Room For Answers

I love lists, surveys, quizzes. Be sure to check out my "real" blog:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What Was On Oprah Today?

1. Where were you 48 hours ago?
This same exact spot?

2. Who are you in love with?
Brad Pitt

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
a weekend or two ago

6. Are you wearing socks right now?

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
DC on Sun

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

11. What are you wearing right now?
jeans, 2 shirts and a sweater. my shirt says "BOO"

12. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
my dad

13. Last food that you ate?

14. Where were you last week at this time?

15. You bought any clothing items in the last week?
ummmmm no

16. When is the last time you ran?
ummmmmmm, sorry what?

17. What's the last sporting event you watched?
figure skating;)

18. What is your favorite animal?

19. Your dream vacation?
Scotland then Greece

20. Last person's house you were in?
Some dude that ravena knew.

21. Worst injury you've ever had?
shin splints?

22. Have you been in love?

23. Do you miss anyone right now?

24. Last play you saw?
um, the one Steven was in the pit for

25. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
my eyes...not to mention my wit, charm, and gorgeous features.

26. What are your plans for tonight?
pizza, GILMORE FUCKING GIRLS. Veronica Mars. Wait, are those on tonight? FUCK ITS A RERUN!

27. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?

28. Next trip you are going to take?
Philly soon to visit Johanna!

29. Ever go to camp?
Yeah, Camp Highroad.

30. Were you an honor roll student in school?
of course. only stupid people aren't.

31. What do you want to know about the future?

32. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Paris HIlton, haha

33. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

34. Who are your best friends?
they know who they are

35. Where is your best friend?
which one?

36. Do you have a tan?
not really

37. What are you listening to right now?

38. Do you collect anything?
postcards, shot glasses, hearts.

39. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Me if it's certain people;)

40. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
the last sobriety stop point, I guess. I was VERY sober, duh

41. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
it's my prefered way

42. Who did you last call?
My mom

43. Do you like hot sauce?

44. Last time you took a shower?

45. Do you need to do laundry?

46. What is your heritage?
Scottish, Welsh, Greek

47. Are you someone's best friend?
I think so

48. Are you rich?
fuck no, but I sure can pass as though I am.

49. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
going to sleep.

50. Who was the last person to call you?
my mom

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Code Red

1. When is the last time you held hands with someone?
shut up!

2. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you do?

3. Have you ever crawled through a window?
yeah, at Ali's dorm

4. Where is your mom?

5. Morning or night person?

6. What was the last movie you watched?
Before Sunrise

7. Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
I don't know, do I?

8. Any cool scars?
Not ones I show off or anything

9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first.

10. What do you do when no one is watching?

11. Ever been in love?
I don't know, have I?

12. What's something your friends make fun of you for?
being a TOTAL DORK

13. What is your curfew?

14. Would you ever dye your hair red?
i used to, but not now

15. You + alcohol =

16. What's your worst personality flaw?
I can be cold:)

17. What career would you wish to be in?
a film maker

18. Which country would you like to visit?

19. Do you want a well paying job or a job you enjoy?
well paying for awhile, then one I enjoy

20. Do you wish to have the same best friends when you're older?

21. Do you believe in needing a religion?

22. What did you wear today?
jeans, tank top, polo shirt, sweater

23. When were you last on the phone?
2 hours ago

24. What were the shoes you wore today?
green sauconeys

25. Do you like math?

26. What about history?
When Ali tells it

27. Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time?
MWC, yuck!

28. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

29. Do you have a brother?

30. Did your great grandad fight in the civil war?
I don't know

31. Who's your favorite person to talk to online?

32.what happened to question number 32?
your mom

33. Do you like hugs?

34. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

35. Do you want to be a doctor?
I used to

36. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth?
not sure

37. What do you do right before you go to bed?
turn over

38. Right when you get out of bed?

39. What's the last thing you had to eat?

40. Would you date a girl/boy thats taller than you?
I hope to!

41. Do you want to be famous?
sure, if it meant I did something awesome

42. Do you spend a lot of time contemplating life?
Not life.

43. Do you do your own laundry?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Way Too Many Questions


How many belts do you have? a lot
If you have a bed stand, what is currently on it? a tv
Whats the first thing you would do if you were given a roll of duct tape? make a face
How many pictures are currently on your digital camera if you have one? 400?
What did you have for lunch today? diet dr. pepper
Do you prefer zipper or buttons? buttons
What color/design are your socks? Black
When was the last time you had Chinese food? couple weeks ago whe I was alone at home
Do you consider yourself creative? Yeah
Close your eyes and pick a random cd... what is it? The Rapture
Do you have a dvd in your dvd player? Yes.
What is it? Sopranos Season 2 and in my room is Dead Like Me
What's todays date? 10/27/06
what did you do yesterday? worked then went to Leesburg
Did you sleep well? Not really
Do you think O.J. killed his wife? dunno
Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? AJ
What's your favorite commercial? AUF WEIDERSEHEN!
Who was your first love? Leo DiCaprio?
If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around you, do you run a red light? No
Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? sure
Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Bo Sox
Have you ever been Ice Skating? Lots. I almost took lessons
How often do you remember your dreams? often
What's the one thing on your mind? what time am I leaving?
Do you know how to play poker? yeah
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? No way, I'd die.
What talent do you wish you had? singing
Do you like Sushi? YES
What do you wear to bed? sweats right now
What is your favorite brand of toothpaste? don't have a favorite
Honestly, is your room a wreck right now? Yes
How old are you? 26
Does your screenname have any "x"s in it? No
Do you take a foreign language at school? Yes Spanish
When you were little, could you say "th" and "sh"? Yes
Have you cried at all this week? No
Do you truly hate anyone? No
If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Brad Pitt
Do you know anyone in jail? No
What food do you find disgusting? bean burritos
Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? Yeah
Have you ever been punched in the face? No
Do you still watch Disney Channel? No
If someone asked you for $5, would you give it to them? No
What are your favorite colors? red, green, black
Do you go to ColdStone Creamery often? No, but I did go last night
Does your mom get mad when you get a 95% on a test? No
How many cousins do you have? 6
Do you collect anything? shot glasses and postcards
What is the worst thing that has happened to you? i dont know
Do you know how to make a layout? of?
When typing do you use the [<3] a lot? YES
Do you like to drink Snapple? sure
Do you like Chinese food or Korean food? Ching Chang Chong
What is your favorite movie as of lately? Garden State
Did you do anything yesterday? Work and visited the grandparents
Have you ever seen a shooting star? A few times
Are you happy with your life these days? Sure!
Do you like pepsi or coca cola better? Pepsi
Whats your favorite baseball team? orioles?
What's your favorite scary movie? Rosemary's Baby
What's your favorite fruit? tomatoes
Do you have any close friends on your street? No way, I barely know them.
Would you ever be on the show "Real World"? No
What were you doing an hour ago? waiting for the second bell
Have you ever won a spelling bee? Yeah
When was the last time you went to church? Christmas Eve a year ago
Do you think Eminem can rap? yeah
Last person you talked to was...? my dad
Do you use smileys online a lot? sometimes
Are you a complete camera whore? No
Do you have a special pose for the camera? Hahhaa, yes!
Are you very artistic? not in the painting/drawing way
Can you type really fast? Yeah
Where would you like to live? I like VA, but also New England and Scotland
Do you have any relatives in Arizona or Florida? Yes, a lot in Florida

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Survey

the "I" survey

I LIVE: in B Town

I WORK: intelligently, ahha.

I TALK: extremely quickly

I WISH: my bills would be paid by someone else

I ENJOY: being laid back

I LOOK: haphazardly cute right now. My hair is falling down, but looks neat.

I WILL: probably go watch Dead like Me soon

I SMELL: like pumpkins from my shampoo

I LISTEN: to XM radio a lot

I PRAY: for my grandmother bc she is a sweetheart

I WALK: in a way I don't like

I WRITE: blogs and emails

I SEE: in color

I SING: whenever music is on

I LAUGH: and cry as a result

I WATCH: puppies when I see them

I DREAM: a lot. last night I had long hair with light highlights

I WANT: a European vacation. and a boyfriend even though that sounds LAME-O!

I CRY: when I'm frustrated.

I READ: ferociously. or not at all.

I LOVE: gin

I FEAR: that you will never be every song in the world for me.

I HOPE: to win the lottery

I QUIT: using cheap shampoo

I BATHE: daily, but not in a bath.

I DRINK: coffee in the AM

I SHAVE: but don't talk about it

I HUG: less than I want to

I PLAY: a lot of instruments

I MISS: summer vacations

I HOLD: onto the bar now on rides, but I never used to

I FORGIVE: because I want to be nice

I DRIVE: a blue car

I HAVE: an AmEx

I DON'T: floss enough

I MADE: a 39.5 out of 40 on my exam

I WAIT: patiently

I NEED: to change my BN availAbility

I OWE: a lot of money for school. Actually, not as much as some people.

I FEEL: the cold air

I WONDER: how people manage to get so much done

I EAT: a lot of vegetables!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

City Mouse vs. Country Mouse

How CITY-FIED are you?

[x] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life
[] I link arms whenever I walk with someone
[ ] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO
[x]I own 1 or more polo shirts
[x ] I will never be caught without my cellphone
[X] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis

[] wear flipflops no matter what the weather
[x] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses
[x] I layer my shirts
[ ] I will do anything to get the best Myspace pic
[X] I have/ had a "Myspace mirror" pic

[x] When I'm not drinking starbucks I prefer water
[] I get annoyed with tom-boys
[x] I own an oversized bag or purse
[X] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach
[X] new addiction is 8th & Ocean or the hills or 2-A-Day
[ ] I say "lol" in every sentence of every online conversation
[ ] own tight jeans

[ ] I wear large necklaces
[] I own an iPod/mp3 player
[x]The internet = survival
[ ]one of the sports I play/played is football,Baseball,Basketball,softball
[x]have more than 1 AIM screen name

[ ] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation
[x] I love shopping
[ ] I shop whenever I have a chance
[ ] I own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more
[x] I have watched the Simple Life

***add x's and multiply by 3 and put "I'm _% city*** I'm 45% CITY!

How COUNTRY Are You?

have you...

[x] ridden a horse
[] owned a horse
[] owned land
[ ] been 4wheelin
[ ] said "ain't"
[] been cow-tipping
[ ] been deer hunting
[ ] been swimming in a lake..
[ ] caught a fish
[] seen a deer get skinned
[ ] been to more than 1 country concert

You ...
[]I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans
[] have worked on a ranch or on land
[x] have lived in a house in the middle of no where
[ ] have been duck hunting
[] have went swimming in a river
[ ] driven or have owned a truck
[] own a rebel flag
[x] like to fish
[ ] owned a pair of cowboy boots
[ ] own/owned a cowboy hat
[] own/have owned a big dog
[ ]sometimes say "yall"
[] have gotten made fun of for sayin "yall"
Total: 2

You also...
[x] cuss when you're mad
[] go to church on sunday
[ ] owned/own a bird dog
[ ] have riddin a horse to somewhere in town
[x] have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch
[ ] eaten deer meat
[] have shot a gun
[] own a gun
[] park your vehicles in the yard

[] have gone shopping...for a gun
[] get the kids in your family a toy gun for christmas
[] wear long sleeves even in the summer
[x ] know what stirrups are
[] have fed the deer
[ ] had dog named Bociefus)
[x] know what a redneck is
[] prolly have more than 50 country CDs in your house/
[ ] Think watching Nascar should be required in a mate.
Total: 2


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Have You Done Your Meme Today?

So, the idea behind this meme is that you bold every one of these things that you've done and leave the rest in standard typeface. So, here we go!

01. bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. swam with wild dolphins
03. climbed a mountain
04. taken a ferrari for a test drive
05. been inside the great pyramid
06. held a tarantula
07. taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. said "i love you" and meant it
09. hugged a tree
10. bungee jumped
11. visited paris
12. watched a lightning storm at sea
13. stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise- yuck, not on purpose
14. seen the northern lights
15. gone to a huge sports game
16. walked the stairs to the top of the leaning tower of pisa
17. grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. touched an iceberg
19. slept under the stars
20. changed a baby's diaper
21. taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. watched a meteor shower
23. gotten drunk on champagne
24. given more than you can afford to charity
25. looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. had a food fight
28. bet on a winning horse
29. asked out a stranger
30. had a snowball fight
31. screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. held a lamb
33. seen a total eclipse
34. ridden a roller coaster
35. hit a home run
36. danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. adopted an accent for an entire day
38. actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. had two hard drives for your computer
40. visited all 50 states
41. taken care of someone who was drunk
42. had amazing friends
43. danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. watched whales
45. stolen a sign
46. backpacked in europe
47. taken a road-trip
48. gone rock climbing
49. midnight walk on the beach
50. gone sky diving
51. visited ireland
52. been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. in a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them
54. visited japan
55. milked a cow
56. alphabetized your cds
57. pretended to be a superhero
58. sung karaoke
59. lounged around in bed all day
60. played touch football
61. gone scuba diving
62. kissed in the rain
63. played in the mud
64. played in the rain
65. gone to a drive-in theater
66. visited the great wall of china
67. started a business
68. fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. toured ancient sites
70. taken a martial arts class
71. played d&d for more than 6 hours straight
72. gotten married
73. been in a movie
74. crashed a party
75. gotten divorced
76. gone without food for 5 days
77. made cookies from scratch
78. won first prize in a costume contest
79. ridden a gondola in venice
80. gotten a tattoo
81. rafted the snake river
82. been on television news programs as an "expert"
83. gotten flowers for no reason
84. performed on stage
85. been to las vegas
86. recorded music
87. eaten shark
88. kissed on the first date
89. gone to thailand
90. bought a house
91. been in a combat zone
92. buried one/both of your parents
93. been on a cruise ship
94. spoken more than one language fluently
95. performed in rocky horror
96. raised children
97. followed your favorite band/singer on tour
98. passed out cold
99. taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. walked the golden gate bridge
102. sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking
103. had plastic surgery
104. survived an accident that you shouldn't have survived
105. wrote articles for a large publication
106. lost over 100 pounds
107. held someone while they were having a flashback
108. piloted an airplane
109. touched a stingray
110. broken someone's heart
111. helped an animal give birth
112. won money on a t.v. game show
113. broken a bone
114. gone on an african photo safari
115. had a facial part pierced other than your ears
116. fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wildside
119. had major surgery
120. had a snake as a pet
121. hiked to the bottom of the grand canyon
122. slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. visited more foreign countries than u.s. states
124. visited all 7 continents
125. taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. eaten kangaroo meat
127. eaten sushi
128. had your picture in the newspaper -
129. changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about
130. gone back to school
131. parasailed
132. touched a cockroach
133. eaten fried green tomatoes
134. read The iliad
135. selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read
136. killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. skipped all your school reunions
138. communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. been elected to public office
140. written your own computer language
141. thought to yourself that you're living your dream
142. had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. built your own PC from parts
144. sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you
145. had a booth at a street fair
146. dyed your hair
147. been a dj
148. shaved your head
149. caused a car accident
150. saved someone's life

Monday, October 23, 2006

iTunes Survey

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

Opening Credits:
"Workwear Shop"- Snow Patrol

Waking Up:
"Sleepyhead"- Alkaline Trio (haha!)

First Day At School:
"Foolish Games"- Jewel

Falling In Love:
"Theme From Space Island"- !!!

Fight Song:
"Heresy"- Nine Inch Nails (hott)

Breaking Up:
"I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend"- The Ramones (aw)

"Slide Away"- Oasis

"Aqueous Transmission"- Incubus

Mental Breakdown:
"They're Red Hot"- Red Hot Chili Peppers

"Hard To Explain"- The Strokes

"Yellow"- Coldplay

Getting Back Together:
"Capitol H"- Motion City Soundtrack

"Pickin' It Up"- Hot Hot Heat

Birth of Child:
"Mower"- Superchunk

Final Battle:
"The Collector"- Nine Inch Nails

Death Scene:
"Broken Man"- The Von Bondies

Funeral Song:
"Burndt Jam"- Weezer

End Credits:
"Quarantined"- At The Drive-In

I need to stop taking these with it on "library"...."Top Rate Songs" would be better.

Rated PG-13

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
My student loan bill sucks bc it seems like it will never get smaller.

2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
Red Robin. Just kidding! Ummmmm, Tobacco Company in RVA

3. Last time you puked from drinking?
the ONLY time was my birthday this year:(

4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?

5. Name of your first grade teacher?
no idea. I had two because I moved mid-year.

6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
I want it to be Friday at 4pm.

7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
actress, sports physician, egyptologist, etc.

8. How many colleges did you attend?
technically 3? Lord Fairfax Comm. College for duel enrollment, Mary Washington, VCU and UMW;)

9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
bc it's flattering and warm

10. GAS PRICES! First thought?

11. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you...
I'm not sure. This is too tough to answer!

12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?

13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
This sucks:(

14. Favorite style of underwear?
low-rise hipsters

15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?

16. What errand/chore do you despise?
folding clothes. or emptying the dish washer.

17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer?

18. Get up early or sleep in?
830 seems to be a good time

19. What is your favorite cartoon character?
Inspector Gadget

20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?
I like to watch movies in the dark.

21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
I didn't floss this morning. Or tonight.

22. When did you first start feeling old?
when my sister started college

23. Favorite 80's movie?
The Princess Bride

24. Your favorite lunch meat?

25. What do you get every time you go into Costco/Sam's Club?

26. Beach or lake?
BEACH! I hate lakes.

27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?

28. Who do you stalk on MySpace?

29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
I don't feel guilty about anything I enjoy

30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?

31. What's your drink?
gin and tonic. or champagne

32. Cowboys or Indians?

33. Cops or Robbers?

38. Who from high school would you like to run into?
Mike F.

39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
88.1 bc that's what my XM comes in on. And it's on UPop right now

42. Norm or Cliff (For those who don't know what this is, the tv show Cheers!)?

43. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?
SIMPSONS! I hate The Cosby Show

44. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
don't be shy

45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
I work at a school so it's me vs. kids all day

46. If you could get away with it, who would you kill?

47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Brad Pitt or Tony Blair

48. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
See #47

49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?

50. Ever felt like running over a pedestrian?
No way

51. Whens the last time u got laid? was it good?

Test Out The Decorations

1. So, what did you do all day?:
tried to keep middle schoolers under control

2. What is the most expensive thing you've bought recently?
I bought a CD the other day

3. Last concert (or show) you attended:
Snow Patrol. The Decemberists on Sunday!

4. Coolest thing you've gotten in the mail lately:
ummmm, mailtunes CDs

5. Discribe your favorite artical of clothing:
Love scarves!

6. Last video game played:
Probably Halo

7. How many CDs do you have by any ONE artist or group?:
The top runners would be ALL, Smashing Pumpkins and Foo Fighters

8. What's for dinner?:
no idea, but I'm so full right now I don't want to think

9. Do you have any collections?:
shot glasses, post cards, CDs, DVDs

10. What was the last board game you played?:
some game at Allie's

11. Who won?:

12. Do you subscribe to any magazines?
so many that I refuse to list them out here

13. Last movie you saw at a theater:
Talladega Nights

14. Last movie you watched at home:
Before Sunrise

15. Do you have any special traditions only you or your family does?
I am not sure if any are completely unique to us.

16. What was the last thing you created:

17. Are you reading any books right now?:
Survivor (reread) for bookclub. and NOT the book for class;)

18. Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?:
I loved anything Anastasia, Sweet Valley, Judy Blume, etc.

19. What do you do when you can't fall asleep?:
crossword puzzles

20. Have you ever randomly bumped into a actor/actress/or other generally famous person on the street?:
Anna and I sorta ran into Conrad from Trail of Dead on the street, but it was the night of their show in Pittsburgh and we were on the street of the club.

21. Are you more likely to read a book you've never read before if it's been made into a movie?:
no, but a good cover will get me

22. Have you discovered what podcasts are yet? Do you have a favorite?:
I used to subscribe to a few, but since my iPod died I dont listen to them

23.What is your favorite kind of food that you only get to have once a year:
birthday cake!

24. What's that noise?:

25. Last dvd box set you bought?:
Gilmore Girls 6

26. Are there any musical artists that you used to like but don't now?
Ummmmmmm, I tend to like someone forever.

27. Are there any covers you think are better than the original?
Smashing Pumpkins' "Landslide"

28. What food(s) do you go to the store for ASAP when you run out?:
none, really. I'll just wait.

29. Isn't there another appropriate response for "I love you" besides "I love you, too."?:

30. Last new artist that you listened to and really liked:
The Kooks

31. Last new one you hated:

32. In which country do you wish you'd been born?
this one, duh

33. When was the last time you were scared shitless?:
Bunnyman bridge? JK, that was forever ago

34. Do you like it when old ladies refer to you as "Dear", or "Hon", or "Sugar"?:
Not at all

35. What is your favorite physical flaw:
my birthmark? bc it looks like my boyfriend beats me

36. Share random fact about yourself:
I've never been farther west than Pittsburgh

37. What's the best field trip you ever went on?:
Puerto Rico

38. Have you ever dressed up for Halloween at work?:
Ummmm, sorta. I was in cafe so not really.

39. Do you have any clothes that you pilfered or inherited from your parents?:
I have a skirt of my grandmothers

40. How old is "old" to you?:
for what?

41. What was the last free thing you've gotten?:
advice? haha

42. What's your favorite black and white movie?:
I'm not sure, actually.

43. What color would you like to bleed?:

44. Do you know any Furries?:
I think so

45. If you have a wall calender, what kind is it?:
The OC!

46. Have you ever been to a convention?:
flute convention

47. If you were to dress up as a musician, which one would you be?:

48. Do you have a thing about ruining new stuff by personalizing?:

49. Ever have those moments when you realize that you somehow just cheated death?:
one time a car ran a light a split second before I went through

50. Does it boggle your mind?:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Things To Do At UMW Before You Graduate

So, what did I do? Even though I graduated ages ago...

Here it is:

• Swim in the fountain- never did this.
• Study at Hyperion- study there? well, I have for grad classes.
• Study at Denny’s on Rt. 3- hahahahhaa, Dennys is NOT for studying. Ask Andre.
• Skip a class- Rarely.
• Attend a bonfire
• Attend the Homecoming fireworks- they're REALLY good.
• Drink in public ON campus- I don't think I ever drank in public, on campus.
• Follow a tour group and ask dumb questions- HAHA, yes, actually. I joined the tour when Rena took hers.
• Make out with someone in an academic building- nope
• Streak Ball Circle- NO
• Play Ultimate Frisbee-NEVER
• Go to the Health Center just to get a condom- no, besides, they'd give you salt to gargle instead.
• Get a ride with the Campus Escort Service- no
• Buy underclassmen booze- I don't think so, actually.
• Go to a Frat party- fake frat? Yes, once.
• Make friends with a lunch lady
• Eat at Seaco- duh!
• Eat at the Nest- mmhmm
• Play pool in the Washroom
• Order a beer at Late Night
• Attend class intoxicated/hungover- just tired
Hang out with a professor outside of class- does Dr. Baker count? or the time we saw Dr. Long play?
• Sled on a tray borrowed from Seaco
• Chase a squirrel- SCARY no!
• Feed a squirrel- NEVER!
• Take Psych of Sex
• Attend a Republican BBQ wearing Democratic paraphernalia (or vice versa)- no, but I did sit with all my friends in the Green Party section.
• Crash a school dance
Drink at a party- duh
• Go to a college night at: Fatty J’s, Brocks, Cheeseburger- at Hard Times a lot.
• Help a cause
• Go to Carl’s
• Go to Lee’s
• Take the Fred
• Meet Dr. Tuttle- dude, he came to a party at my apt once.
• Attend a: chorus concert, theatre production and dance show
• Own a beta fish
• Dress up for Halloween
• Go trick-or-treating around campus
• Sneak a friend into the gym
• Read outside on a nice day
• Walk downtown
• Ask a hot guy (or hot girl) out on a date
• Take a trip over Fall/Spring Break- just once to go skiing. OH and to Puerto Rico, but that was technically a school trip
Go to Saturday brunch in Seaco
• Pour soap in the Fountain
• Mentor a freshman
• Go to Potomac Mills- I did that before I went to MWC
• Study at the library until they kick you out- hate the library
• Study in Trinkle
• Go to Chipotle
• Hook up with a freshman
• Participate in the Day of Silence
• Eat at Taste of Asia
• Visit EVERY dorm
• Audition for something
• Crash a club party just for the food
• Befriend Mary Washington on Facebook
• Vote absentee
• BS your way through English 101- Boo, Dr. Faunce!
• Befriend the Chinese food delivery guy
• Walk of shame
• Go to the Health Center just to get salt
• Paint the rock
• Have someone paint the rock for you
• Deal with The Administration
• Meet Dean Rucker
Scamper across campus to pick up a package before the mailroom closes
• Prank someone on Junior Ring Week- *I* got pranked!
• Do Ghostwalk
• Visit a friend at another school
• Crash a party at another school
• Visit DC
• Wave to President Frawley- he wasn't prez when I was there.
• Go to a religious club/meeting/event
• Buy a residence hall T-shirt
• Walk to Giant
• Buy a major T-shirt
• Attend a department picnic
Stay up late talking to your roommate
• Go to Wal-Mart at an early morning hour
• Kick your roommate out one night for debauchery with your significant other
• Play a game of Monopoly with your hallmates
• Take a class pass/fail just because
• Go to all the ABC stores in Fred
• Have a Girls/Guys night in
• Take a midnight walk with a friend

I'm Watching The Sopranos Because I'm Five Years Late

1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight?
I almost got in a fight when I was like 6 once. my dad broke it up. True story. Bitch said I couldn't wear my leg warmers to get on the playground.

2. Most money you ever owed a utility company?
Not much, really. It was also divided by two or three people, too. Now...Verizon...that's another story. Wankers!

3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar?
Like, 2 years ago.

4. Longest time you slept in a car?
Not long. I don't stay asleep for long in a car. I doze in and out.

5. Most fucked up nickname you've ever been given?
One wasn't nice in elementary school, I'd rather not repeat it.

6. Worst job you ever had?
nasty Food Lion cashier. BLECH!

7. Shortest job you've ever had? I worked at a movie theatre, but never had a shift. I just didn't show which I now know was kind of shitty.

8. Longest romantic relationship?

9. Shortest romantic relationship?
What counts?

10. Food that you would eat until you puked?
French fries!

11. Food that even looking at makes you puke?
sour cream sometimes

12. What music saved your life?
what a melodramatic question.

13. Person you miss the most in the world?
I cant wait to get Sushi with ALI!

14. Worst movie you've ever seen?
Annie Hall

15. Best movie you've ever seen?
EVER? OMG. I can't answer.

16. What is your fondest High School Memory?
A lot of good band memories. And Senora's class. and Tennis.

17. Ever almost die?

18. Ever fist fight a member of the opposite sex?

19. Best place you have ever lived?
Custis Is The Bustis

20. Worst place you have ever lived?
Senior Year of college.

21. Bad habit you have:
rolling my eyes.

22. Noise that makes you want to punch people?
high pitches voices. The ones that cut through every thing.

23. Your favorite tattoo?
Dave Grohl's heart with a halo

24. Least favorite tattoo?
I don't usually like ones with color. Or of faces.

25. At your poorest, were you a ramen noodle or mac n' cheese aficionado?

26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal?

27. Best gift you ever got?
Most things Ali gives me are really great.

28. Best pet you ever had? Jude was cool. He was a duck.

29. Ever run from the cops? No

30. Money or love: Right now? Money. Then I can work less and work on the other.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Battle For Survival

7 things to do before I die
1. Have a familia.
2. Go to Scotland.
3. Play at Carnegie Hall again.
4. Write a screenplay/novel/symphony.
5. Compete in the Olympics.
6. Own a boat.
7. Sell a photograph.

7 things I can't do
1. Sing well.
2. Backstroke.
3. Get up early without an alarm.
4. Like the saxophone.
5. Eat sour cream.
6. Speak Russian.
7. Wear/Walk in stilettos.

7 things that attract me to Europe
1. Accents.
2. History.
3. Shopping.
4. Weather.
5. Culture.
6. Food.
7. Coffee.

7 things I say
1. Bust.
2. WTF?!
3. Oh my gah.
4. JC but I'm trying not to.
5. MF
6. Boo
7. Ditto.

7 good books
1. Survivor- Palahniuk
2. Summer Sisters- Blume
3. Sweet Valley University- Pascal
4. Their Eyes Were Watching God- Hurston
5. Bridget Jones' Diary- Fielding
6. White Oleander- Fitch
7. Crime and Punishment- Dostoevsky

7 good films
1. Cruel Intentions
2. Rosemary's Baby
3. Fight Club
4. Garden State
5. The Emperor's New Groove
6. Shakespeare In Love
7. Trainspotting

7 blogs to tag


Battle For Survival

7 things to do before I die
1. Have a familia.
2. Go to Scotland.
3. Play at Carnegie Hall again.
4. Write a screenplay/novel/symphony.
5. Compete in the Olympics.
6. Own a boat.
7. Sell a photograph.

7 things I can't do
1. Sing well.
2. Backstroke.
3. Get up early without an alarm.
4. Like the saxophone.
5. Eat sour cream.
6. Speak Russian.
7. Wear/Walk in stilettos.

7 things that attract me to Europe
1. Accents.
2. History.
3. Shopping.
4. Weather.
5. Culture.
6. Food.
7. Coffee.

7 things I say
1. Bust.
2. WTF?!
3. Oh my gah.
4. JC but I'm trying not to.
5. MF
6. Boo
7. Ditto.

7 good books
1. Survivor- Palahniuk
2. Summer Sisters- Blume
3. Sweet Valley University- Pascal
4. Their Eyes Were Watching God- Hurston
5. Bridget Jones' Diary- Fielding
6. White Oleander- Fitch
7. Crime and Punishment- Dostoevsky

7 good films
1. Cruel Intentions
2. Rosemary's Baby
3. Fight Club
4. Garden State
5. The Emperor's New Groove
6. Shakespeare In Love
7. Trainspotting

7 blogs to tag


Friday, October 20, 2006

Thank Heavens It's Friday!

Appetizer What is your favorite beverage?

Water, duh.

SoupName 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.

I don't have my computer on a desk at home, but at work it's someone else's desk so it seems stupid to answer this question.

Salad On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?

Well, it's not like I like a lot, but I don't go around offerring the truth to people. So maybe 7.

Main Course If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?

TUSCON! OMG, I don't get why you pronounce it "too-sahn" yes there is "tusk-an chicken" wtf? I would not change it, but require it to be pronounced "tusk-an".

Dessert What stresses you out? What calms you down?

I get stressed out when I know I'm not going to get a lot of sleep before a long day. Or when I have a lot of school work due and no time to do it. Something that calms me down is shopping:)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What Was Oprah ABout Today? Oh yeah, VOMIT!

1. What do you order at McDonalds?
um, chicken stuff, fries, milkshakes

2. What color is your tv?

3. What was your first cd?

4. How old were you when you discovered porn?
I went to a sleepover in 11th grade and some girl brought her parent's porn over. Personally, I found that disturbing.

5. How many times have you had your heart broken?
Never...but it's been bruised;)

6. How many times have you broken a heart?
Maybe twice?

7. What was your first car?
86 Chevy Celeb!

8. Did you wreck it?
no, it died.

9. Have you ever been fired from a job?

10. What color is your bathmat?
Don't have one

11. What cd is in the player in your car?
it's the clapping mix

12. Do you let people borrow your cds?
um, not usually

13. Were you in the band in high school?
oh yeah!

14. Coke or Pepsi?

15. What is your astrological sign?

16. Do you know what it means?
it means I was born in February

17. Do you have anyone elses name tattooed on you?

18. Do you own a cowboy/girl hat?

19. Do you sing in the car?

20. Do you paint your toenails?

21. If you had to go on a road trip right now, who would you take with you?

22. Do you shave in or out of the shower?

23. Can you wiggle your ears?

24. Do you know what a dirty sanchez is?

25. Has it ever happened to you?

26. One Tree Hill or The O.C.:
The O.C.

27.Can you name three of the Beatles?
I can name 4

28. What brand of toothpaste do you use?

29. Do you obsess over your clothes?
I don't obsess...but I like fashion and shopping

30. What color are your sheets?
blue or shite

31. If you were in jail who would you call to bail you out?
my mom

32. Do you know anyone that lives in Idaho?

33. How many of the 50 states have you visited?

34. Who is Jerry Garcia?
from the Grateful Dead

35. Where can you find Phish Food?

37. Are you named after anyone?

38. How many candles do you have in your room?
none I use

39. Fire or Ice?

40. What is the capital of South Dakota?
I can't think of it right now

41. Do you use the bathroom with the door open if you are home alone?

42. Who was the last person that called you?

43. Who do you wish would call you?
someone tlling me I wonder the lottery

44. Do you remember your 3rd grade teachers name?
Not at all

45. Would you paint the walls of your room black?

46. Do you wear your sunglasses at night?

47. Who sings, Im Too Sexy?
right said fred

48. Did you have a VHS or a BETA MAX? dvd player?

49. When you walk by a mirror do you stop and look?

50. Lowes or Home Depot?

51. Who gave the Gettysburg Address?

52. How many Jolie-Pitt kids are there?
1..the other 2 are adopted;)

53. What channel is your TV on right now?

54. What time does the six o'clock news come on?

55. Do you have any Goth friends?
not anymore

56. Do you believe in the existence of gnomes?
only in Harry Potter

57. Do you know what a gnat is?

58. String or butter beans?

59. What kind of computer do you have?
HP laptop

60. Are you addicted to MySpace?no

61. Do you post blogs almost everyday of randomness?

64. Do you have milk in your fridge?

65. What time do you get off work?

66. Do you drink protein shakes?

67. Have you ever done LSD?

68. Have you forgotten to call anyone back today?

69. What's your favorite video game for the N64?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oprah Road Trip


Today Did You--

1. talk to a boy/girl you like today?

2. realize anything new?
that standing there for 10 minutes works

3. talk to an ex?

4. miss someone?

Last person who--

5. slept in your bed?
um, only me for a long time...not since Richmond;)

6. saw you cry?

7. you went to the movies with?

8. went to the mall with you?
I go to the mall alone usually

9. you said "i love you" to?
my mom

10. that made you laugh?

11. said they loved you

12. that called you in the middle of the night?

13. do you have a crush on someone?
trying to/trying not to

Just plain questions--

14. what book are you reading?
rereading Survivor for book group

15. best feeling in the world
winning, haha

16. favorite location?
I like boats

17. piercing/tattoos?
just in the ears

18. what are you most scared of right now?

19. where do you want to get married ?
Fuck, I don't care.

20. who do you really hate?
noone right now

21. does anyone hate you?
don't think so.

22 do you like being around people?
60% of the time

23. have you ever cried?
hahaha oh yeah

24. are you lonely right now?

25. song stuck in your head right now?
more Ben Gibbard

27.ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you?
oh yeah

28.ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
um, don't think so

29. how many beds did you lay in yesterday?1

30. what color shirt are you wearing?
i'm not wearing one

31. name three things that you do every day
brush my teeth, blink, drink water

34. when was the last time you saw your dad?
last night

35. who got you to join myspace?

36. what did you have for dinner last night?
pasta with alfredo sauce

39. what web site do you visit the most?

40. do you have plants in your room?

41. does anything hurt on your body right now?
my legs are tight

Monday, October 16, 2006


1. Describe a good personality trait of yours.
I think I can make situations more fun by pointing out funny things.

2. Cell phone on or off during a date with someone?

3. Pick one & state why: Books, television, or conversationalist?
Since Music isn't on the list (ALI) I'm going to pick TV bc that should cover films, too, and I sure do love those.

4. Lover or Fighter?

5. Favorite watering hole?
does that mean to drink? What?

6. Alcoholic beverage?
Champagne, mmmm. But it makes my arms sleepy. I also like Gin and Tonics

7. Girls/Boys night out, who is the first to be out of control?
I shouldn't name names.

8. Who would you consider your primary wingman and why?

9. Out of your group who usually is the first to get ass?
Scarlet, but that's just because she's not afraid to grab a little ass. (HAHA I'm leaving Allie's answer bc it made me laugh!)

10. The most flirtatious out of your crowd?
I think I can be pretty flirtatious, although I'm a little calmed down now:)

11. The most likely to create drama (fight) with a person?
that would cause problems if I answered.

12. When dating someone do you introduce that person to your friends/family?
to family? EEEEK!

13. What makes or breaks your night out with that person?
if they don't "get it"

14. Would you rather be single or monogamous?

15. A group date or one-on-one date?
one on one, please.

What's Going On With Heroes? I Love It!

1. Do you sleep with your wardrobe doors open or closed?
I don't have a wardrobe. I keep my closet door closed, though.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?

3. Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, I still want a "BUMP" sign.

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
yes, but I get annoyed when they get bent and wrinkled.

6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I used to.

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
bear. Like Tristan in Legends of the Fall.

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
I make an Olsen face.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
people who don't "get it"

11. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

12. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
no, but I think about "left/right"

13. Have you ever peed in the woods?
probably. where haven't I?

14. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?

16. Ever talk on a cell phone in a public bathroom?
no, I'd text instead.

17. Do you like popcorn from those big tins?

18. What is your "Song of the week"?
"Clark Gable" by The Postal Service.

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
not in a pastel color. well....only under a suit maybe

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
every once and awhile

21. Whats your favorite scary movie?
Rosemary's Baby

22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
look at the map. duh...

23. What do you drink with dinner?
water or soda

24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
honey mustard!

25. What is your favorite food/cuisine?
anything americanized:) and sushi and thai and chinese and mexican and italian

27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?

28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?

30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
probably a note in a package

31. Can you change the oil on a car?
no but I can drive to Jiffy Lube

32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
:( shhh!

33. Ran out of gas?
Haha, yeah. on the interstate bc I'm awesome.

34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
i love a grilled cheese with tomatoe. omg

35. Best thing to eat for breakfast?

36. What is your usual bedtime?
10:30ish...*sigh* I'm so lame.

37. Are you lazy?
When I'm not doing something, I'm REALLY not doing anything so maybe that's lazy, I dunno. I'm lazy about things I don't want to do, does that count, though?

38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for halloween?

39. Ever eat a Choco Taco?

40. How many languages can you speak?

41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
glamour, elle, bazaar, W, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Jane, Shape, etc.

42.Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Lincoln logs

43. Are you stubborn?
I'm not sure.

44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Letterman. Leno is for stupid people.

45. Ever watch soap operas?
Guiding Light, boo.

46. Afraid of heights?
of falling.

47. Sing in the car?

48. Dance in the shower?

49. Dance in the car?

50. Ever used a gun?
Just a BB gun

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
um, college senior portrait?

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
some are. but I like a lot of them. I used to really want to play in the pit as my job

53. Is Christmas stressful?

54. Ever been to

55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
apple or cherry

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
sports physician, pit orchestra member, actress

57. Do you believe in ghosts?
no, but I want to

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

59. Take a vitamin daily?

60. Wear slippers?

61. Wear a bath robe?
After my shower

62. What do you wear to bed?
right now I wear sweats bc I get cold

63. Your First Concert?

64. Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart?

65. Nike or Adidas?

66. Cheetos Or Fritos?

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds

68. Ever have a hidden piercing?

69. Ever take dance lessons?
Yes, for years.

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
besides taking care of me?

71. Can you curl your tongue?
I can

72. Ever won a spelling bee?

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

74. Ever eat a booger?

75. Own a record player?

76. Regularly burn incense?

77. Ever been in love?
have I?

78. Who would you like to see in concert??

79. What was your last concert you saw?
Snow Patrol

80. Hot tea or cold tea?
cold, if it's hot it better be coffee

81. Ever ran around outside without a shirt?

82. Favorite kind of cookie?

83. Can you swim well?

84. Can you hold your breath without manually holding your nose?
Yes, who can't?

85. Are you patient?

86. Band or DJ?
for what? a show? band...for my wedding? DJ

87. Ever won a contest?

88. Ever had plastic surgery?

89. Which are better black or green olives?

90. Can you knit or crochet?

91. Best room for a fireplace?
den, but I want one in my bathroom

92. Are you married?

93. If married, how long have you been married?

94. Who was your high school crush?
Mike and Ryan and Chuck maybe and I can't remember who else

95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
haha, no?

96. Do you have kids?

97. Do you want kids?

98. Whats your favorite colors?
Green, Red, Black

99. Do you miss anyone right now?

100. Who do you wanna see right now?


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dead Like Me

A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y

1. Do you like anyone?: you mean, like a crush?
2. Do they know it?: I don't know
3. Simple or complicated? everything is complicated

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U

4. Had sex: NOSY!
5. Bought something: oh yes
6. Gotten sick?: No, I thought I had a sore throat from getting a cold, but I did not
7. Been hugged?: Yeah
8. Felt stupid?: Just...distracted
9. Talked to an ex: No
10. Missed someone: yeah
11. Failed a test: No way!
13. Danced: in the car a lot
14. Gotten your hair cut?: Yes
15. Lied: Probably


16. Nervous habits?: I bounce my leg a lot. And my yoga breathing thing;)
17. Are you double jointed?: no
18. Can you roll your tongue?: yeah
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: not sure
20. Can you cross your eyes?: Yeah, but I don't like to
21. Do you make your bed daily?: I barely get out of would be too painful to make it.
22. Do you think you are unique?: Mmmhmmmm!

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S

23. Said "I Love you"?: yeah
24. Given money to a homeless person?: Nope
25. Smoked?: yes, ew.
26. Waited all night for a phone call?: maybe yeah
27. Snuck out? Yeah, haha. from my apt.
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: Yeah, I usually stop and look at them when I get home


29. Do you swear/curse?: yeah
30. Do you ever spit?: when I brush my teeth
31. You cook your own food?: not right now;)
32. You do your own chores?: not always
33. You like beef jerky?: NO
35. You're happy with your life?: not right now, but not in a bad way. If that doesn't make sense, then ask.
36. You own a dog?: no:(:(:((:
37. You spend your money wisely?: I do for awhile, then I get annoyed/upset/bored and then I buy things.
38. Do you like to swim?: YEAH
39. When you get bored do you call a friend: the only people I really call are Ali, my mom, and Steven. my brother sometimes.

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S

41. Flowers or angels? flowers
42. Gray or black?: black
43. Color or black and white photos?: black and white
44. Lust or love?: Love
45. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunsets
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: chocolate
48. Staying up late or waking up early?:staying up late
49. Being hot or cold?: cold
50. Winter or Fall?: winter, bc all of it is cold.
51. Left or Right?: right
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2
53. Sunshine or rain?: sunny in the winter

M O R E H A V E Y O U E V E R S ; ;

Sleep in a bed of the opposite sex?: yes
Hooked up in the woods?: no
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: Champagne, yeah.
Hooked up in the shower?: no
Been Dumped?: No
Stolen money from a friend?: No
Slept naked?: No
Had a crush on a teacher?: No
Seen someone die?: No
Been on an airplane?: Yeah
Slept all day?: rarely
Missed someone so much it hurt?: Yes
Been lonely?: Yes
Cheated in a game?: sure!
Been in a car accident?: Fender Benders
Had detention?: Yeah, for tardies
Cried yourself to sleep?: No
Sung in the shower?: No
Kissed a complete stranger?: Yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: Every time
Cheated on a bf/gf?: No
Regretted hurting someone?: Ummmm
Regretted loving someone?: No

Friday, October 13, 2006

1 vs. 100

1. Are you in a complicated relationship?
Define complicated. No, define relationship.

2. Do you hate more than 3 people?
Nah. Hate is a strong word.

3. How many houses have you lived in?
Houses? 5 or 6? oh, does a rowhouse count?

4. Favorite candy bar?
peanut butter anything.

5. Have you ever tripped someone?
No, but Steven tried to trip me tonight!

6. Least favorite school subject?

7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
a lot.

8. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
I own all of them.

9. Have you ever thrown up in public?

10. Name one thing that is always on your mind?

11. Favorite genre of music?

12. What is your zodiac sign?

13. What time were you born?
1:51 pm

14. Do you like beer?
I do, yes.

15. Have you made a prank call?
Yeah, but not many, I don't think.

16. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
Dave Matthews Band?

17. Are you sarcastic?

18. What are your favorite color(s)?
red, green, black

19. How many watches do you own?
4? I only wear one.

20. Summer or winter?
duh, WINTER.

21. Is anyone in love with you?
If you are, please tell me!

22. Favorite color to wear?

23. Pepsi or Sprite?

24. Where is your second home?
my car

25. Have you ever slapped someone?
maybe Ali

26. How many lamps are in your bedroom?

27. How many video games do you own?
0, I think.

28. What was your first pet?
Petunia the pig.

29. Ever had braces?

30. Do looks matter?

31. Do you use chapstick?
I have to

32. Name 3 teachers from high school:
Senora Whisenant, Coach Chapman, Rich

33. American Eagle or Abercrombie?

34. Are you too forgiving?
Yes, but that's okay.

35. How many children do you want?

36. Favorite breakfast meal?
french toast and eggs and tator tots and bacon and sausage and...I love breakfast

37. Do you own a gun?

38. Ever thought you were in love?
in? debatable.

39. When was the last time you cried?
The other day I almsot did. Each week I almost do just from being tired and stressed

40. What did you do 2 nights ago?
Ooooh my night off! I went to my meeting in Fred then saw Andre then watched TV and finished my midterm.

41. Olive Garden?
is good, but it makes me SO thirsty.

42. Have you ever called your teacher mommy?

43. Have you ever been in a castle?
Maybe in Disney World

44. Nicknames?

45. Do you know anyone named Bertha?

46. Ever been to Kentucky?

47. Do you own something from Banana Republic?
Yes, I'm wearing something from there right now

48. Are you thinking about somebody right now?

49. Ever called somebody boo?
duh, constantly.

50. Favorite wine?
pinot grigio

51. Favorite beer?

52. Are you happy with your life right now?
So-so. I'm not unhappy, but it's not filled with things I want right now

53. Do you like your hair?

54. Does anyone have a crush on you?
Please tell me if so

55. What were you doing in May of 1994?
finishing 8th grade

56. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?
NO, I like N Sync

57. McDonald's or Wendy's?

58. Do you like yourself?

59. Are you closer to your mother or father?
both, def.

60. Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex?
I like arms a lot. Not in a weird way.

61. Are you afraid of the dark?

62. Have you ever eaten paste?
Ew, no.

63. Do you own a webcam?
Ew, no.

64. Have you ever stripped?
For someone? No.

65. Ever broke a bone?
No *knock on wood*

66. Are you religious?
Not outwardly.

67. Do you chat on AIM/MSN often?
AIM sometimes

68. Pringles or Lays?
kettle anything

69. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I'm not sure, but probably;)

70. Full House or The Brady Bunch?
Full House, but I do love the Bunch

71. Did you like your High School guidance counselor?
He LOVED me. So yes.

72. Has anyone ever called you a tease?
Yes, not as much now, but definitely before.

73. Do you have a birth mark?
Yes, on my arm.

74. Do you own a car?
Working on it. I own half of it right now.

75. Can you cook?

76. 3 things that annoy you:
talking when I am, applique sweaters, not using turn signals

77. Do you text message often?
oooh yeah

78. Money or love?
I'd take either right now

79. Do you have any scars?

80. What do you want more than anything right now?
see #78

81. Do you enjoy scary movies?

82. Relationships or one night stands?
A relationship

83. Big Red or Juicy Fruit?

84. Do you enjoy greasy food?
of course, I'm human.

85. Have you seen all the Rocky movies?
no, but I have run up the Rocky stairs in philly

86. Do you own a box of crayons?

87. Ever had sex in a public place?

88. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
can't remember. probably my mom, although I say "ditto" to her.

89. Who was the last person that made you mad
I can't remember.

90. Who was the last person that made you cry?
ummm, I don't remember.

91. Who was the last person that made you laugh?

92. Who was the last person to text you?

93. Who was the last person that called you?

94. Who's your cell phone provider?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Meredith Can't Make A Decision And I Totally Understand

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend reading other blogs?

Your community wants everyone to give one thing to put into a time capsule. What item would you choose to include?

Garden State

What is the most interesting tourist attraction you've ever visited?

The Carnegie Hall tour!

Main Course
If you could give an award to anyone for anything, who would it be and what would the award be titled?

To Brad Pitt for being so effing hott.

What do you think your favorite color reveals about your personality?

It's bold and exciting, but has many shades;)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The 6 Minute Survey

The "___- Minute Survey"

The theory is that you will learn
a lot of little known facts
about those who know you.

1. Start Time - 7:44

2. Name - Scarlet

4. Astrology sign - Aquarius

5. Gender - chica!

6. Hair color - Brown.

8. Eye color - Brown

10. Favorite color(s)- Black, green, red

11. Glasses - Nope

12. Tattoos - None

14. Hometown - Bealeton

15. Single or taken -1

16. Sibling's name - Jesse/Ali

******HAVE YOU EVER****

17. Cut your own hair? Oh yeah

18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? No, thank goodness.

20. Skipped school? nope=/

22. Bungee-jumped? No

24. Punched someone? No

25. Cheated on a test? No

26. Been arrested? No

27. Broken into someone's house? No

30. Been rejected? haven't been in the situation to be rejected.

31. Been to a funeral? No

32. Used a lighter? No

33. Been on stage? No


34. Season - as long as it's cold, I love it

35. Food - quesadillas right now

36. Ice cream flavor - Coffee

38. Candy - anything with peanut butter!

39. Breakfast cereal - Smart Start

40. Person: I like Ali

41. Book - Blah reading.

42. Movie(s)- Rosemary's Baby, Fight Club, Cruel Intentions, Garden State

43. Song - Disarm

44. Park - Crockett!

46. Place - Puerto Rico was awesome

47. Sport to watch on TV - tennis

50. Letter - S

51. Disney movie - NO IDEA

52. Disney princess - Cinderella? I Don't know

54. Name for a son - Paul, William, Vincent

55. Name for a daughter - Isabella, Olivia, Juliette, Eleanore

******DO YOU PREFER*****

56. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

57. Alcoholic or non? noon

58. Long relationships or one-night stands? long

59. Dogs or cats? PUPPIES!!!!

60. Scary movies or comedies? Comedies bc scary movies often suck

61. Short or long hair? medium?

62. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons


64. Mexicans - spanish

65. School - work

67. Cows - moo

68. Canada - eh?

69. Mouse - EEEEWWWW!!!!!!

70. Hand - ring


71. Talked on the phone? yes

72. Watched a movie? yes, Breakfast at Tiffanys

73. Cried? almost

74. Smoked? No

75. Drank a glass of water? a lot

76. Done drugs? no

77. Read a book or magazine? yeah

78. Watched TV? of course

79. Looked in the mirror? of course

80. Taken a shower? yes!

81. Taken a picture? yeah, of a pie

82. Listened to music? yes!

83. Told someone you love them? Yes

Put how long it took you to take this in the survey in the subject

Monday, October 09, 2006

Open Autopsy

1. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?

2. Have you ever puked at a bar or club?

3. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated?
3 years?

5. Have you ever smoked pot at a concert?
ew! no!

6. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a coworker?
I don't think so

7. If so, how did that turn out?

8. Ever been in a car wreck?
just been rear ended/fender bendered

9. Were you popular in high school?
in the best way possible

10. Have you ever been on a blind date?

11. Are looks important?
yeah, but it depends on what I like, not anyone else

12. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years?
yeah! whoa

13. By what age would you like to be married?

14. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?
sure, sometimes.

15. Have you ever sacrificed yourself so your friend can get in good with a person of the opposite sex?
yeah, def

16. Have you ever drank milk that was past the expiration date?
Ewwww, no!

17. Have you ever made a mistake?

18. Are you a good tipper?

19. What's the most you have spent for a haircut?

20. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

21. Do you know all the words to the first verse of Ice ice Baby?
Ice is back with a brand new edition

22. Have you ever had crispy bangs?

23. Have you ever singed off your eyelashes?

24. What was the worst hairstyle of the 80's
that weird winged-out thing

25. Have you ever peed in public?
hahaha hyeah

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What Kind Of Coffee Am I?

You are a Black Coffee

At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Would/Will You?

You must answer all these questions and send them back to me in a comment and please don't hold back, be completely honest...

Y= Yes, N = No, M= Maybe. Fill this in for me and/or repost for others to answer for you. Then message it to me.
Would/will you?

[_] come to my house to do nothing at all but chill?

[_] fight me?

[_] kiss me?

[_] let me kiss you?

[_] watch a movie with me?

[_] go out to dinner with me?

[_] let me drive you somewhere?

[_] take a shower with me?

[_] drink with me?

[_] let me sleep in your bed?

[_] Sing car karaoke w/ me?

[_] re-post this for me to answer your questions?

[_] hold my hand?

[_] let me make you breakfast?

[_] help me with homework?

[_] tickle me?

[_] let me tickle you?

[_] instant message me?

[_] greet me in public?

[_] hang out with me?

[_] bring me around your friends?

[_] be down with me no matter what?

[_] go to homecoming with me?

D0 Y0U...

[_] think im cute?

[_] think im serious?

[_] think im a good person

[_] think im conceided?

[_] want to kiss me?

[_] want to cuddle with me?

[_] think I would do you?

[_] love me?

AM I...

[_] smart?

[_] cute?

[_] funny?

[_] sexy?

[_] cool?

[_] romantic?

[_] a *freak*?

[_] gangsta?

[_] loveable?

[_] adorable?

[_] trustworthy

[_] compassionate?

[_] great to be with?

[_] attractive?

[_] mean?

[_] well known?


[_] thought about hooking up with me?

[_] found yourself wanting a kiss from me?

[_] wished I were there?

[_] had a crush on me?

[_] wanted my number?

[_] had a dream about me?

[_] been distracted by me?

[_] looked at my page more than ten times?

ARE Y0U...

[_] happy you know me?

[_] thinking about me?

[_] wanting to call me to talk about these things?

[_] going to repost this?

Saturday Just Got Weird:(

1. How are you feeling today?
"Tiny Little Fractures"- Snow Patrol

2. Will you get far in life?
"Standing On The Edge of Summer"- Thursday

3. What do your friends see you as?
"What Do We Do Now?- John Hiatt

4. What is your best friend's theme song?
"I Was A Kaleidescope"- Death Cab For Cutie

5. What is the story of your life?
"Coming Up Roses"- Elliott Smith (AWESOME!!!!)

6. What was high school like?
"Deep Water"- Jewel

7. How can you get ahead in life?
"Sealed Human"- The Faint

8. What is the best thing about your friends?
"Laid To Rest"- Lamb of God

9. What is in store for this weekend?
"Shut Up And Dance"- Aeromsith

10. What song describes you?
"One Moment"- John Dee Graham

11. To describe your grandparents?
"Hold On, Slow Down"- Earlimart (whoa)

12. How is your life going?
"Always On My Mind"- Ryan Adams

13. What song will they play at your funeral?
"L.A. Woman"- Days Of The New (OH GAWD, NO! I hate this band. ewewewew)

14. How does the world see you?
"Cataract"- Sparta (hehe)

15. Will you have a happy life?
"Go West"- Eldissa (weird, bc I want to go north EAST)

16. What do your friends really think about you?
"All The Pretty Girls Go To City"- Spoon

17. Do people secretly lust after you?
"Airplane"- Rusted Root (?)

18. How can I make myself happy?
"Air Force Ones"- Nelly

19. What should you do with your life?
"The Getaway"- Hilary Duff

Basically, iTunes is psychic.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Six Degrees

Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vadar for the rest of your life?
- I HATE Yoda!!!!!

Would you rather eat 15 feet of aluminum foil OR swallow six guitar strings?
- EW! The aluminum foil would hurt my teeth.

Would you rather have a head half the normal size OR twice the normal size?
-half. It would suck to never have hats to wear.

Would you rather have five bottles stuck on the fingers of one hand for a year OR a bucket stuck on your foot for a year?
-bucket on my foot.

Would you rather be a woman with a mans legs OR a man with a womans arms?
- man legs wouldn't be bad bc they all have skinny legs. I'm DEF shaving them, though. EW!

Would you rather have a permanent smile or a permanent erection?
- smile, bc I'm a girl.

Would you rather go to jail for 1 year or have your let friend go to jail for 10 years?
- ugh, jail for 1

Would you rather fight Mike Tyson or talk like him?
- fight him!

Would you rather have all your hair look/feel like pubes or be completely bald?
-ewewewewewew! bald. I'd get a wig.

Would you rather go on a date with bad breath or body odor?

Would you rather have a root canal with no sedative or shave your head bald?

Would you rather roll down 12 flights of stairs at a baseball game and break both legs or fall on your face while walking down the aisle to get married?

Would you rather eat a cochroach or sleep in a bed full of snakes for one night?
- cockroach!

Would you rather lick a dirty toilet seat or wipe a complete strangers butt?
- ew, butt. EWEWEWEW

Would you rather listen to "i'm too sexy" on repeat for an entire year or wear shoes that are filled with jello for 6 months?
- jello shoes sound cool.

Would you rather swim with 10 sharks or be chased by a bear?
- swimming with 10 sharks doesn't mean they want to eat me, so I pick that one.

Would you rather heavily makeout with a homeless person for an hour or sleep with osama bin laden?
- MO

Would you rather eat a cow heart or have someone punch you in the face every morning to wake you up?
- cow heart. gross.

Would you rather have an STD or rock a mullet for an entire year?

Would you rather sleep on a bed of peanut butter or next to a humidifier full of urine?
- peanut butter bed

Would you rather have your cell phone ring function set on "Airhorn" or "Taser"?
- taser?

Would you rather have sex with a "10" or a "7" and a "3"?

Would you rather ejaculate guacamole or Tabasco sauce?
- grosssss!

Would you rather make the sound of the bionic man when straining physically or make the sound of the Jeopardy theme when straining mentally?
-bbionic man


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Black and Milds

1. Would you marry for money?
Sure, for awhile.

2. Have you had braces?

3. Could you live without a computer?
Of course I could live. You think I'd die if I didn't have one? that's weird.

4. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be?
Victorian times? I dunno. Or whenever woman got to wear cool clothes and do nothing.

5. Do you drink enough water?
Not since I've been working in the school. I try to make up for it at night, though.

6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off?
Um, barefoot or socks.

7. What are your favorite fruits?

8. What is your favorite place to visit?
The beach. Or New England!!!!

9. Are you Photogenic?
Um, sometimes. I have my Olsen pose:)

10. Do you dream in color or black and white?

11. Why do you take the survey??
Bc I love them!

12. Do you drink alcohol?
Yes, but not often.

13. What is the most beautiful language?

14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep?
Sounds a little creepy;)

15. WHAT do you like MOST:
new Gilmore Girls episodes

16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old?

17. Is a flat stomach important to you?

19. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights switched on or off?
depends. Off means I'll fall asleep easier.

20. Do you believe in magic?

22. Do you like to watch cartoons?
I want Inspector Gadget on DVD, please.

23. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
I was like, 6?

24. Do you write poems?
No way.

25. Do you snore?
Yes, bc I can't breathe through my nose.

26. You sleep more on your back, front,or side?
side. Although when I sleep for 10 minutes after my shower it's on my back.

27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
poodle. Do not like rottweilers

28. Are you basically a happy person?

29. Are you tired?
Eff yeah

30. Did you drink anything with caffeine?
Today? Coffee.

32. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your house?

33. Do you get along with your parents?

34. Do u smoke?

35. Do you have a kitty?

36. Have you ever had a birthday party?
of course. I'm Scarlet.

37. What do you do when you're sad?
I don't think my sadness lasts for too long bc I try to be cheerful. Only a few times has it lasted and then I try not to think about it.

38. What do you need most now?

39. What song are you listening to now?
Grey's Anatomy

40. What are you craving right now?
um, snow.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Does Lost Come On Tonight?

The Dirty Thirty... 30 unknown facts/secrets about yourself:

1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship?
2 words? alcohol, crush

2. When was the last time you shaved your legs?

3. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
observing an 8th grade chorus class

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
watching Jericho and eating pasta

5. Are you any good at math?
very. I love it!

6. Your prom night?
was super lame, but I wanted to say I went. My dress was $25 and my shoes were $5. I'm awesome!

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?
William Pringle, hellloooo!

8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school?
Yeah, don't most people?

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile?
the real words? probably not;)

10. Last thing received in the mail?
chain letter. seriously!

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
water, coffee (black), TaB, diet coke.

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines?
just voice mail;)

13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?
I guess Jewel, although I went to other things before that

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
yeah! I love the beach.

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
I had a root canal once. I didn't feel it, but I cried hysterically (I was like, 13?)

16. What is out your back door?
grass, then a field.

17. Any plans for Friday night?
Not sure yet

18. Do you like the ocean?
Oooh yeah.

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas?
I think so. WEll, my family has.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
Oh yeah! love those.

22. Something you are excited about?
my hair cut!!!!

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO?
EWEWEW none. no wait, champagne.

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

26. Where do you keep your change?
piggy bank

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
How big is large? Bc I teach every day.

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
I don't know, I need a new one!

29. What was the weather like on your graduation?
high school was wicked hott. college was GORGEOUS!

30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


1. They're making a movie about your life, and you can pick anyone to play you. Who do you pick?

Jennifer Garner and no, we look nothing alike.

2. Pooping in a public bathroom: is it ever okay, ever ever ever?

Girls don't do that.

3. If you could dye your hair for one day, which color would you choose?
I think any lighter color would look WEIRD so I'd go with black.

4. How does your ass look in jeans?

I dont know. Ask the guys in front of Camelot.

5. What one event in your life has affected you most profoundly?

Can college as a whole count?

6. What's something you can't seem to do, but wish you could?

I'm going to say sing bc having a boyfriend seems really lame;)

7. What's the best compliment you've ever gotten?

A guidance counseler told me he wished every student was like me:) I like musical compliments and ones about me being hott.

1. What was your childhood ambition?

I wanted to be super rich and get a green Jaguar. Oh, and I wanted to live in NYC before I ever even went there.

2. What in/famous person do you think you may have been in a former life?

3. What traits do you hope you pass on to your kids/ what ones do you want weeded out of your gene pool forever?

I hope they have the same sense of humor and good common sense. I hope they're better about being able to fall asleep.

4. What TV show(s)/ movie(s) could you have done a better job of writing than the existing creators?

I don't know. I'd be good on any show:)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Amanda Peet Is Pregnant

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Who was your best friend senior year?
Heidi...and Rena.

2.What sports did you play?
tennis and swimming

3. What kind of car did you drive?
Chevy Celebrity!!!

4. Friday night where were you at?
Football games bc I was in stupid Marching Band:(

5. Were you a party animal?
Not at all.

6. Were you considered a flirt?
No way. Not at all.

7. Ever skip school?

8. Were you a nerd?
Ummmm, I was in the smart classes, but not nerdy.

10. Did you get suspended/expelled?
No way

11. Can you sing the fight song?
I can.

12. Who was your favorite teacher?
Senora Whisenant!!!

13.Favorite Class?

14. What is the full name of your high school?
Not saying. I don't want to be searchable!

15. School mascot?

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
No way! I liked parts of high school, but overall-no thanks.

18. What do you remember most about graduation?
Wishing it was over so i could go to the beach.

19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year:
Ummmm, beach week?

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
what's that?

21. Did you have a job your senior year?
at Nasty Food Lion

22. Where did you go most often for lunch?
we could only go to the cafeteria

23. Have you gained weight since then?

24. What did you do after graduation?
went to The OC, then worked and hung out, then went to MWC. Oh, I was on the swim team that year

25. When did you graduate?

26. Where are most of your classmates?
No idea. I'm only in contact with a few

27. Are you going to your ten year reunion?
I don't know. it will be 2008 and that's quite close.

28. Who was your least favorite teacher?
They were all okay.

29. Are you with your High School Sweetheart?
Didn't have one

30. Who will repost this after you?