heard by 1?:
"The Shy Retirer"

What is your favourite song by 4?:

How many time have you seen 9 live?:
once with Arab Strap

What is a good memory you have concerning 2?:
Ali hugged him while wearing my jacket!

Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?:

What is your favourite album of 5?:
I'm not sure yet

What is your favourite song of 1?:
"The Shy Retirer"

What is your favourite song of 10?:

How many times have you seen 6 live?:

What is your favourite album of 2?:

What is a great memory you have considering 4?:
Ummm, putting "Collide" on way too many mix cds

What is your favourite lyric that 4 has sung?:
"You will fall fast to denial"

What was the first song you heard by 8?:
I honestly can't remember, let me get back to ya!

Monday, May 08, 2006

What I Got In The Mail Survey

Top Things Received In The Mail Today:

1. My free CD of The Afters! I'm super excited because I love: CDs, free things, 8th & Ocean!
2. Best of Mountain Goats CD from Anna!!!
3. Best of Magnetic Fields CD from Anna!!!
4. April Fools CD from Anna!!!!
5. "A Weekend In Utah Won't Fix What's Wrong With Us" mix CD from Anna!!!!!
6. "May, I'm Waiting To Know You" mix CD from Anna!!!!!!!!!


1. Anna rules
2. Cornerstone Promotions rule
3. Blogs rule

Monday Monday Monday!

1. What time did you get up this morning?
650 which is LATE! I mean, since I have to leave my house at 730am.

2. Diamonds or pearls?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Nanny McPhee. I never go to the movies anymore:(

4. What's your favorite TV show?
I can't pick just one: Gilmore Girls, The O.C., 8th & Ocean, Friends, Alias, etc.

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
white chocolate mocha

6. What's your favorite cuisine?
I love salmon! and Crab imperial!

7. What foods do you dislike?
sour cream, olives, green peppers, veal

8. What is your favorite chip flavor?
regular kettle chips, I hate flavored chips

9. What's your favorite CD at the moment?
"Last Romance" by Arab Strap

10. What kind of car do you drive?
Hyundai Elantra

11. Favorite sandwich?

12. What characteristics do you despise?
conceited, pretentious, obnoxious

13. What is your favorite type of clothing?

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation.Where?

15. What color is your bathroom?

16. Favorite brand of clothing?

17. Where would you retire to?

18. Favorite time of the day?

19. What was your most memorable birthday?
The year I had the party with a DJ and bouncers was pretty memorable!

20. Where were you born?

21. Favorite sport to watch?
TENNIS. I could (and have) watch it all day long

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?

23. Person you expect to send it back first?

24. What fabric detergent do you use?

25. Were you named after anyone?

26. Do you wish on stars?
Yes, when they fall

27. When did you last cry?
Greys Anatomy made me misty last night. "You don't get to call me a whore!"

28. Do you like your handwriting?
yeah but when I'm tired it sucks

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Yeah. I am awesome and dependable and fun and trustworthy and spontaneous and not clingy.

30. Are you a daredevil?
for certain things but overall, no.

31. Do looks matter?

32. How do you release anger?
Apparently my anger releaser is a yoga thing, haha. I never knew.

34. What were your favorite toys as a child?
GI Joes, Barbies, Skip It!

35. What class in High School was totally useless?

37 Favorite movies?
Rosemary's Baby, Fight Club, Cruel Intentions, Garden State, etc.

38. What are your nicknames?
SVR, Scooter

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
not usually

40. Do you think that you are strong?

41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

42. What are your favorite colors?
red and green...not together, Santa.

43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
my inability to let things go

44. Who do you miss the most?
I miss Brian and Cara and Julianne and Johanna:(

45. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back to you?
Everyone should do it, yes

46 What color pants are you wearing?
dark jeans

47. Last thing you ate?
noodle stuff last night

48. Favorite song?
Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins

49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be?

50. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom

51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

52. Favorite drink?

53. Do you wear contacts?

54. Favorite day of the year?
my birthday because I'm a princess

55. Endings happy or sad?
I want them to be happy but they all make me sad

56. Winter/summer?

57. Hugs OR Kisses?
right now I'd take anything

58. What is Your Favorite Dessert?
coconut cake

59. What Book(s) are you reading?
HP2, The Wishbones, Wicked, Citizen Girl. I'm halfway thru them all. Haha

60. What is on your mouse pad?
a gel wrist pad

61. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?
Greys Anatomy! ahh! love that show

62. Favorite Smells?

63. Stones or Beatles?

64. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Puerto Rico

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunday Morning

1. What does your shower curtain look like?
I think its cream colored

2. What do you smell right now?
Coke Blak

3. Do you wish you had a twin?
YES! I always wanted one so badly and hated that it was the type of thing you could get after the fact;)

4. Do you like french toast or grilled cheese the best?
Hello, Sophie's Choice! Wow....maybe grilled cheese. No, french toast. omg, I don't know!

5. What is your favorite kind of soup?
french onion

6. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
I'm hesitant to be a tree bc of the tree pollen. So I'd be whatever kind of tree is hott and not much pollen.

7. What is the first book you ever remember reading?
I remember reading a short picture type book and memorizing it so I cried when my dad took it away. I thought I had been reading it but it was memorized.I was little.

8. If dogs started meowing and cats started barking, what would you do?
kick the cat.

9. Have you ever cussed out a teacher?
Not to them. I told one to shut up once.

10. What two colors really don't look good together?
I think all colors can look good together. It's usually going to depend more on the style of the clothing and fabric.

11. Do you like your hair?
I do! But it does get annoying having to blow dry it

12. Are you a pyromaniac?

13. Have you ever seen the movie Citizen Kane?

14. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
I dont remember....4?

15. Whats your favorite Capri Sun?

16. What color is your cell phone cover?
my phone doesn't have a covor...I want to bling it up,though.

18. What are you allergic to?
pollen, raw apples/pears, almonds sometimes, dust, dander, work

19. Where were you when the challenger exploded?
I dont remember

20. What is your normal body temperature?
96.8 seriously.

21. Are hoodies out of style?
They're fine for hanging out at home or when sick.

22. Do you think there will be flying cars 20 years from now?
Nah, but the cars will be super ok for the environment

23. Do you think you're hotter than your friends?
Of course;)

24. Who are you jealous of this very second?
I get twinges of jealousy for people who 1) don't have to work on the weekends and 2) people with lots of money

25. What color do you wish your eyes were?
they are green...maybe brighter sometimes.

26. Have you ever had poison ivy?
YES! I am very allergic to it. I had it on my face one:(

27. Are you better at jump roping or hoola hooping?
jump roping, I need to get one. HAHA, on the way back from New England I bought Ali a jump rope from some random gas station in PA that she really wanted. It was $1.

28. Have you ever ordered pizza for somebody else's address?

29. What animal is more evil, a cat or a dog?
CAT. I hate cats.

30. Have you ever been in a car wreck?
No *knock on wood*

31. If so, was it serious?

32. Do you give blood?
No. It would worry my mom and also, when I used to have to get blood taken they could NEVER get it easily so I don't want to do that.

33. Will you donate your organs after you've passed on?
I'm ok with it, I think.

34. Do you do any kind of community service?
No but I'd like to. I'd like to tutor kids...I wonder if I could give music workshops!

35. Do you have a job?
I do..I have two. One Full Time and one Part Time. Neither are what I'll be doing 4 eva.

36. Do you like driving in the rain or the snow better?
rain I suppose

37. When was the last time you changed the oil in your car?
like 2 weeks ago. I have to get it changed often bc I drive a lot.

38. Do you look good in the color green?
Yes I've been wearing a lot of it

39. If it was legal, would you go to school naked?
omg no. And I hope noone else does!

40. Have you ever gotten two people together in a relationship?
I've helped get two people together but not in a relationship way...nothing serious, I mean.

41. Have you ever broken two people up in a relationship?
Almost, lis.

42. When you go swimming, do you dry off with the towel or do you let the sun dry you?

43. Do you think every movie needs a sequel?
Nah but they're not always bad (Oceans 12, 13, etc:)

44. How do you get when you are drunk?
Awesome, of course. I get really flirty, I think. I mean, flirtier-haha.

45. If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
No way!

46. Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
People say I look just like my mom. I definitely have dad traits too though

47. Out of your five senses, which one would you say is your strongest?
My hearing is off the hook;)

48. Has your house ever caught on fire?
No but our neighbors burned their last house down and it used to make me nervous to live next to them.

50. Do you clip your nails or pick them when they get too long? uhh, clip.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Monday Meme 41 : 2006-04-02 : Spring Forward

1. List 3 things you like about spring:

flip flops

good photo ops

almost beach time!

2. List 3 things you hate about spring:




3. Do you set your clocks forward in the spring? Do you think it is a good idea?

I do and I don't care either way.

4. Do you have allergies in the spring? Do you take any allergies medications?

I loathe pollen and have crappy allergies. I take Wal Mart brand Claritin and right now I'm taking Allegra!

5. What are you looking forward to the most this spring?

For it to be over. Blech!

I was the 908th person to take this week's Monday Meme!

Book Survey

You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

I have no idea what this question means. I've never read that book.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

One of the Weasleys perhaps. Maybe Vic's guy in Summer Sisters? These aren't real crushes.

The last book you bought is:

Some used one for my mom. A Scottish romance!

The last book you read:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (reread)

What are you currently reading?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (reread)

Five books you would take to a deserted island

Summer Sisters by Judy Blume
The Deserted Island 30-Minute Meals by Rachael Ray
How To Get Off A Deserted Island by Richard Dean Anderson
A Plant Guide by a Scientist
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

What Have I Read?

College Board’s 101 Greatest Works of Literature – bold those you have read, italicize those you want to read.

Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart
Agee, James - A Death in the Family
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Baldwin, James - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Beckett, Samuel - Waiting for Godot
Bellow, Saul - The Adventures of Augie March
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Cather, Willa - Death Comes for the Archbishop
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
Chekhov, Anton - The Cherry Orchard
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness
Cooper, James Fenimore - The Last of the Mohicans
Crane, Stephen - The Red Badge of Courage
Dante - Inferno
de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote (English and Spanish, boy was that tough!)
Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dreiser, Theodore - An American Tragedy
Dumas, Alexandre - The Three Musketeers
Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss
Ellison, Ralph - Invisible Man
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Selected Essays
Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying
Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury
Fielding, Henry - Tom Jones
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
Ford, Ford Madox - The Good Soldier
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Faust
Golding, William - Lord of the Flies
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the d’Urbervilles
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
Heller, Joseph - Catch-22
Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms
Homer - The Iliad
Homer - The Odyssey
Hugo, Victor - The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll’s House
James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
Kingston, Maxine Hong - The Woman Warrior
Lee, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird Hate this book! That's right, I said it!
Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
London, Jack - The Call of the Wild
Mann, Thomas - The Magic Mountain
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
Miller, Arthur - The Crucible
Morrison, Toni - Beloved
O’Connor, Flannery - A Good Man is Hard to Find (Hate Flannery O'Connor)
O’Neill, Eugene - Long Day’s Journey into Night
Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Poe, Edgar Allan - Selected Tales
Proust, Marcel - Swann’s Way
Pynchon, Thomas - The Crying of Lot 49
Remarque, Erich Maria - All Quiet on the Western Front
Rostand, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
Roth, Henry - Call It Sleep
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth

Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet

Shaw, George Bernard - Pygmalion
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein
Silko, Leslie Marmon - Ceremony
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Sophocles - Antigone
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Treasure Island
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver’s Travels
Thackeray, William - Vanity Fair
Thoreau, Henry David - Walden
Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Voltaire - Candide
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. - George Bergeron
Walker, Alice - The Color Purple
Wharton, Edith - The House of Mirth
Welty, Eudora - Collected Stories
Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse
Wright, Richard - Native Son

I swear I've read a lot. Just not on THIS list!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006



I am a cuddler - FALSE

I am a morning person - FALSE

I am a perfectionist - TRUE

I am an only child - FALSE

I am Jewish - FALSE

I am currently in my pajamas - FALSE

I am currently suffering from a broken heart - FALSE

I am okay at styling other people's hair - FALSE

I am left handed -FALSE

I am addicted to my MySpace - FALSE

I am online 24/7, even as an away message - FALSE

I am very shy around the opposite gender at first - FALSE

I bite my nails -FALSE

I can be paranoid at times - TRUE

I currently regret something that I have said - FALSE

When I get mad I curse frequently - TRUE

I don't like anyone - FALSE

I enjoy country music - TRUE*

I enjoy jazz music - FALSE

I enjoy smoothies - TRUE

I enjoy talking on the phone - FALSE**

I have/had a hard time paying attention at school - FALSE

I have a lot to learn -FALSE

I have a pet - FALSE

I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal - TRUE

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person - TRUE

I have all my grandparents - FALSE

I have been told that I am smart - TRUE

I have broken a bone - FALSE

I have Caller I.D. on my phone - TRUE

I have changed a diaper -TRUE

I have changed a lot over the past year - FALSE

I have done something illegal - TRUE

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color -FALSE

I have had major/minor surgery - TRUE***

I have had my hair cut within the last week - FALSE

I have had the cops called on me - TRUE****

* Not new country
** But I like to RECEIVE calls!
*** Wisdom teeth, it was awesome
**** Just while at a party so it wasn't like, "Hello, Real Cops? Scarlet is being bad"

25 Relationship Questions

25 Relationship Questions

1. Single, crushin', interested, or in a relationship?
I am definitely single....maybe "crushin'" ha

2. Are you happy with where you are?
I'm no unhappy with it. nothing is better than something crappy

3. When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Ummmm, no, I don't think so. But once I do it's hard to get over.

4.Have you ever had your heart broken?

5. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
Yes, as long as he/she is on The List (My current list: Brad Pitt, Clive Owen, Tony Blair, Justin Timberlake and a rotator (Can't decide right now on #5))

6. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
I think emotional cheathing is worst but then again herpes suck, too.

7. Have you talked about marriage with another person?
I don't think so

8. Do you want children?

9. How many?

10. Would you consider adoption?

11. If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be?
Either email me (seriously) or just grab my hand and say something

12. Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
no and I don't try to be "hard to get"

13. Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?
Which one? The one involving blindfolds?

14. Do you believe love at first sight exists?

15. Are you romantic?
Yes, hopelessly

16. Do you believe that you can change someone?
Of course, to a certain degree

17. If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be?

18. Sex buddies -

19. Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
Yes...unless the person was a total douche

20. Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know it or not?

21. Have you ever wished you could've had someone that you knew you could never have?

22. Have you broken a heart?
Oh course.

23. What will happen if you come and find another person in bed with your partner? Freak the eff out and run out!

24. Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
Uhhh, that would be sooo weird.

25. What would you say about your last ex?
I'm sorry that anyone after me pales in comparison;)



01. Are you a happy person? yeah!

02. What can always make you happy? Gilmore Girls, Champagne, Boys, sleeping in, snow!

03. Do you wish you were happier? sure, there are things that would make me happier but I'm not complaining

04. Is being happy overrated? no

05. Can music make you happy? oh yeah


01. How many times have you had your heart broken? 0

02. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? just family

03. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said they loved you? yeah

04. Have you ever been head over heels? not really


01. Who do you actually hate? she's dead now

02. Have you ever made a hate list? no, I made a hit list but not the killing kind;)

03. Have you ever been on a hate list? probably not but Ali has

04. Are you a mean bully? I can be but usually am not

05. Do you hate George Bush? no!


01. Are you good looking? hott

02. Do you ever wish you could be someone else? not really


[X] been to a rave. (with my mom)
[X] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[x] been used.
[x] ran from the cops.
[ ] been fired.
[X]snuck into a movie .
[x] got hit by a car.
[X] fired a real gun. (bb gun;)
[ ] snuck out of someones house.
[ ] been arrested.
[x] gone in a mosh pit.
[x] stolen something from your school. (I stole a 2 liter of lemonade from LHS once)
[ ] celebrated New Year's in Times Square or Disney World.
[x] gone on a blind date.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] been to Hawaii .
[x] skipped school.
[x] played 'Clue'.
[x] had a sleepover.
[X] gone ice skating.
[ ] been cheated on.
[ ] had your tonsils out.
[ ] have/had a TRUCK.
[x] driven a car.
[ ] totalled a car.
[x] been flashed


[x] feel loved.
[ ] feel lonely.
[x] feel happy.
[ ] have a dog. (boooo)
[x] sing along with your music.
[X] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[x] listen to rock
[ ] listen to christian music (Stupidest thing ever, what makes it CHRISTIAN, it's not a sound!
[x] have hobbies.
[ ] skateboard
[X] get good grades.
[X] play an instrument.
[ ] have slippers.
[ ] wear boxers.
[x] like to read.
[ ] have long hair.
[Xhave medium lengthed hair.
[ ] have short hair.
[X] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.
[x] have a cellphone.


[x] bored
[x] happy
[ ] upset
[ ] blue
[ ] blonde
[ ] a redhead
[ ] Samoan
[ ] Fillipino
[ ] Korean
[] French
[x] American
[ ] Italian
[ ] Black
[ ] Mexican
[ ] Asian
[ ] Hawaiian
[ ] Polish
[ ] Irish
[ ] German
[ ] Swedish
[ ] Native American
[ ] Austrian
[ ] Russian (I wish!)
[ ] Norwegian
[ ] Danish
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Greek (I say I am)
[x] Other
[ ] a Hindu.
[ ] a scientologist
[ ] agnostic
[ ] athiest
[ ] satanist
[ ] religiously confused
[X] Christian
[ ] Muslim
[ ] short
[ ] average
[X] tall.
[x] realistic.
[x] emotional person.
[ ] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] buzzed
[ ] high
[ ] caffeinated
[ ] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[x] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[x] very ticklish (!!!)
[x] listening to music


01.What is your current hair like? needs to be cut, it's grown out a lot

02. Whats your natural hair color? dark brown!

03. What color are your eyes? green with yella

04. Current Piercings? 1 in each ear


01. shirt? blue tank top, black short sleeved shirt, bright green jacket thing

02. Shorts? ew no!

03. Shoes? paisley flip flops

04. Underwear? ummmm pink

05. Necklaces? anchor necklace!


01. Rock or rap; rock

02. Coffee or Hot Cocoa; coffee!

03. Wild Night out or Romantic Night: romantic

04. Chocolate or Vanilla; vanilla

05. Hummer or Sports Car; sports car, I HATE Hummers

06. Bracelet or Necklace; bracelet

07. History or Science; science

08. Sleep in or Early to rise; sleep in!!!!!!!!

09. Beach or Boardwalk; beach

10. Hoodie or Tee Shirt; tee shirt bc I hate the word "hoodie"

11. Night or Day; night

12. High School or college; college

3. California or Florida; CA!

14. Love at first sight or Learn to Love; I don't believe in love at first site


01.Hugged someone? yeah

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up? no

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour? ummmm no

04. Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?


1. person you talked to in person? Corey

2. person you talked to on myspace? Jenn

3. person you talked to on the phone? Cathy

4. laughed? 10 minutes ago

5. last time you had a shower? this morning


01. Do you like surveys? YES!

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? Brilliant Brunette

03. Do you get along with your parents? oh yeah

04. Do you have mental breakdowns? no

05. Did you ever fake being sick? no


Is your hair up? yeah, but it looks hott

Is your phone right beside you; yes

Do you have a bf/ gf?: no

Do you miss someone?: yeah

Do you wish you were somewhere else?: yes

Do you have plans for tonight?: nothing exciting

Are you wearing makeup? yes

Are you wearing chapstick?: blistex!

Are you cold? no:(

Are you tired?: yes

Are you excited?: 2.5 hours til I get to go home!

Are you watching t.v.?: no I'm at work

Are you wearing pajamas? no, im at work

Who's the last person you IMed?: Vanessa

Who's the last person that called you?: Cathy


Anything you regret?: no

Ever lied?: yes

Ever stuck gum under a desk?: no

Ever spit at someone?: no

Ever kick something living? yes, Nathaniel Angoco in 5th grade bc I had a crush on him

Ever had your nails done?: yes I hate it

Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: no


Have any plans last week?: like what?

Who did you see most last week?: coworkers


Have you yelled at someone? no

Have you gotten mad at someone? no

Have you cried? no

Have you called more than 3 people?: no, 0

Have you IMed more than 3 people?: no

Have you gotten laid? haha no

Have you eaten anything gross? no


1. First thing you did this morning?: took a shower, checked email, played few notes on bassoon, came to work:(

2. Last thing you ate?: pizza

3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap? no but Verizon is now!

4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks? going to The O.C. I hope!

5. What's annoying you right now? this cough!

6. What's the last movie you saw? Match Point

7. Do you believe in long distance relationships? how can you not believe in them? It would suck but ok

8. Is there a person who is on your mind right now? nah

9. Where is the last place you went? kitchen